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PE UTTY atcction to en) coe Nasional onjectve etait ‘engineering students Collegeof engineering Universiti Tenaga Nasional 15® September 2014 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING STUDENT CIRCULAR NO. 1.2038 + REMINDER ON THE SCORUN POINTS GRADUATION. REQUIREMENT. FOR ALL ENGINEERING BACHELOR PROGRAWIMES ‘The objective ofthis cular isto remind all the enginering students on the SCORUN point graduation requltement fora ‘engineering bachelor programmes. According to the UNITEN Academic Regulation of Bachelor Programme, one of he conltion for graduation ia follows Completed the SCORUM requirement with 0 miaimum of 30 "RUN" Jor $yeor programme) or 40 “RUN” (for 4-year programme) For all engineering bachelor programmes, the programme uration is years. Therefore the SCORUN required minimum of 40 "RUNS ‘The above ruling 1s applicable to all students entering ‘engineering programmes rom Semester 2014/15. ‘The relevant stadents are equied to take part in co-curricular and outside of cass activities to ensure that he/she collect sufcient numberof “RUNS” before graduation, ‘Allstudents are required to adhere to the just adopted SCORUN points graduation requirement. Any enquiry. should be adresse tothe Deas Office, College of Engineering -ceeariv, mnovarive a ENERGETIC” certified university Thank you Ky Prof. Dr, Mohd. Zam Yusot, ‘ean, Collegeof Engineering, Universit Tencga Nasional Deputy Vice Chancalr (Academic & Reseach) Deputy Vice Chancellor (Student Afi, Alumni and Management) ‘Al Deputy Deas and Head of Departments, Collage of Engineering Director, Student ffs Centre, UNITEN President, UNITEN Students Representative Counct Altaf af College of Engineering

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