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Brittani Havenaar

TE801 Section 004

October 9th 2014
Section 3: Formative Assessments
Did my students learn the mathematical concept(s) I intended for them to learn?
How will I know whether and what mathematics students learned?
Choose 2 or 3 formative assessment strategies to use repeatedly throughout your unit.
o Exit Slip
o Hold thumbs up or thumbs down on chest when reflecting on information
they understand or need clarification on.
Create a plan (tied to the Standards and Big Ideas) for keeping track of individual
student growth based on your on-going use of formative assessment. For your final
submission, reflect across formative assessments and make some claims about
individual student learning.
o Create a spreadsheet with students name on the left side and the main
details of observation with prime numbers and other mathematical
concepts of the lesson on the top. I will check off students as I feel they
have grasped that lessons concept and are ready to move onto the next or
leave it blank to allow me to reflect on what students may need reviewed
or individual help.
Describe how your formative assessments link to the summative assessment of the unit you
are required to do. If there is not clear alignment, provide a rationale for formative
assessment plan.
This is not a unit derived with the basal reader Harcourt Math but composed by me. I
would like to do a summative assessment that will have the students demonstrate
their knowledge on prime, and composite numbers as well as factors. I will be
designing an assessment that is similar to the exit slips in that it will ask the students
to explain why a number is a prime number or composite number as well as list
factors etc.
The rational for my formative assessment usage of exit slips is to use them in order to
know and understand what I will need to adjust in my next day lessons. I will do this
in order to change the next lesson to help struggling students grasp the topics through
a review.
In terms of the assessment utilizing the posting of answers, I am choosing this in
order to have the students post what they know and dont know and see what needs
immediate intervention and whether or not I should emphasize certain aspects in that
days lesson more than others. (Assessing the background knowledge of the students
before the lesson and throughout.) I will need to monitor the questions I choose to
monitor, as I would like to address a wide range of smartness. I need to make sure
that I assess formatively as well as summative at the end. I still need some help with
my summative assessment but its coming along. I would also like to assess not just
the content outcomes but also participation and the willingness to ask questions for
clarification. As a student is trying they deserve to have that noted in an assessment.

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