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RUBRIC FOR PDE430 adapted from

University of Nebraska-Kearney School of Education


A1. Unit/lesson plans are prepared in advance
0-no advance planning
1-minimal preparation in advance
2-adequate preparation in advance
3-outstanding preparation in advance
A2. Teachers content knowledge
0-frequent errors in content knowledge
1-mostly accurate, occasional errors
2-accurate content knowledge
3-extensive content knowledge
A3. Teachers pedagogical knowledge
0-frequent errors in pedagogical knowledge
1-mostly accurate, occasional errors
2-accurate pedagogical knowledge
3-extensive pedagogical knowledge
A4. Links new concepts to previous knowledge
0-no evidence of attempts to link new concepts to previous knowledge
1-inconsistent use of students prior knowledge to design learning activities
2-intentional use of students prior knowledge to design learning activities
3-uses strategies that are most effective for students to link previous knowledge to new learning
A5. Plans a variety of effective teaching strategies
0-reliance upon a single teaching strategy
1-occasional use of different strategies
2-often uses a variety of effective teaching strategies to reach all students
3-consistently uses a variety of effective teaching strategies to reach all students
A6. Considers students cultural background and interests when planning
0-no evidence
1-working to develop
2-occasionally plans activities that reflect students interests
3-consistently plans activities that reflect students interests
A7. Infuses appropriate technology, games, history, and media into instruction
0-little or no inappropriate infusion
1-attempting to use but has no significant impact on teaching and learning
2-often uses available and appropriate materials to enhance teaching and learning
3-consistently uses available and appropriate materials

total points divided by 7 = score _______

B1. Demonstrates high expectations for learning and achievement for students
0-shows little or no evidence of adapting or adjusting instruction to meet individual needs
1-acknowledges the value of high expectations and is attempting to adjust
2-often demonstrates high expectations for learning and achievement for all students
3-consistently demonstrates high expectations for learning and achievement for all students
B2. Develops relationships with students
0-has none or has inappropriate relationships with students, relates with only selected students, misunderstands adult/student relationships
1-is beginning to understand the educational importance of appropriate adult/student relationships
2-intentionally maintains appropriate adult/student relationships
based on mutual respect, resulting in a more positive learning environment
3-intentionally initiates and maintains appropriate adult/student relationships
based on mutual respect, resulting in a more positive learning environment, and begins to initiate relationships with families and/or
B3. Creates a positive classroom environment, mutual respect, and a caring atmosphere
0-classroom interactions are often disrespectful and /or uncaring
1-recognizes factors that create a positive classroom environment and is beginning to implement them
2-maintains a positive, respectful and democratic classroom
3-facilitates students responsibilities to develop a positive, respectful and democratic classroom
B4. Establishes classroom routines and expectations
0-rarely establishes routines or holds students accountable
1-classroom routines and expectations are established but only function with mentor assistance
2-classroom routines and expectations are established and usually functional, with little loss of instructional time
3-classroom routines and expectations function smoothly with students assuming responsibility for classroom behavior
B5. Effectively manages transitions
0-instructional time is lost during transitions, behavioral problems result
1-smooth transitions occasionally occur with some loss of instructional time
2-transitions usually occur smoothly with little loss of instructional time
3-transitions are consistently smooth with students assuming responsibility and instructional time rarely lost
B6. Manages time and materials
0-limited evidence of time management and organization of materials, resulting in lost instructional time
1-daily schedule and routines for management of materials/equipment are in place but utilized inconsistently
2-daily schedule and routines for management of materials/equipment are in place and usually utilized
3-daily schedule and routines for management of materials/equipment are in place and utilized consistently
B7. Monitors student behavior and uses a variety of behavioral management strategies
0-rarely monitors student behavior, inconsistently or incorrectly uses behavioral management strategies, and is insensitive to student
1-beginning to recognize and monitor student behavior and uses behavioral management strategies that sometimes yield desired results
2-intentionally monitors student behavior and uses a variety of behavioral management strategies that yield desired results; interventions
are sensitive to student differences
3-anticipates student behavior and implements preventative behavior management strategies to yield desired results; interventions are
sensitive to student differences

total points divided by 7 = score _______

C1. Objectives are clear to all students
0-lesson objectives are not communicated to students
1-lesson objectives are communicated but unclear
2-students are able to identify the objective of the lesson
3-evidence that students give input into the creation of learning objectives
C2. Adjusts pace and teaching strategies by monitoring student understanding
0-no attempts or awareness of the need to adjust pace and teaching strategies
1-occasionally adjusts pace and teaching strategies
2-consistently monitors student performance and adjusts pace and teaching strategies accordingly
3-anticipates and plans for the variety of pace and teaching strategies that may occur
C3. Asks questions to stimulate thinking and discussion and engages students in meaningful activities
0-activities and questions fail to cognitively engage students
1-some students are engaged in relevant learning activities
2-most are engaged in relevant learning activities
3-all are engaged in relevant learning activities
C4. Shows energy and enthusiasm for teaching and subject matter
0-shows little or no energy or enthusiasm toward teaching and subject matter
1-energy and enthusiasm are evident but inconsistent
2-consistently demonstrates sincere energy and enthusiasm
3-there is ample evidence that teachers energy and enthusiasm inspires students
C5. Writes and speaks clearly and correctly
0-frequent errors in written/oral communications
1-occasional errors exist in written/oral communications
2-written/oral communications are always adequately expressed in standard English
3-written/oral communications is exemplary
C6. Uses appropriate opening hook and lesson closure activities
0-no hooks or closure activities
1-occasional opening hook and closure activities are limited to review without connections to past and future learning
2-frequent hooks and closure activities occasionally help students make connections to past and future learning
3-consistent hook excite class and closure activities consistently connect to things learned during the lesson and make connections to past
and future learning
C7. Connections to other disciplines and real world applications
0-no attempts
1-occasional or adequate connections
2-regular and strong connections
3-consistent and exemplary connections

total points divided by 7 = score _______

D1. Has a record of excellent attendance and punctuality
0-missed 5 or more days, has unacceptable excuses for absences, is continually late
1-missed 4 or fewer days and/or frequently late
2-missed 1-2 days and/or usually on time
3-has a record of perfect attendance and punctuality
D2. Professionally dressed and groomed
0-does not dress as a professional, wears inappropriate or immodest apparel, often does not follow good grooming guidelines
1-occasionally dresses as a professional, occasionally wears inappropriate clothing, occasionally not well-groomed
2-usually dresses as professional, usually wears appropriate apparel, usually well-groomed
3- always projects a professional image in clothing and grooming
D3. Works with classroom mentor to keep in communication with parents
D4. Demonstrates professional ethics (confidentiality, respect, fairness, legal obligations)
0-often exhibits unprofessional behavior
1-usually demonstrates professional ethics
2-frequently exhibits professional behavior
3-always demonstrates highest of professional standards in all aspects of teaching profession, even in difficult situations
D5. Exhibits desire to work with other professionals
D6. Participation in non-classroom school events
3-exceeds expectations
D7. Utilizes constructive criticism from classroom and university mentors
0-unreceptive, blames others
1-sometimes open to criticism, sometimes makes excuses
2-listens attentively and makes use of feedback
3-seeks out constructive criticism and implements change as soon as possible

total points divided by 7 = score _______

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