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Nick Hamele

EDUL 767
Reflection: Standard 7: Law & Politics
Wisconsin Administrator Standard 7: Law & Politics: How do you as an administrator understand, respond to, and
interact with the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context that affects schooling?

We live in a time where education and politics are more closely entwined than at any time in recent
memory. Regardless of everything else that is happening with education and the law, what it all comes
down to for me is-what is best for our students today and 20 years from now. The world outside our
walls has tremendous impact on our ability to do the best by our kids, and so I must be able to stay on
top of the important issues, attitudes and influences at the local, state and national level. I must know
the climate in which we exist and be able to leverage that understanding to influence larger issues when
I can, maximize opportunities that arise for my staff and students and navigate the most advantageous
course for our building and district.
How have and will I go about navigating the political and legal challenges that face our schools?
My first recourse is relationships. I consistently work towards building and maintaining relationships
with parents, local leaders and state representatives so that I can take the temperature of any situation
and be proactive in avoiding issues and advocating for our schools. I build strong relationships with
local administrators. They are and will be my best resource for the larger political and legal issues that
we deal with as well as for the day to day legal questions that inevitably arise, and for navigating
community relationships. I will continue to participate in professional organizations like AWSA and use
their resources to keep me up to date on pertinent issues on a regular basis.
In the current political climate, the area where I can have the most influence is in the local
community. I will focus my main efforts around the district by being supportive, visible and
approachable at school and diverse community events. I will continue to work to bring the school into
the community and the community into the school as I have done with my Science Week TED Talks,
Science Gag Show, school group road clean up, tree planting, food pantry drives and other civic
works. Building this strong sense of interconnected community will not only help us further public
education support and funding in terms of budgets, referenda and donations, but it will help our students
by building a community wide sense of the importance and value of a strong education.
The legal aspects of this standard are pretty straight forward. Know the applicable laws and know
when I dont know enough so I can turn to other experts for advice and counsel. When I am in doubt
about how to proceed legally, fairly, and politically it is OK to take a little time so that I can carefully
consider the situation and ramifications of any action and then act deliberately in the best interest of our
kids, our staff and the district.
An administrator needs to first and foremost build strong trusting relationships within their school
and the broader community. An administrator also has to have their finger on the pulse of local and state
politics, perceptions in social media, and the school so that they can find the best way to help their
school and their kids succeed. An administrator needs to know and carefully consider the law at all
times. An administrator needs to be calm, approachable, friendly, as well as enthusiastic in their
promotion of and love for education. If an administrator can do all of this well, then they should be well
positioned to advocate for their school and kids in the political and legal arena.

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