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ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION—1777* To all to whom thewe Presents shall cme, we the mnderaignay Deegan of the Stator aftzed tn our Namen wend retin [Whereas the Delegates of the United States of America in Cong id ‘on the fifteenth day of Nov in the Year of our Lord ‘Ove Tous ven Hundred and Seventyseven, and in the Second Year of the Independence of Ameri to cer- ina icles of Confederation rpetual Union between the States of Newhampshire, Massachusetts-bay, Rhodeisland and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North-Carolina, South-Caroling and Georgia in the Words following, viz. Anrictx I. The stile of this confederacy shall United States of America.” ae Anrictx II Each State retains its sovereignty, freedom and independence, and every jurisdiction and right, which is not by this confederation expressly delegated 60 in Congress assembled. . ‘red Bot Santon, 19 How, 88; Texas. White, 7 Wall, 25, Boe eo ae a Congr Reid, onthe 1th of Tune, 176, that «committee should be appointed to prepam and Rerees dines TBE Tors of m sonra Sa Be eicr Ines helene Colon apni prepam and ee : nc tha the commen toa coi of «mate roo Clothe . rz ‘were appointed to pertorm that duty, to wits Mr, Bartlet Mr. Adan aft Toph reo Bi Bement. Living, Dichnnon MY SU Keatt sree. Se Sasa He RE Railedge, and Mr, Gwinnett. Upon the report a this commie, the rabject was, fn fe to Cine de Rar ali a Ras a ial — < ny Mami dels Sar gerette aa mene ecinael ae ec te “i 5&2 be coer sob i appre yan ny weteshad ocnnnseanten ice a ee, coRe Bs Serdaenra ae shen an eeegeon onsite age ly eh rita ft pnd ‘rt aso Sona any them was brought In by 3 fommitee 8 ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION OF Of Ammcue IL. Th said States hereby severally enter intoa firm league of friendshi ‘with each other, for their common defence, the security of their liberties, and their mut and general welfare, binding themselves to assist etch othergagainst all force offered to, ‘or attacks made upon them, or any of them, onaccountof religion, sovereignty, trade, oF any other pretence whatever. better to secure and perpetuate mutual friendship and intercourse among the people of the different Siates in this Union, the free inbabltants of each of ‘hese States, pauper, vagabond and fugitives from justice excepted, shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of free citizens inthe several States: and the people of each have free ingress and regress to and from any other State, and shall enjoy s therein all the privileges of trade and commerce, wubjet tothe sane dt es, imposit estrctongs the inhabitants thereof respectively providediat Such restrictions! shall not extend xo far-as to prevent the removal of préperty i Tato any gay ater Stataof which te nner ian inhabitant povided sgh no postion, utienjorrestrit id by any’ Stata on oftthe United Statex, of ees es ‘ongsball oy te Property If any on guilty of, or chs treason, felony, or other high misdemeanor GO hk ear a re es terete non ‘upon demand of the Governor or Executive power, of the State from which he fled, be livered upaand removed to the if jurisdiction of his offence. Full faidh und credit shall be givengin each of these Statesgto the records, nctsyand ofthe courts and ‘tbr State "For the more management of the general interests of the ‘shall be angually appointed in such manner as the legislature of each State shall direc, to meet in the fst’ Monday in. November, in every ear, with a power reserved to each eal delete x any of they uy dime’ within the year, and to send others i their stead, for the remainder of the year ‘No State shall ho represented in Congres by less than two, nor by more ty seven tember: and operon sal be api often delegate for mo than tne, eae any tarm of six Years norsball uny person, being a delegate, be capable o sy olice under the United States, for which he, ot tnother for his beneftreceives ang . feegor emolument of any kind. ‘ Le "Bach Stato shall maintain is own delegates in a meeting of the States, and while gi a ack an members of the committee of the States. In determining questions tn the United Statey in Congress asembled, each State necsionr at spanch sad does shall not, be impeached ml mm of speech and debate in C not, be impeached or questioned i iy courts or place out of Congress and the menibers of Congress shall be protected i thei pers rom arrenta and prison during the tine ther ging to and fom, tod altendnce on Conga, act fo tranny tony oF brah of fe peace. SMC Amicus ViONo Siaterwithout the consent of the it in Congress arem- Wet at ead sn ebay to reais any many fom, 0 rerun confer rence, agreement oF tealy with any King prince or sate; nor shall any person a holy ofc of prot or tustnder the Unie sioren eae ‘emolument, officeor title of any kind whatev ‘any king, princaor foreign te; or shall the United Stateyin Congress assembled, or any of them, grant any nobility. >"'No two or more States sball enter into any treaty, confederation or alliance whateve ‘between them, without the consent of the United Statesin Congress assembled. specify. ing soorately the porposes for which the sme i to belentoral ito, an how Long States, or any of eps of any shall continue. ‘No State aball ly any impostor dutieswhich may interfere with any stipulations ies, entered into bene Stel Congres tae ch any king, prince of fate, in purmaance of any treaties already proposed by Congieng to the courts of Frage ind Spain. ‘No vessels of war shall be kept up in time of peaceby any State, except such nixn- ‘nly as shall be deemed necemary by the United Sturesiy Congvese advembied. for the detehce of mach Stat, ors tad oe ae ody forme kaput State, a tne of such number only, aja the judgmentof the Gnital States ; ‘eect bled shall be deemed requin the forts necessary for defence of auch States" but every State sball always Keep up a welbtegnicted wad gies Dlined militia, suffelently nal provide and constantly hee diaceutered, nocwerre THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA—1777, 9 ready for use. in publi tity of arms. amnuni >" No State shall en any war without the consent of the United Statesin Congress assembled, unless stich State be actually invaded hy enemies, or shall have received cer- tain advice of « resolution being formed by some nation of Indians to invade such State, stores, x due number of fieldlpieces and tents,and a proper quan- nd camp equipage. = and the danger isso imminent ax not to admit of a delaygtill the United Stateyin Congress assemblediean be comute shall any State grant commissions to any ships or vessels of war, nor letters of marque or reprisal, except it he after a declaration United Statesin Congress assembled; and then only against the kingdom or subjects ther inst which war has heen so declared, and under such shall be established hy the United Statesin Congress assembled, unless such State be afrted br pirates in which case veel Of war mis be fied out fr that oesasion and 30 long as the danger shall continue, or until the United Statewin Congress assembled shall determine otherwise. t Anmicix VIL. When land-forces are raised by ans Statafor the common defence, al officers ofior under the rank of colonel, sball be appointed by the Legislature of euch Stnte respectively by whom such forces sbail be raised, or in such manner as such State shall direct, and all vacancies sball be filled up by the State which first made the appointment. Arricce VIII. All charges of war, and all other expenses that shall be ineurred for the conimon defence or general welfare, and allowed by the United States}in Congress assembled, shall be defrayed out of a common treasury, which sball be supplied by the several States, in proportion to the value of all land within each State, granted to ot sur- veyed fonany person, ax such land and the buildings and improvements thereon shall he gatimnted according to such move ns the United Statesin Congress asembled, shalom time to time direct and appoint. ‘The taxes for paying that proportion shall be Inid and levied by the authority and direction of the Legislatures of the several Statepithin the time agreed upon by the United Statewin Congress assembled. XJ The United Statouin Congress acermbled, shall have the solo and excu- Swer of determining’ on. peace und war, except in the cases mentio trend Sving ambessadorsecentering into treaties and al lerhereby the restrained from imposing sch impos a own popleare subjected to,orfromprohibiting the exportation or importa. 1¥ species of goods or commodities whataoever=of establishing rules for deciding, inallcaxev, what captures on land or water shall be legel, and in wbat manner prizes taken? und or naval forces in the service of the United Statesshall be divided or approprinted== ‘granting letters of marqueand reprisal in times of, appointing courts fr the ral of pirucies and felonies committed on the high seudand establishing courts for receiving snd determining finally appeals in all cases of captures, provided that no member of Con rex shall be appointed a judge of any of the said courts. “The United Stateasin Congress ansembledishall also be the Inst ror on speatin all ore AnricLe. sive ri the sixth artic! ances. provid ites and differen or that hereafter may arise between two or States concerning boundary ‘or any,other cause whatever; which authority _ / shall always be exercised in. llowing!, Whenever the legislative or executive authorityjor lawful agent of any State in controversy with anothersball present a petition toc , stating the matter in questionand praying for a hearing, notice thereof shall be given hy order af Con 3 leginiative or executive authority of the other State in contrdearoy,auda day Sasighed for Ue appenrance ofthe parties by ther lawful agenta, rho shall then be directed ta wppointy jointconsent,comiminioner or jugs to conati- tute a court for hearing and determining matter in on bat if they cannot: al mame hres persons out of cach of the ited ints, and From the Ist of rons alternately strike out one, the rs beginning, tnt the nna ‘shall igtredeoed to thirteen; and from that number not less than seven, nor more than nine Congress shall direct sali th presence of ‘drawn ‘out by lot{ and the persons whose names shall be s0 drawnor any five of them, sball be ‘commissioners or judges, to hear and finally determine the controversy, soalwsys.asamajor part of the ji ho sball hear the causeishall agree in the determination! and if ei ‘party shall neglect to attend at tho day appointed, without showi which Con- gress shall judge sufficient, or being present shall refuse to strike, the ‘shall pro- ceed tonominate three persons out of each State, and the Secretary of Congress shall strike in behalf of such party absent or refusing; and the judgment and sentence of the. ccortete 10 ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION OF intedgin the manner before prescribed, shall be final and conclusive; and if any of the pee eaten ier eter ead ind ‘claim or cause, the court shall nevertheless proceed to pronounce sentence, or judgment, heh chats inn coor tel ad seen tne pproern menses of fenetony seiges Way ae Se eae Cl aaerea tala eee tee tao Oe Erepirtietertro te ardor rode very tata sits in judgment, shall take an oath{to he administered by one of the judges of the supreme or superior court of the State Where the cause shall be tried, ~ well and truly to Fee ata hag peepee coplarobpttapia onary Sr aroun adn oe bancar tole prt cpt teste shalt denied at gelesen bee fe Cae ue ie ee es of two or more States, whose jurisdictic they may respect such lands, and the States Milntpaneiltanteres te cineet Nest oer keen iee ce Eg ema me pelea ee ee tute pothonot efter pay Es the Coops? tne Unie Saves ie ats isin Seer ek ee ene Saito acer ee i ee oe eee ae Rapes ee gee : Senhora a de rgd COR ET Rate Se poly ea rape lyon pet ‘papers pass site to defray the expenses of the said inting all the land forces in the service of the United States, except ing regimental office ing all the offeers of the naval forces, and commissioning. alloficers whatever in th service of the United Stateeuking rule for the government sgt regulation of the sai and and naval forces recting their operations. ¢ United Stategiin Congress assetnbledisball have authority to appoint a committee, to sit in the recess of Congress, to be denominated ‘a Committee of the States,” and to consist of one delegate from each State; and to appoiht such other committees and civil officers as may he necessary for managing the general aflairs of the United States under their direction=sto appoini one of their number to presidgl provided that no person be ‘allowed to serve in the office of president more than one yea¥ in any term of three years: ‘ouscertain the necessary sums of money to be rise forthe service ofthe ated Stats, appropriate and apply the same for defraying ie expen row money orem bilson the credit of the United States transmitting every half yearto the pectiva Statostn account of the sums of money so borrowed oF ent build and ip 8 navsfast0 agree upon the number of land forces and to make ns, fro tach State for it quota, in proportign to the number of white inhabitants in vac Sat which requisition shall be binding) and therpupon the Leghature of each, Sate stl the regimental officers, noth rn sold er te Ke manner, at the expense of ‘che United Statesg and. the officers i ‘smetnd cipal march to the place appt, and with the United Slates Cangrewsatembiod but the United Staton Congres meme ‘shall, on consideration of eireums proper that auy State should not raise men,! ‘or ahould raise a amaller namber than'its quot, and that any other State should rele & seater number of men than the quota treo, nich exty number shall be ase offceed, loathed, arinedan quipped inthe same manner a the quota or auch State unless the lature of such State shal judge that such extra number cannot be safely spared Out of th ni wich ee tha loo cat angen eqapas any of och raliwobthe same us may. he extra pumber ax they judge can be safely nd the officers and men 0 cloathed, median tipped, shall march to the place appotnted, and within the time agreed om bethe Uni i Congress asemihed. ‘The United Satanin Congress sesembledshall never engage in a war, nor grant let- ‘of marque and reprisal in tine of pence, or enter into any treaties oF allinces, nor coin money nor regulate the value thereot nor ascertain the munis and expenses necessary for the defence and welfare of the United States, or any of them, nor ent bills nor bos row money on th oreditof the United States, nor appropriate money, nor agree upon the umber ws wa ei opr esr Tn for sea forces THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA—1777. rH to be mised, nor appoint a commandersimebief of the army or navy, unless ascent to the same} nor sball a question on any other point, except for adjourning day to das} be determined, unless by the votes of a majority of the United States in Con- gress asembled. ‘he Congress of the United States shull have power to adjourn to any time withi wy ine rear. und to any place within the United States, so that no period of adjournment be oF < > Saye er th We ae longer duration than the space of six months, und shall publish t proceedings monthly, exept such parts thereof relating to treaties, alliancesior military ‘operations a in their judgment require erway and the yeas and nays ofthe delegates of each Suateon any question(shall he entered on the journal, when it ix desired by any delegate: and the delegates of a State, or any of them, at hiv or their request shall be furnished with a transeript of the ~aid journal, except sch parts ax are above excepted, to lay before the Legislatures of the several Siate Aric X. The committee of the States, or any nine of them, shall he authorized to execute, in the recess of Congress, such of the powers of Congress as the Uni in Congress assembled. by the consent of nine States, shallifrom time to ti nt fo vet them withé provided that no power be delegated to the sad the exercise of which, By the articles of confederation, the Congress of the United States assembledlis requisite. ‘Awricue XI. Canada acceding to this confederation, and joining in the measures of the United States, shall 1e admitted into. and entitled to all the advantages of this Union: but no other colony shall he admitted into the same, unless such admission be agreed to by nine States, AnricLt XII. All bills of eredit emitted, monies borrowedjund debts contracted b; or under the authority of Congress, before the assembling of the United States, in purst tance of the present confederation, shall be deemed and considered as a charge against the United States, for paymient and satisfaction whereof the said United States the pub- lie faith are hereby solemnly. pled; Anricte XII]. Every State shall abide by the determinations of the United States in Congress assembled. ofall questions which by this confederation ure submitted to them, "And the articles of this confederation sball be inviolably observed by every State, and the Union shall be perpetual: nor shall any alteration at any time hereafter be made in uny of them; unless such alteration be agreed to in a Congress of the United States, and be afterwards confirmed by the Legislatures of e And whereas jgshus pleased Incline the hearts of cy spectively repre: of, and towuthorize us icles of confederation and perpetual union, Know ye) that we the ed delegates, virtue ofthe power andauthority tole given for that p iese presents, in the name and in behalf of our respective constituents, entirely ratify and confirm each and every of the said articles of confedera Petia union, and all and singular the matters and things therein contain further solemnly plight and engage the faith of ou ive constituent y shall abide br the determfontonetst the Ueited Sta er ere ‘on all ques- 1 rey journal of their tions} which by the said confederation are submit that ‘the articles thereof shall be inviolably obverved by the States we refs}pect present, and that the Union shall be perpetual. In witness whereofiwe have hereunto set our handslin Congress. Done sit Salen in the State of Pennsylvani nth day of July jin the year of our Lord and in the third year ofthe independence of ca. On the part cb behalf uf the State of New Hampehire. Jostan Barturrr, Joux Wentworrs, Junr., "August 8th, 1778. On the part and behalf of the State of Massachusetts Bay. Jous Haxcock, Francis Dana, Saver Apans, James Lovent, Exosriocr Gerry, Sawoxt Hore: From the circumstance of delegates from the mame State baving signed the Articles of {imam as appears by the ates, ea probable they afizelther names as hey happenel io be Prot a Congreny ahr hey ad been tuthersod by te 12 ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION On the part and behalf of the State of Rhode Inland and Prmiilence Plantations, Wruutaw Biuueay, Jou Couns. Hexay Mancuant, 4m the part and behalf uf the State of Connestiout, Roar Sixnwax, ‘Trrus Hoswex, Samuey Huxrincrox, Axpwxw ADams. Ouver Wotcor, On the part and behalf uf the State uf New York. 177 Jas. Duane, Wo. Durr, Fra. Lewis, Govy. Morus, On the part and in behalf uf the State uf New Jersey, Noor. 2%, 1778. xo, Wiriexsroox, Natur. Scuppen. On the part and behalf of the State of Pennaylvanit. Rost. Mowus, Wrunsas Cianuax, Dantes, Ronenvzav, Josnrn Rrxn, 22d July, 1778, SONA. Baran Sarr, Om the part & behalf of the State nf Delasare. Tuo. M'Krax, Feby. 12, 1779, Nroorax Vax Drax, Joux Drexinsox, May 5th, 1779. On the part and behalf of the State of Maryland. Joux Haxsox, March 1, 1781, Dawn. Caos, Mar. 1, 1781. On the part and behalf of the State of Virginia. Rrcwaxy Hewey Lex, Jomy Baxtsren, us ADAMS, n the part and behalf of the State of No. Carolina, Joun Penn, July 2ist, 177%. Jno. Winans, Consx, Harner, On the part behalf of the State uf South Cave Henny Laurens, Ricun., Hursox, Wititan Henny’ Deavrox, ‘Tnos. Heewand, unr, Jno. Marinews, On the part ct behalf of the State uf Geamgia. Jno. Wanrox, 24th July, 1775. own, Laxowouriy. Ebwo. Trarain, ca G22 & CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES—1787. All Spee Wore Prope of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish jee, ire domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the eral Welfare, and lessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, lo ordain und establish this the United States of Ameri = om prt $ gemovED = Dall, 419; e fj Tedas © 7 Wall, 700. ARTICLE 1. Section. 1. All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which Ml consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. éI a case (notes), 2 Dally amy BC OVED Skcniox. 2. "The Honse of Representatives shall be of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Blectorain each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Blectors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature. ace ay, ee cin scams erm «ror eisai sham gman tae ete : of five commissioners, who, or any three of them, shoul meet wach commicioners i wight Reece | Rare cea chars nat acne nem eemng | ICAI id tata Seni s Crim gata ene Seance Sec rine naw ekacaen fies ements Sieh pie cial ee AS ae Gee | [Beh Honday in Rpuember a the tne, andthe of Annals wine pace ar heehee | ae emer tee ae erent feed irae el ve Remy Bata of Amemiya theme inl Sa pri Wy Menace Meany Sanh crate tat near nee ir AP den alana it ec Cusine Hi an el (in Hin eV rete inte 2 a ved itereats of y which they were ively delegated would concur, O° ede ee sete ong ine rmcurnent este btin, I hemppininencl communion CO oneal Pfadlpinon tne mond Nonday of ay owing toa inte eaeehes Reat Sines Rat den ich ferther poison oul spe an soa nr ee at porpne fo te Unied bane ia Sens eae ye a at porgee te te when azeed to by tea ae confirmed by the Legiaiatres State, would efectoaly provide for the same. " zo ete ict ra fata eta ete ere ws Sa es ur son eter ant Pointed delegates. “On the 25th of May. even States having convened, George Washington er Virgin, Jur REspimouly elected President, and the ceideration of the proposed Consttion war’ commotent (Gn the 17th of September, 1787, the Const Sirateeaee aoe all the mem: f Yorke, Say 381788 "Fhe Prekient Informed Congrem, semtccemn ina iseaatmanascg: / sis rer ARO le em a rte Beata geal y eaertee eer Tac ee a ame ee, saaew and entre member of the Lied Sten r ees : 18 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES—1787. & !NolBerson shall be a. ive who shall not have attained to the Alpe of twent e fi “Giuse of the United Staten und who oll ots whee in igh al hen the several States ‘and direct Taxes be incall fn this ths Uatn gc i ee ito the whole Number of ‘including those bound ot tax pret of a r the ie mot ten fears, ww direct. inl rt of ep tat not ‘hieey ds but cach Stat all hav$ ek Beast one Bepresent eh enumeration shal be nade. the State of New Niampanite shall bo tntitied to chase three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode-Ieland and Providence Plantations raf one, Connecticut five, New-York six, New Jersey four, Penns ight, Delaware one, oS Qe & Maryland six, Virgtia ten, North Caroline five, South Carl Ase not Gon eS wes Malis an, ftty ete, als ste REMOVE D ox! ‘When vacancies bappen in th resentation from any State, the Executive @u- 2 S© thority thereo! ego GF thority thereot I issue Writs of Blection to fil such, Vacancies. in he House of Representatives all chuse their Speakerand Other officers; ana sball RE gee te the sole! \peachment. POA pentos 8. "The stmte of he Cited Stats tal pe composed of to Senators from oN each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof, for six fears: and each Senator sball ave i ‘one vote. fcr Consequence of the frst Election, they he Seats of the Senatora of the Piration “t be sacond ven. of the secon Gist sand of the third xpiration of the sixth joven every secon oa ts Facancies happen by ignation, or otherwise, during the Recess of the Ley eA 8 ofan; i the Executive reo a jempoigey Appointments until the next Meeting of the Logislature, Nol shall ator who shall not ceria aati of thity (fears, ara Gitizen of the United Sates and ‘who shall not, when lected, BS an Inbabitant ite for which be shall he eh "The,Vice President of the United States sball dent of the Senate, but sball have no pte, unless they be equally divided. < saath Bepats shal bie their other Officers, and also a President pro tempore, in the pat 7 Panes ‘of the Vice it, or when ‘he sbail exercise the Oifice of President of the c ited States. iT" Ge Sete shall have the gle Boyar to try all inpeachnents. | When, sting for Ve cor saat they shall be om Bs Orgs 7 Wegener ees, tr ae * StatgS is tried, the Chief Justic® shall presidet And no Berson shall he convicted without c 5 oe the yneurrenee of two ‘of the Members present. ent in Cases of linpeachnient sball not extend further ees le ae Judge ge? Office, an Sc) fication tg bold and enjoy any Ofice of ie at rt fe ‘shall never idictment, re according to seonoit “Be fines, fi ling’Blections for Senators and Representatives, ai ie the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at ans time =f Ww make or alter ulations, except as to the Places grea ball assemble at last once in every, Year, and such Meet shall be om th rt Md n Decomber, nls ny shall by ay appoint diferent Secriox. 5. "Bach House shall be the Judge oft ions, ions of its own Members, and a jority of each shall constitute a ness; but a smaller Number may adjourn from day to day, and may uiborised pel the Aittendance of absent Members, in such Manner,and under sich Penalties) rr ss eth Hodke may provide, ae x “Each House may determine the Rules ofits Proceedings, punish ts embers for o disorderly Storing Sg Paint ite frocetinde, watt go iu ovE) iy aoa BEN me to time a "Each Howe shall keep a Joural of it ings, an which WAS NOT feces pane CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES—1787. 19 the ‘excepting such Barts as y in their Judgment, require secrecy; and the Beas stot te § [ember either Howse onat Qedgmen ‘hall, at the Desire of one fifth ty present,be entered on,the Journal. ‘Neither House during the Sessic in of Congress, shalJ, without the} nsentof the other, ‘adjourn for more than three vs, nor to any other Place than that in which the two. Houses shall be sitting. Sectiox. 6. 'The Senators and Representatives shall receive vices, to be rtained by Baw, and paid out of the Treasury hey shallfin all Gases, except aa age: weand Breach of the from Airrest during their Attendance at their r gone an turing fret the ae; aa 33 fo seh "shall not be questioned in any other : axe *No Senator or — 2 the ime for which he was elected, be ipensation for their the United States, , be privileged Houses, and i bate in either House, appointed to any civik Office under the Muthority of the United States, which shall have been ergated, oF the nts whersof shall bave heen enereased during. such. tates ioe en flea Ue lore se, hh louse tinue i S Is for ri Benue hall griginate in the mail resenta- pose OF he lember of either Srettox. tives: bat tig Sonate ay ory near with Amendients as on other “Every Bill which shall have passed the Ie shall, before Tt become a Gav, be approve he shall sign it, bit if not which it sball have originated. who shall entet and ree sider t- iFaftersuch fecon agree to pass jections to that Ko ig ons at lunge on their burma, eration two thirds of that Hote shall hall he sent, together srith the Qhjections to the other Hour, ‘whichit a ak be reconsidered, and the two thitds of that House, ta Bus n Bul pees the Rotevof hoth House sball beetertinead a and the Gunes of the Bersont voting for, id against the Bill shall be it iys (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to eked on ace rpe ively. Tf any Bill shall not be Feturned by. the President within ten him, the Same shall be a Bair, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unle. by their vent itsetutn, in which Qase it shall not be Grier lution, or Mote to which the ni y i pg to the President of the Wnted Seat be approved by him. or being disapproved by him, sh oe of Representatives, according to the Re rss shall have Power To ties, ts ide for the sneral A m Sy Comet tn. Sa ine tga ete ) Shame seen! emer, ie, uae compen wade egaciaenl Macs 6 Tere tea | Wa Meh eee eh icengs Tax Cam 8 Wall dot: Penear® The Careseeicate § Not sai gparm ea 28 Mone Wal Weg Res 583; the Collector v Day, 11 Wal. 13 "Unttel Staten ¢ Soper fs Wet gNE es ‘United States ard Compan, 17 iB Seholay Hew, 29 Wal, Sr. *To borrow Money on the ‘eredit of the United States; 2 Ret nk ger Ay ee i SNS ‘Banks 1. The Mayor, 7 Wall, 16; Bakr. Soren Lal ern’. Cwa¢Wall,6k, Nainal Honk" conmmanesie ‘Wall, 8535 2 Wall, 457." a *To ral States, and with the Indian ions, and among the. a bes; Ginga ten: Brown al tau of Maryland, 12 Wh A; Win ot si. Black Bird Greek Marat Comy Worcester». The State of Georgia, 8 Pe, 515; City of New York e. Milm, {1 Pet 102; United Stee. Coombe, 19°F, (Clenachany a manyiaTs! RE ENED genov Removed 20 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES—1787. ia How a fhe Proal Eubed Rétapeann the Wai Noah a Sth a a ary ine Compt ak Sent Beery Dosey 3k, & mafia 4 Wat Sy? Cian JAS The aie ripen, § Wall 327 toa ola earn eee Edman ete Red aly a ete “The, weet fal ak Ec iat Merle at he Cimten aia Ss, orc Tecan Company Bees faa gpe agen wa a ae ‘Bayne iin Wal, it at aon ul eri tal Wai Raat Cony company Fale tg Ral, «aie Deleware tulad ak i Wl, 30; Pete Monga 19 Wea Set Hala Con aa "o Wail, a4 haat oaee the City of New York, 92 (8 307 Ch Tireeman et als 2. 8, 20% Soul Sou Coda cea co 8 4 Seton seal rol BU. 8a ed Seen Fore tres Galonel Wiahy te, #0 U8 Rster Mater and Wardens Fike tol Sew Oreane To establish an uniform Rule of | iralization,' and uniform Laws ‘on the subject of Book ted rupteies throughout the NARSNSAGRE Pemaeyteentarr Sn vED eee eee eae Kew? et and fix the Standard comme REY ED “To provide for the Buni the Gecurities and current Goin of the United States; *To establish (ee eer REMOVED *To constitute ribunal inferior to the fupreme Courts So define and ee sores Sa on eit saguinst the REMOVED pemoreo Jan er 0 ion of Money to that Use shall be for _ Onsite of Nevada wan, RESON ED ‘70 provide and maintain avy; be Wh, 896: Dynen : Hooper, 90 How. 65. PEAOVED ilation of the land and naval to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress tment ¢A0VED the Militia, and for governin ce oF the United States, reserving To make ules for the Governm To provide for calling forth the Mi Insurrections and repel Invasions; “To prov nizing, arming, and diseiplinn coh ee ee ete ae CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES—1787. 21 respectively, the Appointment of the Oficers, and the Authority of training the il th dpi st é litia accordi ine prescribed ress; ‘ 5 Wh. ‘Mo 12 Wh 1 Laer. Borden, 7 Howe. Rerroven Zo emacs exclusira wey whatsoever, over such District (not cxeanding ten Mile of prtcalay States and the dccopiance of C (hoot the U like Authorit ever gover al Pu by theConsent of the f= in which the fort for the Brocton of Port, Magazin and other tiga be necessary and proper for carrying intoBxecution mers vested by this Constitution in the Govern. ‘Diicerthereot. {To mak the forego gon ers, and all other ited States, or in any 1portation of such Persons as any of the States now ing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the ‘ear one thousand eight hundred and eight, but, tt or duty may be imposed on such sportation, not exceeding ten dollars fer cach ed Dre el chong Writ of fi pus shall not be suspended, unless when in wvasion the public Safety may require it. oa tener Beane Holter Senminon ee ale 1 Fee, $4; lathe Borin, { How. Abloman rBocth aad Gated Reroukd Stater noth 2 Hoa fait 2 En pre Secure, ut Wal are ln Sinatra ana rivilege of, Geer as 8 Wail sce, Fe rks, 90°C" S18! Ex parte eal eee ey rs ena ses “Pina Ml, “tNvall 2 Capitation, oF other lene ta tal oe laid, unless ise operton th apes co fiom tion herein before directed to be taken. ce ax Orn 5 watson; RELOVED *No Tax or ity shall be Inid on Articles exported from any State, Port of Philadelphia, 12 How, 290; Page e. Barrer, 2¢ Ov ED reference shall be given by rakes ion of mnmeree or Revenue tothe Bs 8 af one Sats rer these of wether a BF sels hound to, or from, one State, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay =t Ta ape raat Mana we REWOVET) "No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, atin Go uence of Appropriations made by. i a regular Statement and Account of ipts and Expenditures iblished from time to time. ‘shall be granted by the United nd no, 7m be holding, under them, il, without the nt of mn jolument, Office, ot Titie, of any kind whatever, from mnt Sine” ing, dF"'No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant rs of gold a obility. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES—1787, pe ills of B ri fete ink FoF Be pass any Bil of Aa fe impairing ligation of r grant any Title of alder and wit lt and il, 8 Dal, 86; leteher Pek, 6,97 State ew Jere ‘Gry 18h, *Stargis Crowniegabiel 4 Wh, 122: *MfeMillan sea Sh 380" Darmouth Cllrs e Woutwandy 4 Wh, SIS “Owings peal B'Wh., 20: "Farmers and Sfechani’ Bank «Smith, 0Wh,, 131; "Green etal. Bile, SW Hote Saunders 12 Wh. 35 on Halt Wi; Retr Matthew. et 3 '3'Pet 280; "Graig etal 1 State of Sie- ese Pee 40; SBrontdene Bankr bilge and akan ¢ Pec 51; “Bye State Gl Sllaoupt 8 Pet, 40; "Watson. Starcer, 8 Pet, any, S eS lcr Hanh) Be, Bom el Phe Hank ofthe Comat akong ie 23a Bronson Kins et al, 1 Hows i dons Anpeala Curt 3 How 18a cd, Sow, a4; Nel Moor Co. «State of Oi Coat, eta, Siow 267 Sblaniere BAnkr Share al 8 Haw. 90; SW River Pant ie als ow 80 Cran er ich Hank of Mote? Has 2 tata Tipal How’, 160"* ap eval Drow, 0, flow 28% “Halos samt Singha Co Nett tte 0 How Sy Buty tal. Pen ini i iow: to "Duingtom et a Tig Bank of Alaa Hoy, ie. ef, er RUR“CO, fhe Lane RCo. 18 Hows St, frumteen od Vicon iver Stte of Fintan, 14 How 258, *Corran vate of Arka Hos 90k tate Bank of Oo Kg, 18 How 30 Slot fenetnan 1 Hw apr, Wale, 1 He 9c Sate inti "Ripa Cooter of County of Dee 22 lige ot Recor sf Chri Chore, Phaieiphia'e Soonty of Phiadelptia 3 How, or Honan Bogie 54 How. 481 Jofertom Branch Bank + Ski Black, 06) "Franklin Branch unk « State of Ohio, 1 Black, 474: "Trustees of the’ Wabash’ and EGR Cane pert i acon ae 3, renamton bridge 2 Wall he" The Tune see ity af New Seana 4 Wel 18 Hofinan' Gis af ney ¢ 3 te 5: alia Neola Wal Steg de Fedo See ee ier ake f es Wal Sardis Je al 33;8White +. Hart, 13 Ws Osborn ¢, Nicholson et a, 13 Wall, 654; *Railroad Com splenic ey Nee aa ncaa i eats ea Sainte Socata SS Athair Racin SS seal weeer sean ee ae eres Be rt et oP Nn Ic Con's Geet TSO Le Oe Sint without the Const of th Congr, lays Smporta or atin on ei bola vy for executing i a by ay Sa om ie United Sates’ and ail ep f Ae & rer, eng ‘admit of delay. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES—177. 23 ARTICLE, I. Section. 1. ' The executive Power shall be vegted ina President of the United States of America. He shall hold his, during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows, “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the Statemay be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or ‘Representative, or Person hold- ‘ing an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shal be appointed an Elector. Bs cot Sn icone Ta oe ries al eel ar Song ae ural racemase eat or talenand crlvanimmenitnied othe sat otthedon |S) fumes othe United Rat ditertad tothe Protest of toe Senses Phe Prehoe & af the Neate shal inthe freer of the Senate end Hae ot oe y a Of Hey Shines Rae one of tem fe Braiden wedi Beer eee sea from the five highest on the List the sad House shall in like Manner chuestre Freey, |e, Bate la he Prndetihe Voter shal ake Sey epee mom at ve alt ky ay, Here | RAEN etch eee re rina | RSV ctor faeces aed a dr of a e's Bee ae pat Sal Ucn cha on en eae Neotel a ee Ig hy ig te er i Pade "hg Congressmay determine the Time of chusing the Elector and th » Day on which ther all give ther Noten, which Duy sll be the fame throughout the Unied Staten “No Person exce tizen, ora Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitutio shall n be eligible to tbat Office who shall not have attained to the five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States, “In of the oval of the ident from his or featiherts 4 ie ener mowers and Bate Gace, th ica President, andthe Congress may by Law provide for the Cusr Beat signation, or nal th of the President and Vice President, ie hat Officer shall then cer shall act aceordingly, until the “The President shall, at stated Times, receive for ber ices, a Compensation, which shall neither be encreased nor diminished during the Period for which be shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that Period any other Emolument from the United States, or any of them. “Tiefore he enter on the Execution of his Office, he sall tke the following Oath or Afirmation 1 do solemnl that I will faithfully execute the Office of ident le to the Office of gee: neither United States, and Dest of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United S pecans mien hn ofthe rman ary othe United States, and of the veral States, when called into the actual Service of the United’ States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Oficer in each of the, executive Departments, upon any Subject relat Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have wrdons for Against the United States, except in ( fences ceane ranlans ean ee a persoge uaa Wah el ani asetah Sh: Hams ‘Wall, 73; Mechanica tnd Traders’ Bank Uo Ba ‘ower, by and with the Advice and sent of the Senate, to make ties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concurs and he thull nonsiogesr mrad 30 THE 1R5 Most HAVE Beeu REATED By Law hick one 24 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES—1787. of the Senate, shall. appoi Ambassador, other jpreme Court, thd all other of the intments are not herein otherwise provided for.and whieh all tthe Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such ink propery inthe President alone. in the (courts of Law, oFin Removed * The President sha facancies that may happen duri f=: f the Senste, by grant ios which shall expire atthe Burl of their next ion. PR REERRA Le REMOVED Secr1on. 8. He shallifrom time to timegive to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures ashe shall judge nec- tasary and expedient; be mayyon extraordinary Oeeusions; convene both Houses of either ‘of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with, ‘othe fime of Adjourn: ent, be may bajourn then sich Hine as he shall shin proper he shall receive ‘mbassadors and other public Ministers; be shal take Care that the Lawe be faithfully executed, and sball Commis sof the United States. pg Moved Srortox. 4. The President,.Vice President and all shall be removed from Office on impeachment for, and other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. ARTICLE HI. Sror1os. 1. The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one constant ag eo lai Congas a i tenet catablish. dices, of the Supremend inte . uring good Bebaviour) and shall, at stated ceive for thei ‘sation, which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in ity, isin made or mich ah Fs, other. public, ridiatnento Contos ty s=to Controversies between two or more een a State and Citizens of another State izens of different, States, between Citizens of ‘the same State claiming Lands under Grants of d States, and between aState or the Citizens thereof, and foreign States, Citizens or Subjects, CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES—1787. 25 . a 8 of New Orlane De ieee thes lant the Conenseai eat aes eat ati 13 Pe 1 The Commercial ant Ral otto Sema i 1 Pe, ipsa Bra ee x, The Commonwealth of Pennayivania, 18 Pet, 580, Louieville, Cisclnnat! lesion Railway Compan any Leta, 2 How. 477 Cars eal Curtin 3 How a farving r,Clark, 8 How., 441; Lather. Borden, 7 How:, 1; Sheldon etl-. Sill 8 flow? $41; The Propeller Gencie Chel «. ishowh of ae 12 flow. 45; Free tal. Ballet low. 486; Neves etal. r. Scott etal, 15 How. 268; Sate of Pennsylvania e The eal 13 How. IB; ‘tarball The Sa and Ohio "Guthrie, 17 How., 28; *. State of Ti done ee he Lage ib ger He ae Lee, ta provement Compan 27a Hyde etal Stone, 20 How mes, 21 How, 481; Ml tick vey ated a ry liga t ill., 1; The’ a in ernie "We Coc 78 State of Georgia Santon Hak, ia Ah? Wall 1 aha icp ‘pailwa Win ‘Company Wall 173; Railway alm tae meceake the Caled See SW Tarble’s fall, rote ih Sse Compt Wa ses ale Gaines ie oe pecaly gat Sir Mleer Does uke a he We, Dow oi = finearaee Commans ote, . ect :Ashraior other public ters and 1 Co wuls,and those in which ea rts, the ae Court shall bave origi st tion. In a aha mentioned the supreme Court sball bar late Jurisdiction, to ‘ball with such 1 Bretplonn, ‘and under such Regtlations as the Con: 89; The Sate of New Jeracy x. The State of New ¥ bal Ueda, 12 et ft Te Sa of ode Tre Kaine, fs ow 60" AS ont Bo horn. Sith 60 Bal and SS enafuird tae in Ganon o ‘rial shall be held in the State wl e poachmeot, shal be fury; and such pee Sat as fi endo They not committed within any Sate the Bria atull be at such ‘Place or Places as ths ove ygress may by Law have direct cama RET Section. 8. *Treason aguinst the United States, shall consist ie in levying War inst them oF in ad ering to their: Folic them Aidan ‘No Person I be convict "onthe Feimony oft ie overt es Act, oF on ae open woe United Staten. Miecell, ebro cris! Cnted Set Aeon aera ABscagen we Power to declare the; nentof | yn, butno Attainder bail work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture exept detng the afoad she Fras a SDR NAN tg ite ea tea, gy 0UEP ARTICLE IV. Secriox, 1. Full Faith and Credit shall be ven in each State to the public Acts, Becotiar and fadidal inka of every other Bee hee Cee by 26 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES—1787. gerouED jana of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges andiJmmuni- n the several States. meth Sea amr Prats ier gown Tie ote tthe Sat ol inn hows A sit a Bo, Ss Bd Sot. Ser, 0 Hot ae caw’ BE OV EO alt Be ral a i i Wal 35; Woodral Parham, » Felony, or other Crime, who shall flee ey Mi deebin on aes es of the State from which he led, be delivered up removed to the State having iluris- diction of the a tt neensuisy RC OVED ang ia score ta epee sbour, but shall be de laim of the Party to whom such ines ar ae RE TREE ov eD Tom ¥ the Congress into this Union; but thegluriadiction of any other State; nor uny mnetion of two of more States, or Parts of States, without the attres of the States concerned as well's of the Congres. y etaberemarssinrentes Bene (le ae gett ape dot rey a chs apes ban ented ae ing. the totking te thls Constitution skal be soconstrded ts toPrejudicouny Claimaot the Gaited ‘States, or of any particular State. * (Sees aad The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Repub ‘Form of Government, and shall protect each of them gust avenont ee lature, or of the Bxecutive (when the Legislature canvot be com lomestie Violence. tater Haden 7 Mow Tear Wa WALT Op €V ty ARTICLE V. ‘The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall mndments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislacares of f the several States, shal ell aConvention for proposing Amendments, which, halle val fo all Intnts and Purposes, ws part of this Constation, by the Legislatures of 2 the several States, or by Conventions as the one or the other Mode of Hatifeation may be proposed by that no Amendment which may be made priot to the Bear One hundred and eight sball in any Manner alect the Hest and fourth lames CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES—1787. 27 in the Ninth Section of the first Article: and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate. ARTICLE. VI. : “All Debts contracted/and Engagements entered into, before the doption of this Ronetitution, shall be as valid against the United States.under this Consditutlon, as anes the Confederation. iruis Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in ursu- ‘ance thereof; and all Treaties made, onwhich shallibe made, under the ‘Authority of the {nited States, shall be the supreme Law of the and: and the Judges in evecy Stace shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution orLawsof auly State ty th ntrary notwithstanding. resentatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several tures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the’ States, shall be bound by Quth or Affirmation, to support this Constitution: us Best shall ever be required as a Qualification to any. tes, ARTICLE VII. arte Ratification of the Conventions of nine States, shall be sufficient for the tab- lishment bite ion ot tin between the States so ratifying the Sem . Dove in Convention by the Unanimous Consent of the States present the Seventeenth Day of September Inthe Year of our Lord one thousaad spon hates Eighty Wits and of the Independance of the United States of America the Twelfth’ Ta ‘Witness whereof We have hereunto subscribed our Names, G*: WASHINGTON Presidt. and Deputy from Virginia New Hampshire. Jous Laxapor Nichotas Gruxax Massachusetts. ‘Naruayter, Gornaw Rorus Kine Conmectiout. Wa. Sane. Jounsox Rooer Saenwax New York. Auexanper Hasrrox Naw Jersey. Wri: Livinosrox: Wa. Paterson Davin Breaniey Joxa: Davtox Pennayloania. B. Franxnn ‘Twos. Frrasnmoxs ‘Tuomas Mirrux JaneD INGERSOLL Ropr. Morris ‘Javes Wrisox Gro. Curmer Gouv Morr 28 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES—1787. Delaware, Gro: Reap Rrcwanp Basserr GuyiNe Broror Jun Jaco: Broo Jonx Diextxsox Maryland. James MoHesey Dawt. Carrots, Dax oF St THos Jestrer Virginia. Jom Brare— James Mapisox Jr, North Carolina. Wx. Brouxr Hu Wrnutassox. Rion. Doses Seatour South Carolina. J, Rorzzver, Cuanues Prxoawer Guantes Coresworra Prvckwer Prexce BUTLER, Georgia Wnuusax Few Apr Batpwrx Attest WILLIAM JACKSON Secretary ARTICLES IN ADDITION TO, AND AMENDMENT O¥, THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, PROPOSED BY CONGRESS, AND RATIFIED BY THE LEGISLATURES (OF THE SEVERAL STATES PURSUANT TO THE PIPTH ARTICLE OF THE ORIGINAT. CON- ‘snTuTiox. [ARTICLE L}* Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or probibitin the free Eereine thereofy or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the presey br the right of the people pescebly to amemtlevand to peition the Goveroment for a redress of eriovances RTOS Maa an a ease BE” ErOV ED [ARTICLE 11} A wall regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to bear Arms, sball not be infringgd. {ARTICLE UL) No lier shall, in time of ‘be quartered in any pega ater the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, bat in'« manner to be preseribed'hy law. [ARTICLE IV.] ‘The tight of the people to be secure in their persons, hou rs, and effects, aguinst untiasooable earthen aod satsutes, shall not be vislated, sal to Warrants shall gece Snag oer oe tee eres aes piece ty enices mas ee CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES—1787. 29 issue, but upon probable cause, supported by th or affirmation, and particularly deserib- I the pide OF meer Straten ee ae meer) » « 2 Bs are lignes Wale mm) OW [ARTICLE V.] No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless ‘on & presentment or indictment of a wea Sy ‘cept in cases eer in the land or in naval forces, or in the Militia, when service in time of War or public danger; Tar sball ny person be subject for thesame offence to be twice putt in jeopardy of life or fimb; nor shall be compelled in any Criminal Gase to be a witness aguinst himeelf, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or propérty. without due process of law? nor shall privere Property be taken for public use, without just compensation. mae = its larmony, 18 How, 115; Moore, ex. eof the Ste of in ras Lm a. Woke Lind na ete ae ly 4 ay icra Hee, i Mek A Non PR A A on ot toggle Wal 2h aR ee Ze Hep Grewal Wal 6 ler ge Ban, i 13. Wall, 654; x pata Lange, 18 Wally 103; Kobi [ARTICLE VL} In all criminal prosecutions the accused shall enjoy the right to iv and public trial, by an impartaal jury of the State and district wherei rie gall hve been gommitted, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and te be informed of the natare and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witness nat bim; to have rocess for obtaining Witnesses in his favor, and te ke fe Risetance ‘of Counsel for his Wefence, “= es fe otf Jn suite at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of tral by jury shi be preserved, and no fact tried by jury shall be otherwise fe-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the emmy [ARTICLE VIL} Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor eruel and unu- ‘sual punishments inflicted, 7 [aRrrcua 1xj PON Gmmenweues Wale LEr\0vED The enumeration in the Conetitaton, of certain rights shall not be construed to deny ox Gieparage others retaloed by impes Ame of Lvingtonv Moor eta, 7 Pet a0. REMOVED {ARTICLE X.} ‘The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, reserved to the States respectively, or to the RNS aka eee tan ee eee, Wee aoe Mecsas K 204 Cine» Vira 6 Whe Se PmovEty : ‘States Bank, 9 Wh., 738; Buchier r. Finley. 2 Pet. S80; ADleman » How, 506; The . Day, 11 Wall.,113; Cladlin v. Houseman satignes) 10 Taman Steep Sapa Ta 64 ta 30 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES—1787. [ARTICLE XL] omer ofthe United tae bl nt be ponatraed to extend toast 1 of the United States by Sject of any Roreign Sete in law oF of another Stat ria, 9 Pet 1; Brisco. The Bank of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, 11 7 Curma v- State of Arkansas et al 19 How, SOL Thscleventh amendment the Contato ofthe United Stas wa propor Fetarey of the several Stats by the hid Conse amet oaoa es [ARTICLE XIL] ‘The Blectors shall meet in their respective stated, and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state hey shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and In distinct ballots the person voted for a lent, and. they shal make lists of all persons voted for as President, a and of the numberof votes for each, which lists they shall si if ‘sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senatoz The President of the Senate sball, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the cetifctes andthe vote shall then be countedesie Berson bavng the greatat number of votes fouPresidentgoball be the President ff rach REMeveD umber be a majority of the whole number of jinted; and if no person have uch majority, then from the persons having the higheat ighest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose imme diately, by tullot the Presidents But in choosing the President, the votes shal be taken by states, the representation from exch state hav juoram for this Slalbeonset of member or members from two-thir fata ‘and amajority ofall the House &f Representatives ball not the ftates shall be necessary to a choice, And choose & President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President sll ctx resident asin the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President. reo bas § ‘sumber of votes as Vice-Pre Gall be the Viee-Prenidee it such © ‘t majority of the whole number of Blectors apppinted, and if no person have ‘& majority, thea from the two highest numbers on the listy the Senate shall choose the ‘ice Presdent x quorum fon the purpresball cont of to tir ofthe whole uber of Senators, and a majority of the whole number sball be necessary to a choice. But no ible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice- et tne» Gorin al te achat sanorstne ric hunts, Seater ee ful evamee Gus cole SE oer na aes st AOA Ge Abe, Aggensce ° Between 1S Tunis AIAIGA and ARTICLE XIU. (0+ _ Spornox 1. Neither slavery norffavoluntary servitude, except as a punishment f neat TSN: Sorrel he pers hel eng een day sno ell eat wip tod ese OLE cena ‘Seorion 2. Congres ill have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation, nd. Tres Soot Sanford, 19 How. 988; White. Hart..13 Wall, 46; Orbornr. icholaon, wo very DUTIES U.6 12 Wall 04) Snaghicehouse Gane: 16 Wall, ga 7) Vn OM Onto eM tus loaves othe real Sate Oy te Thirg-aphan Coca oath ro of the sr Thiry eighth ogra ager se and was drlare mm praiamationof the Secretary of Sat, Gatod ecember 5, to have, oi Pedy ti rea of oreniyanren of the cites, ie" ifois, Rhode Intend, Michigans Maryland New Work, West te aoa’ Lanna Wisner, Winans V Pr heatons hr San ‘New Hampehire, South Carli, Altamt, North Carolina, ead Georgia” e CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES—1787. 31 ARTICLE XIV. ___, Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the ezesiction ‘thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. ‘No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Sxcriox 2. Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, fexcluce ‘ing Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of elect- ors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State. SECTION 3. No person shall he a Senator or pepreeee re in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature. or as an execu. tive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the gnemiex thereof. But Cohgress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such isability. Sectiox 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, luding debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor ‘any State sball assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or. ‘emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void. Sxcriox 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article. randall The Sate of Nevada, ¢ Wall, 35; Puls Vigna 8 Wall, 68; Ward, arlang, 15 Wal i Saghernouee Cae, TA SEH th tl Wail 3d, harteceyer ctear ea De enna “a wee Walker +. Bauvinet, 02 U. 8., 90; Kennard’ r, Louisiana, ex rel, Morgan, 92 U- 8", 480; Tied sats” Ciitehents ba €. S'S Nae ase ae ee 7 ren renner oie Coton th ated a we pope o carole ot the ave Sn tre Phe ate Coes wm propor 0 18g tbe of Jeo Conger sep and ue Beene of ae encanto dehy lh gate bate Sa Soci, Tee Sew Sr, Oraen Verto Set Ye Oa ets Wee Te a Aaa ee ft Parsi capa sea tk Ecce baie res dentin and Soe at accor gamer Gate Cale, at te tonrsanth Stale of arnentoen 9 tue Consstees ofthe Wael Seen ae ye thin ol ers Mee of che Fatman ne ca ieee a eat ec ecm Screg of Sat acorsiney inl pecan eet Se Vay ao atng thet the propa Recent amen nay i Sher Sentnel Wits genres or eee ae ta oe oe eee ih ek Hani Sly 7, Tennant, Sey iber 11, 1866, (and the legislature ‘of the eame State passed a resolution in April, AEBS wir cme i) ru Sec aa Vemma Nake GoW iar ates a ries ina Reus eee eet etd ated Satya = Ie December 2, 1855, and ried it July 9, 180; New York fed it Janoary 10-100; : | j i ay pues ieee aire a ance me aint Glee teas: te He Scales onan eens Meee 71 february 13, 1867, Mich bruary 5 Massach 7 15, 1867; Iowa, April 8, 1868; Arkansas, April 6, 1868;

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