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Mixed methods research

Quantitative methods
Numerical statistical data
Searches for patterns, trends, cause
and effect
Concerned with reliability and

Qualitative methods
Data presented in words
Searches for verstehen and empathy
Concerned with validity, meanings and

The multiple of mixed methods approach has generally been used in two broad
ways, through the reasons for using each approach often overlaps.
1. Methodological pluralism: this is where the researcher employs more than
one method of research in order to build u p a fuller and more
comprehensive picture of social life.
2. Triangulation: refers to the use of multiple or mixed methods to crosscheck and verify the reliability of a particular research tool and the validity
of the data collected.
Researchers will be flexible and select the methods most suitable for collecting
the data they require. As long as the method fits what the needs (fitness for
purpose) it really does not matter if it produces quantitative date or qualitative
Advantages of mixed methods:

Adding text to numbers can help add meaning and feeling to objective or
quantitative data.
Adding numbers of statistics to qualitative data can add more precision
and can allow for comparisons, trends and patterns to be observed
A broader range of research questions can be asked. For example, in
addition to what type questions researchers can ask how and why.

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