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Cultural Geography

Ms. Schulz
The number one rule in my class is to respect yourself and
others around you. You matter, and you should show
others that they matter too.
Other expectations:
Be respectful of others opinions and ideas.
Come to class prepared and ready to learn.
Communicate respectfully with me and your peers when you need to
advocate for yourself.
If a student is consistently not meeting expectations, there will be a studentteacher conference.

A: 90-100
B: 80-89
C: 70-79
D: 60-69
F: 0-59
50% of your grade will be based on assessments. This includes: tests,
essays or projects.
The other 50% of your grade will be based on homework and in-class
work. This includes: maps, group work, individual work, writing
assignments, current event research, participation, and projects.

Homework should be turned in on its due date at the beginning of class. Late
homework assignments will be accepted for partial credit up to a week
after its original due date. Each day late is an additional 10% off your grade
for the assignment.
For example: if you turn in an assignment 5 days after the original due date,
the grade would be 5/10 points instead of 10/10.

If you have a special circumstance regarding a late assignment, please

communicate with me.
If you are absent for a test or quiz, you are able to come in outside of class
time to take it.
If you are unhappy with a test or quiz result, you are permitted up to one
retake for each test or quiz. The retake must be done outside of class hours.
You may schedule a time with me for the retake. If your retake grade is worse
than your original grade, I will take the higher grade.
Students should try their best to be present for class, but I understand that
things happen. If you are absent from class, communicate with me through
e-mail or in person. When you return to school:
1) Reference the extra papers file (located on the bookshelf next to my
desk) for the day(s) that you missed. Collect the handouts you missed.
2) Talk to a classmate about any notes or directions you might be
3) If you have any additional questions after talking to a classmate, see
For any make-up work, you will be allowed 1 day for every day you missed,
plus 1 extra day. For your daily dose of algebra, that means: 1d+1 (d=days
missed). That means if you missed 3 days (d) you will be allowed 4 days to
make up any work. After the allowed days, the late policy for points will
Students should be in their chairs and ready to begin class when the bell
If a student has an unexcused tardy 3 or more times, there will be a studentteacher conference.
I expect all students to participate and be present in class.
Participation will not affect your grade on a daily basis, but on some
days/assignments you will be graded on participation.

For example, all students will be graded on their participation in Socratic

seminars. Participation will also be a factor in an assignment grade for group
projects or assignments. I will always specify how many points participation
is worth on an assignment.

I know that we can all learn from each other

this semester, and I am excited to get to
know all of you.

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