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Chelsea Yangirelfil

Mr. Merar
ED282 Multicultural Education
05 March 2015
Reflection: Chapter 6
Title funds are beneficial to the public schools on Saipan just like how it is
beneficial to the schools in the United States. Title Funds, itself, is money that is
given to allow all children to receive equal and high quality education. If I am
correct, The Public School System is receiving Title Funds. This helps teachers and
administrators to cater to the needs of students. Not only that, but the Title Funds
gives extra services to the students who need it. The schools in the CNMI have lowachieving children, children with disabilities, and students that need assistance in
academics. With the Title Funds, PSS has the ability to provide all students with
equal and high quality education, which is the purpose of the Title Funds.
Although Title Funds is really beneficial to the public schools in the CNMI, The
Public School System has to delegate the expenses according to what is needed and
what is important to the students.

That is, the spending of it has to follow the

policies of the Title I Fund. Just like any fund, in order for it to be deemed useful, it
has to be used wisely. I am not implying anything, but that is my opinion of the Title
Funds being used in the CNMI. All in all, I believe that despite the economic
differences between the CNMI and the US, the CNMI still benefits from the Title I
Funds compared to the school in the United States.

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