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Religion Planning


Year 2

School: Our Lady of Lourdes


Duration: 8

Fertile Question / Topic

How do the stories about Jesus give meaning to our community today?

Class Context Differentiated learning

WHO ARE MY LEARNERS? Write a short blurb about specific needs of student learning and Religious Background information
Class Needs

Adjustments for Learners

Learning Context - Significant Days and Celebrations

Our Lady of Lourdes Feast Day, Easter

Year Level Description

In Year 2, students learn about aspects of Gods nature and Gods relationship with people, as they engage with a variety
of New Testament texts depicting the teachings and actions of Jesus and Old Testament texts that describe Gods
relationship with the Jewish people. They explore contextual information about the first century Mediterranean world, to
better appreciate the life and times of Jesus. They learn about Jesus mission and ministry and explore ways in which
Jesus teachings and actions continue to guide the life of the Church community today. They explore, recognise and

appreciate the history of a parish community as it is revealed in many ways.

Students learn about the sacredness of all creation, especially human life; the call to be co-creators and stewards of Gods
creation; and the responsibility to pursue peace and justice out of respect for human life and all creation. They develop
their understanding of the loving relationship God unconditionally offers to people; and their understanding of sin, as
evident in the free choices that harm the individual and their loving relationships with God, with others and with all
creation. They explore ways in which believers seek to heal these relationships through reconciliation and prayer. They
investigate ways in which believers celebrate reconciliation with God and with others in the Sacrament of Penance.
Students examine ways in which prayer and the wisdom of the saints help believers to nurture their loving relationships
with God, with others and with all creation. They develop their understanding of prayer in the Christian tradition through
an exploration of prayer for forgiveness (acts of contrition and Penitential Act) and meditative prayer

Achievement Standard
By the end of Year 2, students analyse some teachings and actions of Jesus depicted in New Testament texts that reveal
aspects of Gods nature. They discuss their ideas about Gods relationship with the Jewish people as described in some Old
Testament stories. Students pose questions about the life and times of Jesus and use sources provided to answer these
questions. They make connections between Jesus teachings and actions and the way members of the Church community
live today.
Students recognise the sacredness of God and all creation, especially human life. They identify ways in which human
beings respond to the call to be co-creators and stewards of Gods creation. Drawing on their own experiences, they
suggest ways to pursue peace and justice out of respect for human life and all creation. They recognise choices that harm
an individual and their loving relationships with God, with others and with all creation. They explain ways in which
believers seek to heal these relationships through reconciliation and how they celebrate reconciliation in the Sacrament of
Penance. They recognise that prayer and the wisdom of the saints help the believer to nurture their relationship with God,
with others and with all creation. They participate with respect in a variety of personal and communal prayer experiences,
including meditative prayer and prayers for forgiveness.

Content Descriptions
Sacred Texts
Mandated Scriptural Texts
Jesus heals two blind men - Matthew 20: 29
Parable of the Unforgiving Servant
Matthew 18: 21 35
Jesus heals a crippled woman Luke 13: 10 - 13
Religious Knowledge
and Deep
The life and teachings of
Identify some teachings
Jesus is the primary source and actions of Jesus that
of Gods self-revelation in
reveal aspects of Gods
the New Testament.
nature e.g. loving,
forgiving, inclusive

People of God
Church History
Religious Knowledge
and Deep
The church community
draws from the teachings


Religious Knowledge
and Deep
Jesus lived a truly human
life. His mission and
ministry was to preach and
bring about the Kingdom of
God including through his
teaching, healing and

Identify the purpose and
nature of Jesus mission
as depicted in some
Gospel stories.
Describe the effect of
Jesus mission and
ministry on the lives of
key characters in some
Gospel stories.

Christian Living

Identify the key teachings
and actions from Jesus life

Religious Knowledge
and Deep


and action of Jesus to guide

the way we live.

that guide the life of the

Church community.

Learning Intentions
By the end these learning experiences, students

Explore some of the characteristics of the life and times of Jesus

Identify the purpose and nature of Jesus' mission and ministry as seen in some Gospel stories
Describe the effect of Jesus' mission and ministry on the lives of key characters in some Gospel stories.
Use clues from the New Testament to make connections between Jesus teachings and the way the church community lives today
Use a range of practices, including centred breathing and attending to posture, to prepare their mind and body for meditative

Success Criteria
Students pose questions about the life and times of Jesus and use sources provided to answer these questions.
Students identify characteristics of the first century Mediterranean world in a scriptural text.
Students explain how particular scripture stories tell about Jesus' mission and ministry.
Students describe how Jesus' actions in particular scripture passages affected the characters in the stories.
Students make connections between Jesus teachings and actions and the way members of the Church community live today.
Students participate respectfully in meditative prayer, using a range of practices including centred breathing and attending to posture to prepare their mind
and body.


Students work in groups to create a visual response to show how one of the stories of Jesus they have explored (e.g. Jesus heals a
blind man, Jesus walks on water, Jesus heals a crippled woman) is remembered in the parish community today

With teacher guidance each group of students presents their information on an aspect of life in the time of Jesus they have
researched. Students in other groups record information and pose questions to the group as they present.

As a whole class students explore the world of the text through questions such as:

Who are the characters in this story?

What happens in this story?

What does Jesus do in this story?

How might the people in the community have understood this story about Jesus? Would they think that Jesus, as a human
being, really walked on water without drowning? What would the people in the authors community understand about who Jesus
was for them by reading this story?

What connections can be made with other Curriculum areas (eg History, Geography, English)?

History Changes in the local community e.g. technology, services

Religious Life of the School

Religious Identity and Culture

Ethos and Charism: The ethos and charism

of the school express the assumptions,
beliefs and values that the Catholic
community shares. They are reflected in what
is done, how it is done and who is doing it.
Authentic Christian Community: An
authentic school community supports the
dignity of each person, practises Christian
hospitality and proclaims its values through
word and action.

Social Action and Justice

General Capabilities
Comprehending texts through listening,
reading and viewing
Composing texts through speaking,
writing and creating

Information and communication
technology (ICT) capability

Investigating with ICT

Critical and creative thinking

Cross-Curricular Priorities

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

histories and cultures

Asia and Australias engagement

with Asia


Evangelisation and Faith

Witness to the wider community: Witness
to the wider community calls Christians to
give witness to the beliefs and values of the
Catholic Christian tradition and proclaim the
Good News of Jesus Christ.

Personal and social capability

Ethical understanding
Intercultural understanding.

Prayer and Worship

Christian Prayer: Prayer, as the raising of
the mind and heart to God or the requesting
of good things from God, contributes to the
faith growth of individuals and the building of
Christian community.
Schools draw on the richness
of the Catholic tradition, the
wider Christian tradition and
their own particular charism to
nurture the prayer life of the

Recommended Resources
Learning Bytes

Learning Experiences - Select a relevant Inquiry Process

Explore Elaborations
Tuning In

Finding Out

Sorting Out

What is the topic?

Identify possible sources
What do we want to
of information
find out?
Why should we study this topic?
Identify skills necessary for the How can we do this best?
Frame manageable questions.
How will we gather the
What do I already know about this
How did it happen?
topic? I think I know x,y,z.

Extend and challenge
students understandings
Offer more information
Is there something else I need
to deepen my knowledge

Reflecting and
So what have I learnt?
If I know this, how can I connect it with
my world?

How is this relevant to me?

Who was there and what were

the facts?

Does what I knew before still

Does my first idea still make

What difference does this make
to me?

Teaching and Learning Sequence

Week 1
Tuning In

Week 2

Week 3

Using only the cover, ask students to discuss what they think this story is
about. Why might it be called Mirror? Discuss and describe the boys on
either side. Speculate and include information about personality, age and
where they might live.
Read Mirror twice. On second time, pause at each page and have
students identify the similarities and differences between the two pages.
Discuss how the images and places are used to show a similar message
about living in a community. Note the similarities and differences,
especially the transport used in the story (cars and donkeys).
Ask students to imagine that they had to ride a donkey to school or the
local shops etc. Create a pros and cons chart of using a donkey for
transport and the impact on the environment. Students decide if they
think it would be better to ride a donkey and write a sentence justifying
their choice.
How do stories about Jesus give meaning to our community today?
Brainstorm questions about Jesus.
Who was Jesus?
How do we know about him?
Where did he live?
What did he do?
What did he say?
Why might he be important to people today?
Make a KWL chart of what students would like to learn about Jesus.
Jesus heals two blind men
The Miracle Maker 0:00 7:00

for Learners

Mirror by Jeanie
Baker (OLOL

Who was Jesus

KWL Chart

The Miracle



Discuss what information about the world of Jesus they have seen in the
Retrieval charts food, clothing, jobs, houses and buildings
Make a poster about these in groups words and pictures
Students present this information to class.
Students read story of Jesus Heals Two Blind Men. Discuss the story,
characters and the work that Jesus did.
Assessment: Students write a reflections on the story based on the
Who are the characters in this story?
What happens in this story?
What does Jesus do in this story?
How might the people in the community have understood this
story about Jesus? Would they think that Jesus, as a human being,
really walked on water without drowning? What would the people
in the authors community understand about who Jesus was for
them by reading this story?

Retrieval charts
Jesus Heals Two
Blind Men

Assessment: Students work in groups to create a visual response to

show how one of the stories of Jesus they have explored
is remembered in the parish community today

Week 4

History Detectives
Discuss what they know about Jesus time. Teacher discusses
where they might find more information Bible, historical
In small groups, students research an aspect of the first century
world that the gospel stories are based in. Teacher designates an
area of investigation for each group. Discuss how to present

Cultural: Synago
gue, Sabbath
Geographical: T
he land in the
time of Jesus
Historical: Fishin
g and
boats, Healing
and touch, Food
The Miracle

Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
ating &
Week 8
ating &


Continue research

Continue research

Students present their findings to class. Encourage the audience to
ask questions as they present.
Teacher takes notes on a Postie (or similar) during presentations.
Ask students at the end what they all have in common.
Ask: What questions do we have now?
Students present their findings to class. Encourage the audience to
ask questions as they present.
Teacher takes notes on a Postie (or similar) during presentations.
Ask students at the end what they all have in common.
Ask: What questions do we have now?

Post Unit Evaluation

Thoughts about the unit
e.g suitability of activities, assessment tasks

Evaluation of Resources- additional resources

Considerations for next time

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