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California Baptist University School of Education

Animal Measurements
(Title should catch readers attention- Be creative ! )

Measurement Center Activity

Lesson Number 2
Note: Clarity and ease of locating each lesson is what is needed.
Materials must include examples and non examples of the concept being taught.
2 copies of 12 animals on paper, black marker, 24 rulers, journals
Vocabulary List key vocabulary terms
Measurement, Centimeter, Inch, Feet
Literature List supporting literature or reading materials
Millions to Measure written by: David M. Schwartz
2. OBJECTIVE (10 points) Must contain the word concept You should be able to know this
lesson will be on developing a concept by reading the objective.
Ex. After the lesson on the concept of __Measurement__ students in grade __2__will be able to
state both orally and in writing the correct definition of __Measurement___.

California Math or Science Standard(s)

Measure the length of an object by selecting and using appropriate tools such as rulers,
yardsticks, meter sticks, and measuring tapes.

State Blooms Level on the Taxonomy in Bold Type

Application and Analysis

ELA Standard(s)
Ask for clarification and further explanation as needed about the topics and texts under

ELD Standard(s)
Level 1 (B) C.12. Selecting and applying varied and precise vocabulary and language
structures to effectively convey ideas
Level 2 (EI) C.6. Connecting Ideas
Level 3 (I) 5. Listening actively Demonstrate active listening to read alouds and oral
presentations by asking and answering detailed questions with minimal prompting and
light support
Level 4 (EA) 12.a Retell texts and recount experiences using complete sentences and key

3. ASSESSMENT (10 points)

Note: A rubric would work well for this assessment
This lesson will be assessed by the written definition in the student journal. The definition must
include three descriptors and three examples of the term/concept___Measurement___.
Students will also be assessed informally by listening to their oral definitions of the concept of

4. MOTIVATION FOR LEARNING ANTICIPATORY SET (5 points) Be creative!!!! Must motivate for
Students will practicing measurement on different types of animals.
5. PURPOSE (5 points)
Boys and girls, today we will be learning about __Measurement__ It is important to understand
___Measurement___ because we can discover how long and tall different objects are in the
6. LESSON BODY (35 points)
Provide a rationale for using this lesson model.
Practicing measurement on different animals will provide an exciting hands on experience to help
students learn how to measure.
Prior to starting the lesson body do the following:
Restate the Objective in Kid terms
Today we will learn how to measure different size objects.
Note: The Concept Attainment lesson has 6 steps. Follow them exactly as follows:
Step One- Definition:
The teacher must introduce the concept by name and define it.
Give several key attributes of the concept that are age appropriate and scientifically correct!
Today we are going to study the concept of ____Measurement____.
According to the dictionary ___Measurement____
__The action of measuring the size, length, or amount of something___.
Step Two - Examples:
Bullet each example and leave space between each new example.
The teacher must present (5 6 ) examples of the new concept.

This is a ___centimeter___. It is a __example of measurement__because it ___is one

way to measure objects___, _a centimeter is equal to one-hundredth of a meter__.

This is a __inch__ because it ___ ,

__also is used to measure objects__ and ___is one-twelfth on a foot___.

This is also a __foot__ because it __is also used to measure objects__ , and __is equal
to 12 inches__.

This is also a __scale__ because it __measures and object__, and __measures its

This is also a __ruler__ because it __measures length and height__ and __provides exact

Continue this format for 5-6 examples. Fully script each statement. The repetition is the
key to teaching this lesson well.
However, Do not just copy and paste for each example.
Step Three - Non-examples:
Bullet each non-example and leave space between each new example.
Give ,5 or so, non-examples with reasons why they are not examples of the concept.
This is a __comparison___.
It is not a ___measurement____ because it does not have __an exact number__, ___its
based off of more than one item___ and ___does not provide measurement of item___.
Estimate is not a __measurement__ because it does not have __a measurement tool__
or __exact measurement___ even though it does have__a guess on measurement___
Small is not a _measurement_ because it does not have _an exact measurement_
even though it does _provide a range of measurement_.

Medium is not a _measurement_ because it does not have _an exact measurement_
even though it does _provide a range of measurement_.

Large is not a _measurement_ because it does not have _an exact measurement_
even though it does _provide a range of measurement_.
Thermometer is not a _measurement_ because it does not _measure size, length or
amount_ even though it does measure _temperature_.
Give 5 more examples of what is not an example of the concept and the reasons why it is not.
It is very important to go over each item and compare and contrast them so students can
clearly understand the concept.

Step Four - Mixed Examples:

Bullet each mixed example and leave space between each new
example. Present them and ask students to distinguish between them. Give 5 mixed examples
with clear responses of why and why not.

Here is a __ruler___. Is this an example of __measurement___(concept being studied)? It

is ( or is not ) a
__measurement__ because __it measures the size of something__.

Is this __thermometer__ a measurement ? It is not a __measurement__

because __it takes temperature not measurement__.

Is this __Medium size shirt___ a measurement? It is not a __measurement__

because __it does not give an exact measurement just a range of measurement___.
Is this _scale_ a measurement? It is a _measurement_ because _it measures weight_.
Is an _inch_ a measurement? It is a _measurement_ because_ it measures length and

Continue through several more mixed examplesbe sure to include the correct

Vocabulary. This is where students have a chance to develop the

correct terms/vocabulary and really own the terminology.
Step Five - Redefine Concept:

The teacher must ask students to define the concept in their own words. You should have
given several clear attributes of the concept that students can easily repeat and write in their
journals. Now it is their task to write the new term with the meaning and description in their
journal under the vocabulary for this unit.
They could also illustrate the term and give various examples and non examples. Let them be
creative in how they enter the vocabulary terms. This will help them remember the vocabulary
and make it useful for them.
You could say: (Word this part according to the group you are addressing)
Boys and girls, turn to your partners and say the definition of __Measurement__ in your
own words. This is your chance to practice saying (rehearsing) this new term. Be sure
you both state the definition and give several good examples and state why they are good
Fully script 2 or 3 student responses.
Now, have them write the definition in their own words in their journal.
Next, please take out your journals and enter this term __centimeter__.
Also write the definition in your own words and give several examples. Explain how
__inch__ is used and where it is located __on a ruler__. Etc.

Step Six - Student Examples:

The teacher must ask the students to find or suggest additional examples of the concept to
show their understanding.
Students, now it is your turn to own this concept. You are the experts so your task is to
find more examples. You could look in the books I have gathered in our classroom library
or on the internet. You could look in __the measurement tools__ or __examples__.
You might find more examples at the __video library__. ( Give them several places to find
more examples of this concept. The more they see where it belongs the better they will
come to understand and be able to use the vocabulary.)
Step Seven Response to Learning the Concept:
Using the EL/ELA Standards State the expected response in the four language arts areas to
learning based on the EL/ELA objectives and the Social Studies content of the lesson body.
ELD Level 1 Response to learning:
Listening B.5. Listening actively to spoken English in a range of social and academic contexts
Speaking A.1. Exchanging information and ideas with others through oral collaborative
discussions on a range of social and academic topics
Reading C.12. Selecting and applying varied and precise vocabulary and language structures
to effectively convey ideas
Writing C.10. Writing literary and informational texts to present, describe, and explain ideas
and information, using appropriate technology

ELD Level 2 Response to learning:

Listening A.1. Understanding text structure
Speaking C.6. Connecting ideas
Reading C.6. Connecting ideas
Writing B.5. 5. Modifying to add details

7. CLOSURE (5 points)
Gather students at the discussion table or on the rug. It is now the end of the day and
students are prepared to go home. Wrap up the learning with a chance for students to
practice key learning once again. In this case it will be the new concept you have introduced.
Do something like the following:
Boys and girls please come to our talking circle. We have much to discuss.
Today we studied the concept of __Measurement__. Now it is your turn to own this
information. Lets practice saying what we have learned about __Measurement___. Who
would like to begin?
Continue this dialogue until students have again rehearsed several times.
End with each student stating the learning to the person next the him/her.
Provide a rationale.
This will provide students the opportunity to investigate and practice the concept on their own.

The teacher assigns the students the task of finding additional examples of the concept on
their own. For example, students can look in books, library or computer for additional


How will you meet the learning needs of all students in the group? Provide specific strategies
that might be used for each type of learner. Provide a rationale by answering How and Why for
each student group. Attach Student List with descriptions of the 3 key students you are
addressing below.
Color highlight the strengths, weaknesses, and your adaptation

Red- Weakness
Green Strengths
Yellow - What you are doing about both strengths and weaknesses.

Describe EL Focus Student

Include several (at Least 3) of the following data points:
Linguistic Background, home language, approx. level of lang. proficiency, learning style/modality preferences, personal interests and
any other behavior or cultural factors to consider in planning instruction. What did the student do that gave you this impression?

Andrew is a six year old male student who is an ELL. During Pre-K-Kindergarten, he was kept in a bilingual classroom
that allowed him to speak primarily in Spanish. As such, he did not develop academic language proficiency in English
alongside his English-speaking peers. Writing seems to be his weakest area, but his struggles could probably be
classified more generally as difficulties with academic language. His basic interpersonal communication skills (BICS) do
not appear to be lacking. He is an active participant in classroom activities and confident in social situations.

Prescribe /Describe Three Potential Adaptations for Instruction

Link each adaptation to specific characteristic of this students needs. Link to specific parts of standard /objective.
1. Because the student __has difficulties with academic language__I will do ___one on one time___.
2. I will provide him with Spanish translations of the key terms used for lesson.
3. I will provide him a demonstration to provide an example of how to complete the activity.

Provide Rationales for each Adaptation

Link each rationale to each of the three adaptations and student characteristics you mentioned concerning this students learning. Be
specific so that reader can easily see the connections between your decisions and the student needs. (You can include links to
theory/frameworks, or text resources if appropriate.)
1. I will provide one on one time to monitor if he is completing the activity correctly, if not I will provide assistance.
2. I will provide a Spanish translation of the key terms to help him better understand the lesson we are learning.
3. I will provide a demonstration so that he has a better understanding on how to solve a problem in this activity.

Rational for making Adaptations Sentence Frame

Because the student(s) is/are weak in this particular skill of __academic language__which is linked to __L.1__standard
or standard concept, I selected this particular instructional focus of ___Spanish translation___.
Because the student is strong /has strength in this particular area __social skills__ I choose this adaptation. Because
several students are weak in this skill___social skills__ I am selecting this strategy ___small group activities__.

Describe Focus Student Presenting Instructional Challenge

Include several (3+) of the following data points:
Linguistic Background, home language, approx. level of lang. proficiency, learning style/modality preferences, personal interests and
any other behavior or cultural factors to consider in planning instruction. What did the student do that gave you this impression?

Ryan is a six year old boy who has been diagnosed with ADHD and has been prescribed medication
to help calm him down. Although he takes medication, however Ryan still has difficulty at times
focusing in class and is also easily distracted. Ryans home and only language is English and enjoys
reading. Ryan is exceptional in his reading and writing. Because of Ryans difficulty in focusing he
is a kinesthetic learner. Ryan is able to focus and learn if he is given the opportunity to learn with a
hands on activity. Although at times Ryan has difficulty transitioning to new activities and can
often act out in anger. Ryans personal interests include soccer and playing with dinosaurs.
Prescribe /Describe Three Adaptations for Instruction
Link each adaptation to specific characteristic of this students needs. Link to specific parts of standard /objective.
1. Because the student __throws tantrums in transitioning___I will __give Ryan a few warnings that our time on the subject is
coming to an end___.
2. Because the student _enjoys reading_ I will give him _a five minute break to read a book if having a hard time focusing or feeling
3. Because the student _is a kinesthetic learner_ I will give _him more hands on activities_.

Provide Rationales for each Adaptation

Link each rationale to each of the three adaptations and student characteristics you mentioned concerning this students learning. Be
specific so that reader can easily see the connections between your decisions and the student needs. (You can include links to
theory/frameworks, or text resources if appropriate.)
1. By providing Ryan with a few warnings before transitioning to the next activity it will help him to not be surprised and more
prepared to transition.
2. By providing Ryan a break to do something he enjoys doing (reading) it will give him the break he needs to calm down or regain
focus in class.
3. By providing Ryan with more hands on activities he will be able to focus on learning longer because he is a kinesthetic learner.

Rational for making Adaptations Sentence Frame

Because the student(s) is/are weak in this particular skill of ___listening___which is linked to ____1.1A__standard or
standard concept, I selected this particular instructional focus of __class lecture/discussion__.
Because the student is strong /has strength in this particular area __reading__ I choose this adaptation. Because several
students are weak in this skill__reading___ I am selecting this strategy __reading breaks___.

Describe Advanced Focus Student

Include several (3+) of the following data points:
Linguistic Background, home language, approx. level of lang. proficiency, learning style/modality preferences, personal interests and
any other behavior or cultural factors to consider in planning instruction. What did the student do that gave you this impression?

Grace is a six year old girl who is currently receiving all As in each subject. Grace is born and
raised here in Moreno Valley and speaks English. Grace is naturally gifted in each subject but
shines in reading, writing, and mathematics. Grace enjoys dancing and playing academic games on
the computer.
Prescribe /describe Three Adaptations for Instruction
Link each adaptation to specific characteristic of this students needs. Link to specific parts of standard /objective.
1. Because the student__is advanced in writing__I will __ask the student to write more and add more detail__.
2. Because the student _is advanced in math_ I will _provide extra mathematics problems to solve_.
3. Because the student _is advanced in reading_ I will _provide extra books that are at the students reading level_.

Provide a Rationale for each Adaptation

Link each rationale to each of the three adaptations and student characteristics you mentioned concerning this students learning. Be
specific so that reader can easily see the connections between your decisions and the student needs. (You can include links to
theory/frameworks, or text resources if appropriate.)
1. By having Grace write more and add more detail she will be able to write at her level.
2. By providing Grace additional mathematics questions she will have extra problems to work on while other students are trying to
finish the normal amount of problems.
3. By providing Grace with books at the appropriate reading level Noelle will be able to continue to grow in her reading.

Rational for making Adaptations Sentence Frame

Because the student(s) is/are strong in this particular skill of ___reading___which is linked to ___1.15___standard or
standard concept, I selected this particular instructional focus of ___higher level reading____.
Because the student is strong /has strength in this particular area _reading__ I choose this adaptation. Because several
students are weak in this skill__reading___ I am selecting this strategy ___reading groups___.

10. (10 points)

THEORETICAL OVERVIEW: Provide an overview of the theoretical basis for this lesson
model and a rationale for why you have selected this content for this lesson model. Link
your rationale to the specific lesson objective/standard cognitive level and corresponding
descriptive words (i.e., analyze, compare).
This lesson is taught by using information processing to attain the

Structure of Knowledge

Cognitive Level

Rationale for using this Lesson Model in relationship to the cognitive level.
Highlight/color the cognitive levels that fit with the Lesson and provide a rationale for your


I will be using the Concept Attainment lesson because students will meet the Analysis level by
measuring different size animals then journaling the results.
I will be using the Concept Attainment lesson because students will meet the application level by
applying the new terms into practice.

Attach the work you have assigned for independent practice. You must do the
assignment just as if you were a student in your class. Use the appropriate paper,
print, and line size suitable for the developmental level of the class.
Students will practice length of different animals in pictures.

Lesson Summary of Instructional Preparation

Adaptation Features for Focus Students
Link all Adaptations to Lesson Objective/Standard
Select and explain only what you used in each box and why. Delete the unused
o Adaptation of
One on one time,
o Background
o Strategies Used
Hands on activity
o Resources
Book: Millions to

o Modeling
Measuring animals
o Guided Practice
Measuring animals
o Independent
Measuring animals
o Comprehensible
Vocabulary Terms

o Pairs
Measuring animals
o Works
Journal measuring

o Advanced
Measure without
black line
o EL
Primary Language

Integration of
o Reading
Book: Millions to
o Writing
Journal writing
o Listening
vocabulary terms
o Viewing
o Vocabulary
Vocabulary terms

o Hands on
Measuring animals
o Meaningful
Measuring animals
o Linked to objectives
Age appropriate state
o Engaging
Measuring animals
o Active Learning
Measuring animals

o Rubric
Used to assess
o Written
o Summative
Journal results
o Test
Record results with

o Linked to
o Integrated with
Language Arts
Book: Millions to
o Age Appropriate
Using Grade 2

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