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Sheriff Larry Campbell


April 4, 2007

Suite 600
Tampa, Florida 33607

RF.:~ Memorandum of Agreemenl - 287(g) Delegation of Authority

Dear Mr. Rodriguez :

This will acknowledge receipt of your e-mail regarding the development of a mutually
agreed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Leon County Sheriff's Office
and the local ICE office concerning the 287(g) Delegation of Authority at the Leon
County Jail. You also provided 8 copy of thc draft MOA.

I am unable to enter into the agreement as it currently reads . The Leon County Jajl
opccatcs at capacity most of the time and we would not be in a position to house
incarcerated aliens as mandated in Section VI of your draft. Should these circumstances
change in the future. I will reevaluate your proposal.

Thank you for contacting us regarding this m~~ have any questions, please do
not hesitate to call me at 850/9aa~ )~ Leon County Jail , at
&50/9 ~ )(c)




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'ry Campbell
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2203 North Lois Ave ., Suite 600
Tampa, FL 33607

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