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Progress Test 3

LISTENING (10 marks)

4 Simon / 5 Simon / 6 Marcela / 7 Marcela / 8 Marcela / 9 Carmen / 10 Carmen

VOCABULARY (10 marks)

11 big / 12 declining / 13 growing / 14 small / 15 mature
16 b / 17 f / 18 a / 19 c / 20 e

LANGUAGE (18 marks)

21 the cheapest / 22 heavier / 23 The heaviest / 24 longer / 25 The longest / 26 better / 27 the
best / 28 older
29 Have they got a lot of work?
30 Why does she work hard?
31 Did he leave the company?
32 Was she a good manager?
33 Does Emilio like Madrid?
34 c / 35 f / 36 a / 37 e / 38 b


39 understand / 40 isnt / 41 dont / 42 make / 43 get / 44 think
45 7 / 46 6 / 47 4 / 48 2 / 49 5 / 50 3

READING (10 marks)

51 F / 52 F / 53 T / 54 T / 55 T
56 c / 57 a / 58 a / 59 b / 60 a

WRITING (10 marks)

Model answer
Dear Pat
I prefer to travel with EurLo. It is much cheaper than National. The cost of getting into the city
centre by train is also cheaper than the taxi from Barcelona Airport. There is no free meal during
the EurLo flight, and the flight arrives late in the evening. But for me, this is not a problem?.
What do you think?
(60 words, not including opening and closing phrases)
Dear Pat
I prefer to travel with National. It is more expensive that EurLo, but the airport is closer to the
city. The taxi is more expensive than the train, but the journey time is shorter. We can also have
a free meal during the flight. There are more flights each day and the flights arrive earlier. With
EurLo, we arrive at 10:45 p.m. I think this is too late!
All the best
(68 words, not including opening and closing phrases)
Total marks: 70

PHOTOCOPIABLE 2008 Pearson Longman ELT

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