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Outline: Racial Profiling

A. Background (Provide Background information for your topic)
1. Hook- African Americans Originally came to America unwillingly, have
been stolen and sold by Muslim slave-catchers in Africa to Dutch traders
journeying to america in 1619. (Barton Foreword (no page #))
2. Background- The four-long story of african american political history truly
is an incredible story but much of the early history is now unknown.
(Barton Foreword (no page #))
3. Thesis Statement (What are you trying to prove?)- Few know much about
the extraordinary heroes from the first three-and-a-half centuries of that
history. (Barton Foreword (no page #))
II. Body of research paper
A. Thesis Support #1(Narrow your support to 3 main categories)- Despite such
extensive works many of our early black heroes and patriots are unknown today;
and equally unknown is much of what occurred in black political history. (Barton
page 6)
1. First main idea of category- Too much information is not presented today;
and often, too many conclusions are wrongly assumed from the little that
is seen. (Barton page 6)
a. When that slave ship arrived in Massachusetts, the ships officers
were arrested and imprisoned and the kidnapped slaves were
returned to Africa at the Colonys expense. That side of history is
untold today. (Barton page 6)
b. Too often, only a handful of these heroes from black history are
presented-much like showing only a snapshot or two out of history
are pre-of photos. (Barton page 6)
c. Today, many critics assert that the Constitution was a pro-slavery
document, and to prove this, they point to the three-Fifths Clause.
(Barton page 9)
d. Three years after his escape, he delivered an anti-slavery speech in
Massachusetts. (Barton page 9)
B. Thesis Support #2- On December 28, 2003, Cerqueira, a computer consultant who
spent a great deal of time traveling the country, was removed from an American
Airlines flight from Boston, Massachusetts, to Florida. The two Israeli men sitting
next to him were taken off the flight as well. They were not told why. (Orr page 6)
1. First main idea of category (Complete topic sentence)- The targets of


racial profiling have changed throughout U.S. history. (Orr page 18)
a. The practice has remained much the same. U.S. citizens have
previously placed blame on specific racial groups and acted in
racist manners. (Orr page 18)
b. Throughout its history, the United States has battled racism. Its
people have fought to create a nation that gives equal opportunity
to all. (Orr page 19)
c. In early 2004, President Bush signed the End Racial Profiling Act,
also known as the ERPA. (Orr page 73)
d. The act points out how racial profiling is harmful to commerce
because minorities may feel they are unable to travel freely. (Orr
page 74)
C. Thesis Support #3- He must be honest. Negros-Afro-Americans-showed no

inclination to rush to the United Nations and demand Justice for themselves here
in America. ( X page 419)
1. First main idea of category (Complete topic sentence)- He is for violence
if non-violence means we continue postponing a solution to the American
black mans problem- just to avoid violence. (X page 422)
a. If it must take violence to get the black man his human rights in the
country. (X page 422)
b. But most American white people seem not to have it in them to
make any serious atonement-to do justice to the black men. (X
page 426)
c. He is for violence exactly as you know the Irish, the Poles, or Jews
would be if they were flagrantly discriminated against. (X page
d. Many black men, the victims-in fact most black men-would like to
be able to forgive, to forget, the crimes. (X page 426)
D. Counterargument
1. Main idea- They somehow need to find the courage deep within ourselves
to be able to confront conflict rather than avoid or run away from it.
(LaFayette & Johnson page 165)
2. Rebuttal- One of theirs personal goals in Selma was to bring people
together in a trusting, respectful relationship in order to reduce fear.
(LaFayette & Johnson page 166)
III. Conclusion

A. Restate thesis ( not word for word)- Accepting pain is not a popular idea for most

people. (LaFayette & Johnson page 167)

B. Tie Thesis topics together
1. It does not mean accepting how bad youve been treated and discipline
without an response.
2. But that response must be steady with goals we seek so that pain is not in
a vacuum but rather in the context of a campaign for change.
3. Then the pain they feel becomes the source of strength.
C. Concluding thoughts


2014 Senior Project Research Paper Outline Template

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1. Go to File>Make a copy>
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Each section of the body section is color coded.
** FIRES- an acronym for Facts, Incidents, Reasons, Examples and Statistics
For each detail you need to cite, place the last name of the author (work title if there is no
author) and the page number in parentheses.
Example: 1. There are approximately 34,000 emus in the United States, 16,000 of which
are male. (Johnson 34).

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