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Shawn Frank-Forbes

Melissa Sipin
ENGL211: English Composition
April 30, 2015

Reflective Essay:

When I transferred to Old Dominion University I believed my college English

career was complete. I met all the requirement of my previous University and thought I
no longer had to take another class. To my horror I discovered that there were additional
requirements and I was forced to sign up for ENGL211: English Composition. My
previous aversion to English college courses was built from professors who lacked
understanding and pushed a single minded perspective. I am quite capable of establishing
a well formatted paper with no to few punctuation errors, and felt this class would be a
complete waste of my time. When I learned the theme of this class was created
argumentative essay I felt contradictory feelings. Like any person I clearly enjoy stating
my mind and defending my opinions but was also worried my more conservative beliefs
would leave me at odds with the teacher and my peers. This class was an example of how
a college course in writing and stating an argument should be conducted. A diversity of
opinions was respected and only added to the dynamic of the class as a whole. This class
has left me with a new perspective of a college English course.
I have taken two prior English composition classes and have mastered the five
point essay. Creating a flowing paper has not come difficult to me but this class showed

me a new way to write an argumentative paper. Before this class I could not differentiate
the difference between a Toulmin and Rogerian Model and the importance of the two
different methods. I read the news everyday and I now have a new appreciation for being
able to dissect blogs and articles. This also has allowed me to have a new format to create
an argumentative essay. Throughout all four of my paper but especially in Paper Two I
was able to create a successful argument in a case that I had very mixed feelings about.
As a writer I will always be working on my writing components. As a Business
and Accounting Major most of the writing I complete for business related classes are
memos and other business letters that go against the conventional writing format. While I
feel I have the format down I always wonder if my skills begin to fade as I do not use
them as often as I should. There is a huge difference in business writing were the lack of
sophistication is often preferred and writing about current events that involve difficult
and complex issues. I will try not to let my new skills I developed in this course to fade
simply because I do not exercise them enough,
Another skill I have developed throughout this course is the correct use of the
MLA Format. In my prior University the APA format was preferred and it has been years
since I used Modern Language Association defined format and I was worried about
plagiarizing or incorrectly citing references. The definition of plagiarism has changed
immensely since I first began my college career almost six years ago. Unless there was a
malicious and intended use of others work many teachers overlooked incorrect in-text
citations and works cited pages. Now however expressing ideas, thoughts, or words of
others require some sort of reference. I find when writing research papers especially with
the Research Steps Assignment and the Final Argumentative Research Paper that it was

essential that I correctly site all of my sources and do so correctly. To remain confident in
using MLA format I will defiantly have to commit time outside my studies to stay
relevant in the subject. Often these citations formats are updated and require users to
study the changes made.
All this work throughout the course has been building up to the completion of our
portfolios. As such a technology based society paper portfolios has become obsolete and
now it is essential for students and those seeking employment to be able to put together
an extensive and well formatted portfolio online. Through this course I have been
introduced to free tools I was unaware even existed. This is the first class I have ever
completed a portfolio online as my final. I was a little apprehensive at first as well I am
very computer inclined I still worried about created a polished final product. The final
class where the professor outlines several free webpage creators and even showed us her
own portfolio was probably the most fulfilling class for me. This is a skill that will be
essential for when I graduate and begin looking for employment in the workforce.
This class while is something I would never have taken unless required by the
university has proven to be thoughtful and worthwhile. The skills I have taken from this
class will be essential for continuing my education. No matter if I choose to go to
Graduate school or seek employment I know I am proficient in writing and English
Composition 211 has only added to that.

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