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PROMPT: What is the

important of the Scientific

-by Kim Kha

What is Scientific Method?

What is the Scientific Method?
Why is it important?

Do you ever get these thought?!

If the answer is ..


you are learning Science and

trying to get more knowledge
about the world where you live

Scientific Method.?!
The Scientific Method was very important and necessary
in Science
But why it is important?!
What is it use for?!
The Scientific Method is the way to make knowledge, it helps us
create facts which helps others also know about what weve learnt
by true answers, we could also use it to approach a problem step
by step to learn more and solve it.

Why do we need the Scientific

The Scientific Method is very necessary, it was an
important part which helped create our knowledge today.
Today, in our modern society, using the internet to find
answers has become a part of our everyday service.
By searching the internet, we could get any information
that we want.

Why why whyyyyyyyyy....?!

For example:
Do you know anything about comets?
When you search for the word comet
The definition:
we t ho
de ge w c
A celestial object consisting of a nucleus of ice
fin t th an
itio os
and dust, when it comes near the sun, a tail of
n? e
gas and dust particles pointing away from the
We used the
Scientific Method

How the Scientific Method help

us to do it?!
The Scientific Method also known as the way to make
knowledge, it includes: observation, question, hypothesis,
experiment/research, and conclusion.

By Observation: what we see, problem, our idea,
thinks, opinion.
Comet is bad thing
Comet tail is the tail of fear
We sometimes see the beautiful
strength light in the night sky

By Question: asks; try to know more about it, thinking
about it.
What can it be?
Where is it come from?
Is it a good thing or bad thing?

we make hypothesis: prediction, guess
Is it come from heaven?
Is it relates to fairy tail?

After that...
we try to experiment/research:
Look at it
Using the telescope

to get the
answer; look more
about it, try to get
more information,
try to do something
that could
answer it.

And finally.
we conclusion it: summarize, final answer that get
from experiment then shared to
a celestial object
others- communicate and when
consisting of a
everyone know about it, it became
nucleus of ice and
dust, when it comes
near the sun, a tail
of gas and dust
particles pointing
away from the sun

The Scientific Method

The Scientific Method helps organize our thoughts step
by step and after being checking several times by others to
make sure if it right, it becomes facts so others could know
about it, it also approaching problems, reaction and guess
match things that connect to our real life problems.

The other use of the Scientific Method

that not a lot of people know about it
The Scientific Method is show curious.
Why do we have that thought?
Is it really the truth?

Oh yes, it was

The Scientific Method show curious by show up our

try because we try to brainstorm question as much as
we can and try to answer our question by a lot of
prediction, imagine and effectuate.

The Scientific Method is the reason why

Science is different from Superstition?!
What is Science?

Science is the root of knowledge which

have a big different from superstition.
But why Science is different from Superstition?
Science is always about real things which basic on
something real, truth, logic, it gives reason, clarity and can be
explained .
Superstition is about something unreal, nonsense,
supernatural, unextinct things, it just about our belief which
create by our mind, our imagine.

..In others word.

Science is Fact
Superstition is Fiction
But how can we get fact?
Of course by the Scientific

Method which create fact

How the scientists use the Scientific

Is the Scientific Method that the scientists use to learn
about the world is the same with what we learn in school?
Sorry but no
The Scientific Method that we learnt in school is often
portray as a consistent, multi-step process.
It usually involves a question, a research period, the
development of hypothesis.

So how the scientists use it?

The Scientific Method that the scientists use is to experiment
It just automatically appear in their genius mind that force
them to do it every time they need to experiment about
sciences, about the world.

The Scientific Method is very

The Scientific Method help us connect one basic to others
basic and make those basic become bigger, become more
powerful which turn us into create new and more
wonderful, useful things.
By the time, it also improves our human knowledge and
show our curious of want to learn more, know more about
our world, our mystery world where still have a lot of
unanswered questions.


The End!!!



Thank you for spending your time to listen to

my presentation.




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