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Lesson Plan

Unit: Geography

Lesson # Two

Level: Foundation

Time: 20-25 minutes

(Learning Statements that this lesson is building towards)
The representation of the location of places and their features on maps and a globe (ACHGK001)
Make observations about familiar places and pose questions about them (ACHGS001)
Asking questions about what they observe in the local area

Lesson Objectives:
(Key Knowledge and Skills students should achieve in the lesson)
In this lesson students will:
gain an understanding of familiar features in the story Were Going on a Bear Hunt by
Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury

Relate features from the story to their local area

Students Prior Knowledge:

Know the story Were Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury
Familiar with the different aspects of the journey from the story


Introduction & Motivation:

Teaching Approaches &

All students should sit on the carpet in front of the white
White board
minutes Start the lesson with a revision of the previous class.
Were Going on a Bear
Hunt by Michael Rosen
Who can tell me what book we read yesterday? What were
and Helen Oxenbury
some of the things we had to go through?
Draw the sequence of events on the board.
It is important to draw the
picture and write the word as
Prompt student by saying what was the blue fabric on the some students may not
recongnise the word but will be
trigged by the picture.
Who can tell me tell me some things they go past on the
way to school?
As students give their answers draw a picture and write the
word underneath, for example if a student says a park draw a
slid with the word park underneath.
Fill the board with as many ideas as possible.


Main Content:

Teaching Approaches &

As a class create a new bear hunt, this time a journey that
minutes goes from home to school.
Were Going on a Bear
Hunt by Michael Rosen
As a class select five different places that the students go past
and Helen Oxenbury
on their way to school and rub out the rest.
Activity sheet attached
White board
One the board use the activity sheet to create a map from
home to school passing the five places selected on the board. Support and/or Extension
Make sure the following words are used to introduce them to
the correct language: near and far, above and below, around During this activity it is
and under
important to ask if any students
have any questions before they
Show students the activity sheet. On one side of the sheet is complete the activity
a house and the other side is a school. I would like you to
individually. The teacher should
draw all the things you see on your way to school like we
walk around the classroom
have just done on the board.
during the lesson to see if any
students need assistance. Once
Allow students to go to their desks and use different colours students have finished the
to complete the activity.
activity they can use the app
Doodle Buddy to create their
map digitally.



Teaching Approaches &

Once students have completed the activity students can either Resource:
move to the reading corner and read silently or use the app
Ipads with Doodle
minutes Doodle Buddy to create their map again using the Ipad.
Buddy app
Check students map as they
hand it in to ensure they have
correctly completed the task.

Assessment of Learning
(List all assessment and state if it is formative or summative)

The assessment for this lesson will be assessment for learning. Students activity sheets will
demonstrate if the students understand the learning objectives. This will also display which students
need further guidance to ensure they do not fall behind. Students participation and ability to stay on task
will also be assessed though anecdotal notes.

Once the lesson is finished it is important to look at each students work to make sure that every student
has completed their activity correctly and the lesson outcomes were achieved. It is also important to
reflect on the following questions:
Was the lesson effective?
How could it be changed for future classes?
Did student stay on task or what behaviour management strategies could I use next time?

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