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DI Lesson Planning Template

Teacher Name:

Jessie Lowry

Subject Area:

Language Arts


April 17, 2015

State Standards/Benchmarks:

The student will identify, say, segment, and blend various units of speech sounds.
c) Blend and segment multisyllabic words at the syllable level.


The student will develop an understanding of basic phonetic principles.

b) Match consonant, short vowel, and initial consonant digraph sounds to appropriate letters.

Lesson Essential Question:

How do the letters t and h change in a word when they are put together?
Time Required:
1 hour 30 minutes for 2 days
What will I differentiate? Readings, activities, assessment
o Content- Group lesson and readings will vary based on ability level
o Process- All students will receive the same whole group instruction. After whole group instruction, students will work at
their leveled literacy centers.
o Product- Students will pass their differentiated post assessment.
How will I differentiate?
My goal is for all students to understand that the letter t and h make their own sounds, but when they are put together in words
they make a new sound. All students will receive the same whole group instructions using Fundations. After Fundations, students will
complete their literacy centers for the day. Small group instruction will count as one of the students literacy center rotations.
During small group instruction, students will work on activities planned for their readiness level. While I am running small groups,
other students will be working on their group assignment, working with a RTI teacher, completing activities on the computer, or using
the listening center.
As a result of this lesson/unit students will:
My students will understand the consonant digraph th.
My students will know the letters t and h make their own sounds when they are by themselves, but when they are put
together in words they make a new sound. My students will also know consonant digraph th can be found at the beginning
and ending of words.

The students will complete activities to apply what they have learned about consonant digraph th.
Students took a Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening (PALS) which assesses digraphs. I will use the results from the screening
to determine my students knowledge of consonant digraphs for my pre-assessment.
Steps in the Lesson:

Fundations Day 1- (includes more review skills than digraph lesson)

Drill sounds/Warm up- Use large and standard sound cards to practice any new/challenging sounds and vowel sounds.
Word play- Use standard sound cards display to make unit words.
o Moth, path, thin, thud, thick, with, Seth
Teach trick words be and me.
Echo/Find Letters & Words with magnetic boards
Fundations Day 2

Drill sounds/Warm up- Use large and standard sound cards to practice any new/challenging sounds and vowel
Word play- Use standard sounds cards display to make unit words
Make it Fun- Write 10-15 words on the board. Some words should include digraphs. Instruct students they are
digraph detectives and they need to find all the digraphs.

2. Literacy Centers Word Work #1- Digraph Dab- Students will identify the digraph in the word. Students will dab the correct answer
with their bingo marker.
Word Work #2-Spin a Digraph- Students will use a pencil and paper clip to make a spinner. They will spin the spinner,
say the digraph sound, then find a picture with the corresponding sign. The student will color the picture using the
color code on the spinner.
Computers- -th lesson on
Work on Writing- Digraph puzzles- Work digraph puzzle. Write the words with the th digraph using the Fundations
paper in the center basket.
Teacher led small groupo th picture cards- Show students the picture of the thorn. Ask students what sound they hear at the
beginning of the word. Remind students the letters t and h together make a new sound.
Show the picture of a mouth. Ask students what sound they hear at the end of the word. Remind
students the consonant digraph th can be at the beginning of a word or at the end.
o Write the word thud on dry erase board. Practice tapping the word out with students.
Write the word with on the dry erase board. Practice tapping the word with students. Remind
students the digraph th can be found at the beginning of a word or at the end.
If needed, continue writing words that contain the consonant digraph th, so students can practice
the new sound the two letters make.
o Practice reading words with the consonant digraph th.
Place the ick word family card on the board. Place the digraph th card in front of the word
family card. Have students practice reading the word. Continue this activity by changing the word
family card or the beginning letter.
o Word sort Make a column for beginning th words and a column for ending th words.
Have students practice reading words, then sorting them into the correct category.
o Decodable reader-

Pass out the book, Thad and Thelma.

Discuss parts of the book
Book walk
High frequency word flashcards
Have students go through each page and highlight each th digraph they find in the book.
Echo Read
Choral read
Read independently
o Small group lessons will be differentiated as we go depending on how students are doing.
Teacher led small group- Remediation specialist brings her own lessons for this group
3. Brain pop- I will use to show the students a video on digraphs.
Closure Activity/Wrap up:
Our activities with digraph th will be completed with using our Fundation dry erase boards for dictation. I will use words from the
Unit Resources section of our Fundations book.
At the end of each small group lesson, I will use an exit slip to assess how the student is doing. There are two different exit slips as
well. The exit slips have the same pictures, but have different ways to respond to accommodate student abilities.
Integrated Instructional Technologies and Resources Utilized:

Weebly Link:

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