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Gaspar 1

Elizabeth Gaspar
Lungs 7B
September 16, 2014

Ages and Stages Report:

Infancy (Birth-2 years):

During this time of my infancy, is the time where I do not recall a lot of my memories. I was a
premature baby, born at seven months, something that neither of my parents expected when they
found out they were expecting their first child. As a baby, we gain many reflexes that we
instinctively learn in order to survive like sucking and grasping. As a newborn baby I was
breastfed but I quickly stopped on my own after a couple of months for an unknown cause. I
would also suck my thumb as a baby and infant. Motor skills that infants learn are to roll over,
sit, crawl, standing and walking. I started to crawl at 5
months and started to walk as a one year old. Cognitive
development that infants learn are the rapid growth in
communication for example like crying, gesture, and
facial expressions; Those are examples of how I would
communicate as an infant. Infants form bonds with infants
their age and also also increase awareness of ownership. I
would interact with infants but I was shy at time because it
wasnt a lot of time that I spent with other infants. When I
did I made sure that they wouldnt touch my things.
Early Childhood (2-6 years):
From the ages of 2-6 children increasing their abilities in motor skills, such as running, skipping,
throwing a ball and using scissors. As a child I was a very fast learning girl, I would always be
running and playing with other kids, even though it was
kind of hard for me to make friends because of how shy
I was. At this age children also learn to play
dramatically and using their imagination, also have the
ability to draw simple figure, start acknowledging some
numbers and letters and can also start recounting events
and stories. When I started kinder and even before I was
already aware of some numbers and letters because my
mom would spend time with me and tell me the
difference between them. In my kinder class everything
for me was sort of easy, since I went to Cali, a bilingual

Gaspar 1
Middle Childhood (6-10 years):
From ages 6-10 years, childrens abilities become more complex, which allows them to ride a
bicycle, play sports and imitate perfectly. My parents tried so many times to teach me how to
ride a bicycle but I would always fall. One day I decided to try on my own, so I grabbed my
bicycle and I got on and after several tries, I finally rode my bicycle and all by myself. In Cali we
would always learn a dance and I was always good at learning them but I did notice that many
other kids were struggling. Kids learning start to progress, in their academics, which allows
children to think more logically when it comes to math and
English. Learning two languages during these ages wasnt as
hard for me as to the rest of the kids because I was a fast
learner and after school all I did was do my homework and
spend time reading. As a child I was very focused and
always knew what was right and what was wrong. Also in
this time my little sister was born and I was more aware that
I now was the big sister and also that I needed to help more
around the house, which made me into a responsible little
Early Adolescence (10-14 years):
Between the ages of 10-14 years, I remember mostly
everything. During these ages is when each gender hits its
puberty and everything starts to change. I got my period at a young age, at the age of 11 and I
was also growing dramatically. During my years at Cali I was one of the tallest person in my
school, the other one was a peer of mine which was also a
girl. Kids at this age are more advanced in their
academics by being able to resolve more complex
questions and have can do more critical thinking. I was
always a very smart girl because I was very focused,
basically I felt more mature than other kids because I had
a lot of responsibilities that not many had. For example I
did a lot of chores in my home when others didnt even
have to worry about that, I also had to help my mom with
my little sister and my newborn baby brother. Kids also
grow a interest with the opposite sex, have peer
relationships and also challenge the authority. I liked guys
from my school but didnt really date, I also started to go
to parties and do things my parents didnt let me do. I
would starts asking my parents for more freedom because
I felt like I deserved it.

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Late Adolescence (14-18 years):
The ages of 14-16 are the years in which we spend at the high school. These years are the years
that I remember clearly because they are the most recent. We learn specific eating habits, learn
about maturity and we develop exercise habits. Throughout these years I have learned that I have
a great responsibility and have started to view the world in a complete different way. I have
learned that what foods are healthy and which are not and I have also learned that I have to
exercise in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I started to dance during my freshman year in
Windsor Bloco which I still do and I did besides having p.e. After my sophomore year I didnt
have p.e anymore so I entered another dancing group which dances traditional dances of where I
am from. Dancing has helped me maintain at least some exercise in my life. Teenagers learn
more about their future and how to prepare for college. All my high school years I have been in
AVID and that has helped me understand a lot of things that my parents cant teach me.
Teenagers start dating, learn about independence, and start questioning things. I have been in
relationships but nothing serious and now that Im older I have become more aware about dating.
I have also realized that I am more independent and responsible than I was before because I am
now responsible for my brother and sister when my parents works besides also taking care of
myself. During these past years I have learn so many new things about life and what to expect of
the future. Whatever is coming up next in my life, I am prepared for it.

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