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Karina Diaz
Dr. Lee Carmouche
English 1302/ 10

Same-sex marriages

Texas is well known for its conservativeness and also for its religious views. However,
same-sex marriage goes back all the way to ancient history. Gay marriage was actually
recognized by ancient Sparta and on the Dorian island of Thera. During the 2nd century in Rome,
conjugal contracts between men were ridicule the but legally binding (LaMance 1). In the early
18th century in London, gay men also got married but they did not have legal sanction. Same-sex
marriages has existed for a long time however their marriages were not legalized. During 342
AD, the Christian emperors Constantuius II and Constants issued a law in the Theodosia code
that prohibited same-sex marriage (LaMance 1). During January of 1975, two men from phoenix,
Arizona are granted a marriage license by their county clerk. However, the Arizona Supreme
Court would later invalidate the license (Huff 1). On May of 1993, the Hawaii state Supreme
Court ruled in Baechr v. Lewin limited gay marriage (Huff 1 ). However, on September of 1999,
Governor Gray Davis from the US from California signed a registered partnership bill into law
that provided limited right for same-sex couples (Huff 1). During the modern times in 2001, the
Netherlands became the first in the world to grant same-sex marriages (Huff 1). On May 2012,
Barack Obama became the first US president that publicly announced his support for same-sex
marriages. Whenever same-sex marriage got to be discussed in the Supreme Court, the same-sex
marriage did not pass; it actually got banned. The Bill Of Rights and the US Constitution state


that same-sex marriage would be unconstitutional (Huff 1). Some people also believe that samesex marriages is a sin and it should never be allowed. Forming different opinions towards gay
marriage the Supreme Court was not sure what to decide. However on May 17, 2004, same sex
marriage became legal in America (Huff 1). The first gay couple to apply for a marriage license in
the U.S. was Jack Baker and Michael McConnell and they did so in 1970 in Minnesota, and they
were not allowed to get married. Today there is a total of 37 states that have legalize same-sex

marriage and only 13 states have yet to legalizes it. Same-sex marriage has been legalized in
many states. However, Texas is still one of the states that has not yet to legalize gay marriage. In
fact, gay marriage should be legalized without restrictions in the state of Texas because of its
success rate, its helpfulness in our economy, and gay marriage is protected under the constitution
under the 14th amendment.
Texas is one of few states that has still not legalized same-sex marriage; other states like
Alabama, Alaska Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida and many more have
legalized gay marriage. Texas is one of the 13 states that has yet to legalize gay marriage and has
actually banned it. Some evidence states that lesbians, gay, bisexual and transgender people face
high levels of psychological distress because of social isolation and the difficulty in obtaining a
legal recognition of their relationships ( Lutwak, 1). Homosexual people need to have the freedom
and right to marry one another and not have to suffer psychological distress just because their
state has banned gay marriage. As gay marriage is legalized in other states, some studies are
made over the fact if same-sex couples could raise a child. Becker studies mention diverse
families have increased in the past decades. Homosexuals have actually formed many families by
adopting. The studies revealed that the homosexuals couples were equally able to raise a child
just like a heterosexual couple would (Becker 2). The study also show how homosexual couples


help the child have a better mind set and be more open-minded making the child have a variety
of different family values. By making this study, it proved that same- sex couples have helped in
the success of forming families. After some studies are made by M.V. Lee Badgett and Christy
Mallory (M.V 1-3) who analyzed dissolution rates from same-sex marriages in New Hampshire
and Vermont reported a same-sex divorce rate of approximately 1% per year, which is below the
average divorce rate of conventional marriages. The study proved that same-sex marriages have
a fewer divorce rates and are being successful in the states that have legalized it (Gelman 1).
A mother and a father are needed to raise a child correctly. That can be one of the
arguments that heterosexuals could say. Some supporters of same-sex marriages think that
children just need love however that may not be the case (Hansen 1). Children need more than
just love. Research shows that they also need ideal families. They need structure for the children
meaning they need both a mother and a father (Hansen 1). A traditional family will offer both a
mother and a father role unlike homosexuals who would not offer this. By having a mother and a
father the child can relate more to their parents (Hansen 1). Some of the research that has been
done also suggest that children raised in same-sex households will be more likely to be sexually
confused and to experiment with sex. Love can sometimes not be enough for the child to be able
to live a normal life. By having a father as a role model it reduces behavioral problems in boys
and psychological problems in girls ( Hansen 1-2). Some extensive research also reveal that
mothers but also father are critical to the health development of a child (Hansen 1- 2). Children
benefit from having both parents because a mother and a father both bring out some unique
characteristic for the child that same-sex marriage couples would not be able to bring out
(Hansen 2-3).


People tend to be bias when it comes to the outcome of children who are raised by same
sex couples, due to the controversy Wililam Meezan and Jonathan Rauch research the growing
effect a child raised by homosexuals (Meeza 97). Based on the Meezan and Rauch findings there
is no negative effect on a childs development by being raise by homosexuals (Meeza 97). As a
matter of fact being raise by same sex couples actually benefits the child by making him/ her
think critically. Another way children benefit from homosexual parenting is by increasing the
durability and stability of relationships not just with their parents but with others as well (Meeza
97). Homosexual are capable of raising a child just as heterosexual couples can, same sex
couples increase social acceptance and family support. A family does not judge but instead love
and support. There is no need for a mother or a father homosexual provide a role model the child
needs to grow and be open-minded about their surroundings. Adoption is a well example how
homosexuals help children who are in need of love and a place to call home. Same-sex marriages
form a strong family bond some heterosexual couples are not able to create. Homosexuals
actually help society by adopting and showing that same-sex marriages can succeed. Forming
families and raising children helps people view that homosexuals have succeeded in forming
families and creating different bonds that other people will not be able to create.
Gay marriage has proven to help the economy in the United States, by legalizing gay
marriage the economy has seen some improvements. Two New York Times reporters calculated
that even ordinary same-sex couples could lose as much as $500,000 over a lifetime because
they cannot marry and because of that they cannot get employers spousal health insurance
(Badgett page 1). Due to those reasons, same-sex couples are most likely to be uninsured than
heterosexual couples. Being able to marry same-sex couples could apply for spousal health and
get insured causing the economy so the rising level of insurance (Solman1). Marriage also helps


couples make economic decisions that benefit socially. Investing for retirement and also looking
out on their health are some of the benefits. Same-sex marriages could also help the tax revenue
decrease dramatically. Is gay marriages becomes legalized thousands of homosexuals will
eagerly await for their wedding and will plan it as well. They will generate at least $1.5 billion
(2). If homosexuals get the right to marry in Texas the economy will increases and it will help us
financially in many ways. As well as the LGBT community is growing over the time influencing
the community to have more to say.
The taxpayers, consumers and business would have to subsidize homosexual
relationships. Social security survivors benefits were first established and intended to help
mothers that stayed home and did not have any retirement benefits ( Sprigg 1). Homosexuals are
trying to establish and take some of the insurances that could only benefit certain people.
Homosexuals also demand the eligibility of the benefit for the child whenever a parent dies even
though the child is not biologically theirs (Spigg 1). Another example of how homosexuals are
affecting todays economy is the fact that they want their partners to be places as dependent in
their taxes (Spigg 1). By placing their partners as dependent in their taxes it causes some
economic distress. Homosexuals are asking for many benefits that cannot be given right away.
The government will have to deal with all the cost for homosexuals. If an employer does not
want to offer some benefits to their homosexual workers it can cause a huge law suit that can
result in many economic damages. By having homosexuals ask for certain rights that cannot be
given to them it is hurting the economy.
However, homosexual couples have actually helped the economy in a dramatically way.
Couples have spent roughly $25,000 on their marriage (William 1). Homosexuals have
contribute in the economy by increasing the money that is being spent on in marriages.


Massachusetts has gained more than $111 Million only in the past five years from same-sex
marriages couples (Williams 1-2). Some companies have made some changes and added samesex marriage couples into their systems and that had also helped the economy (Williams 1). By
having some insurance over people it helps the economy gain more money. The amount of
money that is being waist on marriages is just short compared to the amount of money the U.S
could receive if all its states legalized gay marriages. If the U.S legalized gay marriage and
offered more insurances for homosexuals the economy could even boost more dramatically. By
having companies offer their employed equal rights and benefits it helps the employee be happy
with his/her job and stay and continue working. By staying on their current job the economy can
helped and less people will be unemployed. Also the company can offer many health benefits to
its employees and the employees will be healthier and they will also pay for more insurances
causing the economy to rise thanks to homosexuals.
Homosexuals have the same right as a heterosexual couple do. The Fourteenth
Amendment's guarantee of equal protection under the law. The fourteenth amendment suggest
some or that all people, regardless of sexual orientation, should be protected in their right to marry
( LaMance 2). The equal protection under the fourteenth amendment states that marriage is a

civil institution; married couples benefit from more than 1000 benefits under federal law. The
supporters of gay marriages argue that equal protection requires an equal access to civil benefits
of marriage (law suits data files pages 1-4). The fourteenth amendment has helped some gay
marriages and it has also been used in some lawsuits. The fourteenth amendment gives people
the right and shows that they are protected under the constitution towards being free to marry no
matter their sexual preference. The Supreme Court had a dramatic expansion of homosexual
rights in the Lawrence v. Texas case (law suits data files 1-4). They called the DOMAS


constitution into question. The court held that they violated the right on the constitution prospects
the autonomy of individuals to engage in private homosexuals. Some people disagreed and
believed that they did not do anything wrong. The court house also mention that some of the
actions could have treated religious believes. However there have been some well-known cases
that have help homosexuals ( Andryszewski 5). The fourteenth amendment for examples has
helped some homosexuals to simply proof some of their rights. As well as other rights that states
equality towards everyone.
People argue that the civil rights do not defend homosexuals in any way. One of the
arguments is the fact the civil rights were created for equal treatment. Therefore the constitution
guarantees an equal treatment to all citizens but it does not state anything about marriage ( Skillen

That the civil right protection does not help same sex marriages in any way. The Civil Rights

only purpose is to offer its citizens an equal treatment under the laws ( Skillen 1). People are
asking for equal right but that the civil rights is already giving people the same equal amount of
rights. The civil rights does not offer any thing that states same-sex marriage ( Skillen 1). The civil
rights also does not offer anything about family or friendships. It was established to keep people
controlled by giving them an equal amount of rights. Others cannot argue or use the civil rights
as something than stated that same-sex marriage. That people should not use the civil right to
prove something that it does not state. People also state that the 14 th amendment was created to
ensure the freedom slaves and did not mention anything over same-sex marriages ( Bravin 1).
However, the civil rights does states that everyone should have an equal amount of rights
as well as the 14th amendment mentions about same-sex marriages. That everyone has the power
to have an equal amount of rights. The 14 th amendment helps see that everyone has the right to
do as they please when it comes to itself. No person could deny and equal opportunity to a


person. People have an equal protection. Loving V. Virginia case helped see that love could not
be banned just because of same-sex marriages. The case stated the 14th amendment. Many Right
protect homosexuals on their freedom to have the same amount of rights as other people do. The
civil rights and the bill of rights helps them have an equal amount of rights. As well as other
court cases as for example Lawrence v. Texas and Parenthood v. Casey helps see that equal rights
are protected under the bill of rights and the civil rights (lawsuits data base 3). The 14 th
amendment is really important and has helped people to fight over their rights.
In summary, gay marriage should be legalized in Texas. Many states have legalized gay
marriage and everything is going perfectly fine. The divorce rates have actually shown that gay
marriage has been a success with only the short amount of time it had been legalized.
Homosexual have also proven the ability to form their own families and give others an
opportunity to have a family. Having the right to get married has actually helped our economy.
Gay marriage has plenty of positive things to offer. The LGBT community is a good part of our
population and they have plenty of influences that help the economy grow larger and stronger.
Homosexual are also protected under the fourteenth amendment for having the right to marry
someone no matter the sex. Homosexuals and heterosexuals should not be viewed any
differently, everyone is human and deserve to be treated equally and with the same rights. Gay
marriages should be considered in Texas for all the positive outcomes that it could bring the


Klarman, Michael From the closet to the altar : courts, backlash, and the struggle forsamesexmarriage / Michael J. Klarman. 01 Apr. 2015.
Hallett, Stephanie. "History Of Gay Marriage In The United States (INFOGRAPHIC)." The
Huffington Post., n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2015.
"The History of the Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage." Same-Sex Marriage Legalization
History. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2015.
Lutwalkn Nancy , Dill, Curt , Saliba, Antonio The Impact of not legalizing same-sex marriages
on the lesbian, Gay Bisexual, and transgender community. 01 aprl.2015
The Economic Benefits of Gay Marriage." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2015.
"14th Amendment." 14th Amendment. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2015.
Ken, LaMance. The Evolution of same-sex Marriage Laws 01 APR. 2015
Becker, Amy B. What's Marriage (and Family) Got to Do with It? Support for SameSex Marriage, Legal Unions, and Gay and Lesbian Couples Raising Children. Web 01 Apr.
Lutwak, NancyDill, Curt Saliba, Antonio. The impact of not legalizing same-sex marriageon the
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community web 01 aprl. 2015
Andrew Gelman .Same-sex divorce rate not as low as it seemed web. 01 Apr. 2015.
Meezan, Willian, and Jonathan Rauch. "A Gay Marriage, Same- Sex Parenting, and Americans
Children." N.p., 2005. Web. 17 Apr. 2015.
"U.S. Department of State." Economic Impact of Same-Sex Marriage. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Apr.
Sprigg, Peter. "Family Research Council." Family Research Council. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Apr.
Hansen, Trayce. "Same-Sex Marriage Is Harmful to Children." N.p., 2012. Web. 17 Apr. 2015.


Skillen, James W. "Same-Sex "Marriage" Is Not a Civil Right." N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2015.
Shmoop Editorial Team. "The Gay Marriage Debate and the Due Process Clause."
Shmoop University, Inc., 11 Nov. 2008. Web. 17 Apr. 2015.

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