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Lesson Plan: The Marshmallow Challenge!

Goals / Objectives
SWBAT work in teams IOT try to build a free standing structure using unconventional building

!SWBAT make predictions about what problems may arise during The Marshmallow Challenge
IOT make action plans for problem solving as a team.
!SWBAT reflect on how their teamwork was or was not successful IOT create goals as team
members and problem solvers.
!Standards (and Assessment Anchors, if applicable)

!From:PA Standards for Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship

5.2.K.B: Identify a problem and discuss possible solutions.

!From:PA Standards for How International Relationships Function

Solve a problem and explain how it was solved in grade appropriate contexts.

5.4.K.A: Identify conflict in the classroom.

5.4.K.B: Identify how students can work together.

!From: Common Core

CC.1.5.K.E: Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.

Materials and preparation
Pictures of people working as a team
1 box raw spaghetti
1 bag of marshmallows
7 spools of 1 yard string
7 scissors
7 roles of masking masking tape(1 yard each)
Learning environment and management issues
Briefly describe the physical arrangement of the class with respect to managing your plans in the
particular space:
1. Students will be gathered on the back rug to establish norms and build context before
breaking students into teams at their tables.
2. I will begin by having students restate expectations for behavior and what is needed
for best learning on the carpet. We will revisit class established logical consequences
for not following stated norms. Students will be given 2 warnings and after the 3rd,
asked to leave the carpet for a break until they are ready to join us as we had agreed.
3. Flexibility is important so students always have the option to sit in a chair rather than
the rug if it is a more suitable place for them to learn.
4. Students are to sign a team promise that states they will be safe, kind, friendly, active
listeners, creative thinkers and part of a team. This will keep students accountable
during the activity.


1) the hook
Students will have 3 minutes to do a mini gallery walk to observe various images of people working as a team. Prior to walking students will be asked to thinking about what our mystery word
might be by looking at the pictures. The mystery word is, teamwork. Students will have to be
silent during the walk.

!2:03 Ring bell

Once students are gathered back as a group when I ring the classroom chime, I will ask them to
turn to a partner and whisper talk what they think the mystery word might be.


After a minute I will ask students to put a thumbs up if they have an idea of what our mystery
word might be. Students will come to the front of the group and point to the images while explaining the connections they have made.
As a group we will discuss what they images have in common until we arrive at our mystery
word, teamwork. Pictures included: construction workers building a house, human pyramid, a
baseball team, people moving furniture together, ants transporting food, medics carrying injured
person, seeing eye dog walking with person, etc.

2) the body of the lesson

Teacher will tells students, We are going to work in teams to solve some problems. I want you to
think about some of the things we talked about when we looked at the pictures of teamwork.
What things will be important to make a good team?

!I have a challenge for you. I have a bag for each team. In each bag there are some materials you

will use to build the tallest tower you can but you only have 18 minutes and there are a few rules.
This tower must stand up on its own and the top of the tower must have a marshmallow on it. The
marshmallow must stay in one piece and you can only use the materials in this bag to build your
tower. I am going to be taking notes on the teamwork I notice as I walk around so we can make a
list of things that teams do to solver problems.
I have put you in teams of 4 so when I call your name I want you to stand up and go to the table I
am standing by. When everyone is sitting quietly, I will come around with your materials.
Once students are seating and ready, I will place materials at each table(asking students NOT to
touch them). Once everyone has their materials ready on their table, I will set the timer.

!During activity I will walk around and narrate the positive teamwork and effort I see in each

team. I will make anecdotal notes and use a checklist during this time.
I will announce a 5 minute warning and then a one minute warning reminding students that when
they hear me ring the chime they must stop as we normally do when the chime rings. Students
will be reminded that it is ok if your tower does not work or you are not finished and that teamwork takes practice.


3) Closure
As a group we will do a gallery walk where each team talks about their tower and their strategies.
They will be asked what worked and what did not and what they might do next time for better
teamwork. What problems did you encounter? How did you solve them?
Students will end by having group conferences and making goals for how they can improve their
teamwork and problem solving skills. !

!Assessment of the goals/objectives listed above

During activity I will walk around and narrate the positive teamwork and effort I see in each
team. I will make anecdotal notes and use a checklist during this time.
Students will end by having group conferences and making goals for how they can improve their
teamwork and problem solving skills. !
As a group we will do a gallery walk where each team talks about their tower and their strategies.
They will be asked what worked and what did not and what they might do next time for better
teamwork. What problems did you encounter? How did you solve them? I will take notes of student responses
I am looking for skill level in active listening, compromise, kind language as well as observing
team dynamics. Who tends to lead? Who gets left out? What kind of intelligences are coming into
play in each team? !

Anticipating students responses and your possible responses
!Students may have difficulty understanding what the mystery piece(teamwork) is in this lesson. I
may need to ask the following generative questions for my students:
!What do all of these pictures have in common?
Why are there so many people in each picture? Why cant one person do each job or activity?
What do you think the people in the pictures need to do to get their job done?
How might working together help the people in these pictures?
Accommodations/Differentiated Instruction

1.Small Group (14 students). This was a decision made my the lead teacher and my
self. This allows us to better instruct each student as well as assess their learning more
efficiently. For this lesson in particular, students will be working in groups of 4.
2. Multiple Intelligences: This activity front loads with images to engage learners and to get
them thinking about teamwork through visual media.
This activity engages students in play while encouraging them to work together as engineers and
architects. Many students process much better when given the option to solve a hands on problem.
3. Turn and Talk: Interpersonal relationships are the forefront of this lesson so it is important
that it is heavily based in one on one work that practices the lessons goals. This also eases student stress and anxiety when it comes to participating in a whole group setting(raising hands, being called on)


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