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Rosalind Ali

Final Dream IT Report May 16, 2015

One of my goals of my DreamIT project was to increase student access to content outside of school. My middle school team
brainstormed technology related homework activities and while students seemed to be enthusiastic the new homework
assignments, I did not see the increase in homework being returned that I anticipated.

When I reviewed activity logs for

some of the online practice sites, I also did not see an increase in the amount of content accessed outside of school.
My students are still hampered by lack of access to internet and are still lacking the desire to complete additional work
outside of school. I need to continue looking for ways to incorporate more technology access during instructional time
instead of traditional classroom activities. There is a noticeable difference in student engagement when students are able to
use IPADS in class and Ill be working toward getting one-to-one technology access so that its a daily classroom tool.
The DreamIT process has made me appreciate working and collaborating with a team to create and execute additional
programming for students and parents.

Once our STEM PLC discussed and brainstormed, we came up with amazing

activities and everyone had ideas to make it come together. For example, our Family Math Night was planned in a short
amount of time, but we all had ideas and activities to make it come together quickly. The Family Math Night was a timely
event, well attended, and it reached the entire school population.
A collaboration with my science teacher resulted in the incorporation of computation fluency practice at the beginning of
every science class which allowed me to use the math period to devote more time to developing conceptual understanding
and application of concepts. The afterschool skill and computation boot camp for 6 th graders had a 96% attendance rate over
a period of six weeks.
We just started NWEA testing and in a few weeks, Ill be able to analyze data and determine growth areas. Im hoping to see
increased scores in the number sense strand.
Over the summer, our math team will meet and plan more number sense activities for next year. Im planning to have a more
structured math club and participate in the Math Counts competition. Im also planning to find ways to have students practice
procedural skills and problem solving using technology devices. Next year will see an increase in students creating explainit-to me videos, completing quick-fire activities and maintain a math journal web page instead of the paper based math
journal that Ive tried to use. I intended to use weebly with my class but wasnt able to have the students create the websites
this year. Im starting to see how I can let go of some of the traditional paper-based activities and replace them with
technology tools for homework, presentation of work, note keeping and journaling.

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