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esson: _Cezannes Apples_ Class: _Greaves/Elementary Art/Broken Arrow Elementary_

_1st Grade_

cher Candidate: ___Alison L. Miller_______________________________________________________ MoPTA Lesson Plan Format (revised by KCAI)

will gain a better understanding of still life painting by comparing and contrasting Van
flowers (from their previous lesson) with a selection of Cezannes many apple still
eflecting on Cezannes still lifes, the students will make their own apple still life
response to Cezannes apple drawings, incorporating texture, shapes, and multiple

ng artists, art/Understanding art
will view Van Goghs painting
s and compare and contrast it with
of Cezannes many apple still lifes.
will discuss purpose and the makeup

will discuss the following vocabulary

life, scale, shape, and texture.
Creating/ Expressing
will draw the outlines of a plate and
les) in the center of their paper in
ls and fill in the plate and apples with
s and oil pastels.
will design a textured background
) behind their plates of apples and
h watercolors.

Integrating technology
- Students will view examples of Cezannes apple
still lifes and Van Goghs Sunflowers as
projected onto a screen from PowerPoint.
- Students will listen to the story An Apple A Day
by Caroline Arnold, as presented on the
Metropolitan Museum of Arts website.

Evaluating art works
- Students will compare and contrast the
process used to make their torn paper
sunflowers with the process used to make their
apple paintings.
- Students will identify shapes, patterns,
differences in scale, and texture in their apple
- Students will tell their tablemates what they
like about their artwork and what they think
they could have done differently to make their

(2-3 sentences about why this topi
important and relevant to age gro

List the lessons objectives and lea
outcomes appropriate for meeting
curricular and student needs.
Include objectives for:
studying artists, art/understan
integrating technology
creating/ expressing
evaluating art works
exhibiting art works

work better.
- Students will place their artwork in a grid, so
they can see everyones completed artwork.
Quality Indicators/Skills
Missouri National Core Art Standards


Identify the Missouri and national
standards, quality indicators, and s
addressed for each objective.

List at least 2 visuals that are relev
appropriate to the lesson objective

ture and Daily Procedures


gin the lesson, the students will view a recording of the story An Apple A Day by Caroline
d to learn about Paul Cezanne and his apple still lifes.
w of any concepts
tudents will review their knowledge of shapes.
tudents will review their knowledge of texture.
tudents will learn/review the vocabulary words still life, scale, shape and texture.
king for Understanding
tudents will answer questions regarding still life, scale, shape and texture.
tudents will identify scale, shape and texture in their artwork.
tudents will then view a PowerPoint presentation that introduce Cezannes apple still
and reinforce their knowledge of Van Goghs Sunflowers.
tudents will listen to how Cezanne placed emphasis on the geometric forms of objects.
ents will watch the teacher demonstrate how to draw a large circle on paper with a
ents will draw a large circle on their own paper with pencils.

Consider the Studio Thinking and C
Based Education Models here in yo
strategies for engaging students.

Link your procedures to your objec

ents will watch the teacher demonstrate how to draw three smaller circles inside the
circle with a pencil.
ents will then draw 3-5 smaller circles inside their large circles with pencils.
ents will watch the teacher demonstrate how to draw a textured rim around the plate
a pencil.
ents will then use pencils to draw a textured rim around their plates.
ents will watch the teacher demonstrate how to outline the drawing in black oil pastel.
ents will outline their drawings in black oil pastel.
ents will watch the teacher demonstrate how to add color to their apples and their plates.
ents will add color to their apples and their plates.

ents at Work
ents will work individually.
ents time will be split among the introductory story and PowerPoint, watching
onstrations, and working individually on their tiles.
ogress Assessment
ents will be asked about their knowledge of shape, texture, scale, and still life.
ents will compare and contrast Van Goghs Sunflowers with Cezannes apple still lifes.
ents will be warned when they have ten minutes left to work.
ents will be asked to clean up when 5 minutes are left before class ends.
w and Closure
ents will compare and contrast making apple drawings/paintings versus making torn
r sunflowers (previous assignment).
assessment (if applicable)

ents will review Cezannes apple still lifes and Van Goghs Sunflowers.
ents will review the process of making their apples images.
ents will review the vocabulary words shape, scale, still life and texture.
w of any concepts
king for Understanding

tudents will answer questions about the previous lesson.

tudents will individually tell the teacher about their images.
ents will watch the teacher demonstrate how to design a textured and patterned
ground (table cloth) using a pencil.
ents will design their textured and patterned backgrounds (table cloths) using pencils.
ents will watch the teacher demonstrate how to paint the textured and patterned
ground (table cloth).
ents will paint their textured and patterned backgrounds.
ents at Work
ents will work individually.
ents will choose which cool colors to paint their backgrounds.
ents will compare and contrast their images with Cezannes apple still lifes.
ents will shared their artwork with their tablemates and share one thing they like about
work and one thing they would do to improve their work.
nts will fill out final reflection sheets.
ents will be warned when they have ten minutes left to work.
ents will be asked to clean up when 5 minutes are left before class ends.
w and Closure
ents will review the goals of the project.
ents will place their images in a grid and compare and contrast their artwork.
assessment (if applicable)
ents will fill out final reflection sheets about the assignment.

nd Supplies:
or, date, title)
ay: A Story inspired by Paul Cezannes Paintings by Caroline Arnold (The Metropolitan
Art), 2003.

d title)
ay: A Story inspired by Paul Cezannes Paintings by Caroline Arnold (The Metropolitan
Art), 2003;

List all resources (book, web, art su
etc.) used in the planning of and du
instruction of the lesson(s). Be spe

Gogh, Sunflowers

e, Apple still lifes

x 12 in. paper (one per student)
ls (one per student)
, red and green oil pastels (one stick per student)
rcolor sets (one per student)
brushes (one per student)
paper (one per student)
r cups (seven)

eacher-made resources)

pleted teacher sample of Cezannes apples
ogress teacher sample (worked on during each class)

head projector

List all Instructional and/or assistiv

rpoint program
a player on computer

technology incorporated into the le

to enhance instruction and studen

ents will be asked what they know about shape, scale, still lifes and texture.
1 & 2)
ents will be asked about the similarities and differences between Van Goghs Sunflowers
Cezannes apple still lifes.
ents will be asked to define shape, scale, still lifes and texture.

ents will compare and contrast their torn paper sunflowers with their apple paintings.
ents will arrange their pieces together in order to compare and contrast their completed
ents will share their work with their tablemates, and tell them what they like about their
nd what they would do to improve it.
ents will fill out final reflection sheets.

List Assessment(s) used before, du
and/or after the lesson.
Attach 1 tool you can use with stud
that you have created for this lesso

que / exhibit:

ents will tell their tablemates what they like about their artwork and what they would do
prove it.
ents will arrange their paintings together in order to compare and contrast their
leted projects.

ork will be displayed in the school hallways.

on/Accommodations/Modifications/Increase in Rigor:

ents will add shading to the still lifes using black oil pastel and highlights using white
eacher and students will develop an alternative assignment together.

Identify how you will modify conte

materials and/or environment to m
needs of diverse learners.


ents will be given different questions to focus on during the final reflection.
ents will be allowed to present information for the final reflection in an alternative
ents will be allowed to reach an alternative resolution to the assignment while following
ypical instructions.
eacher and the student will develop an alternative assignment.


eacher will provide a worksheet listing the information provided in the presentation.
eacher will provide an assignment worksheet, display the assignment, and present the
nment verbally.
eacher will say and write down the ideas students suggest during the whole group
eacher will allow extra time to complete tasks.

eacher will present the information in a positive manner.
eacher will keep the presentation short, use many pictures in the Powerpoint, and
de a few words in the presentation for emphasis.
eacher will stop presenting information if students are talking amongst themselves or
wise interrupting.
ep students on task, the teacher will spend time walking around the room and speaking
students about their progress as they work on their projects.
eacher will reiterate what the students should be considering as they work on their
upplies will be easily accessible to students and easy to clean up.

Identify strategies you will use to h
students on task and actively enga
to redirect inappropriate behavior

Consider the materials you will be
and how they might be organized.

ents will have the opportunity to create a fruit still life using whatever fruits they prefer. Identify activities for early finishers
extend students understanding of
thinking about the learning objecti

50 words): (complete this after lesson has been taught, before you turn in final copy)


Graders explored still lifes by learning about Cezannes apple paintings.

ng at Cezannes artwork, the students had the opportunity to create their
paintings in which they focused on texture, shape and scale.

udent Work (include minimum 4 examples )

applying their new knowledge in a

for examples

If you were to teach this lesson aga
the same age group, how would yo
change the lesson?


.1A.1 - Fill an area with solid color/value using crayon, pencil, or marker

.3C.1 - Create original artwork that communicates ideas about the following
ople (e.g., self, family, friends) Animals (e.g., pets, farm, zoo, wild) Things (e.g., toys, tools, food)

I.1B.1 - Identify and use triangle, circle, square, rectangle and oval shapes. Categorize shapes as small, medium, and large.

I.1D.1 - Identify and use texture.

I.1G.1 - Identify and demonstrate the use of space.

I.2A.1 - Identify and demonstrate the concept of middle or center.

I.2A.1 Identify the following in artworks: Lines, Shapes, Colors, Patterns.

V.1B.1 Compare and contrast two artworks on: Subject matter, use of line, color, and shape.

Use observation and investigation in preparation for making a work of art.

Use art vocabulary to describe choices while creating art

- Compare images that represent the same subject.

- Interpret art by categorizing subject matter and identifying the characteristics of form.

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