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Chelsea Yangirelfil Multicultural Foundation ED 282 28 January 2015 iD , Reflection #1 My culture which is the Yapese culture consists of both positive and negative things. One of the things that | find most positive of the Yapese culture is the strong sense of respect towards elders and to our island. | believe that respect is really important in one’s life and the Yapese culture really sees that as an importance. The kids are taught to respect, especially their elders. However, a negative thing that contrasts to this is that respect is not equally shared. What I mean by this is that respect is mostly given to the elders and to men. Women are not regarded highly in the Yapese culture. Personally, that particular situation in my culture is aggravating. Although that is my culture, my immediate family does not practice nor believe in that, but we do believe in respect. ‘Some other positive things are the traditions and the inner workings of the class hierarchy, ‘Other negative things are the acceptance of abuse (to an extent) in families and the belief that education is not important. From what | have heard and little knowledge about my ethnic background, the stereotypes may be that Yapese likes to gossip a lot or that they are hardworking. | say hardworking because most of them believe in taking care of their land which includes their farm and garden. Also another one is Yapese being alcoholic, | think. They like to drink a lot. | do not know much about my culture, but this is what I believe are the stereotypes in my culture,

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