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ptr cn Race Fuel - Basic Fuel Characteristics BASIC FUEL CHARACTERISTICS, ‘GENERAL DESCRIPTION METHANOL (Methyl Alcohol) CH30H is a volatile, highly inflammable, water- clear liquid with a mildly spirituous odour. Miscible with water or nitromethane in all BASIC CHARACTERISTICS Flash Point FO FC 62 16 148 64-108 Boiling Freezing Specifie LbsiGall Point Point Gravity approx FC 97 0.796 8 ‘NITROMETHANE CIISNO2 is an inflammable water-clear liquid with mild odour, containing approximately 33% ‘weight of oxygen. Water will mix with nitromethane to the extent of 2.5% only, volume, ‘ACETONE (Dimethyl Ketone) CH3COCHS is a highly volatile highly inflammable, ‘water-clear liguid witha strong, sharp, Jharacteristic odour. Miscible with all the chemicals listed here, and water. 13356 “96 0.791 8 ETHER (Diethyl Ether) C2HSOC2HS ‘an extremely volatile, highly inflammable, water clear liquid with a strong, lingering, characteristic odour. -Miscible with all the chemicals listed ere yut not with water 49-40 95-35 303 ss e747 BENZOLE, (Benzene) Coté isan inflammable water-clear liquid with a dull sweet odour Miseible in most roportions with all the chemicals listed There but not with water. 5 0.879 8.75 ITROBENZENE C6lSNOD is an inflammable, yellow, oly liquid with strong odour of almonds. Miseible in ‘most proportions with all the chemicals listed here but nrot with water. sa ae 412 211 PROPYLENE OXIDE (1 2. Epoxypropane) CH13-CH-CH2 is an exiremely volatile, very reactive, ighly inflammable, water-clear liquid ‘with alight gaseous odour. Miseible with all the chemicals listed here but only tially with water. 320 9334-155 108 UCON LB025 (Polyalkalene glycol) ‘water-clear synthetic lubricating oil with) -xceptionally high film strength properties. [Miscible with all the chemicals listed here ut not with water. 430 221 - a: 32 18 16 Conservative AirPurl Ratio Marin Jor Max Power Compresion bulbs ‘Energy from Cooling fet Combustion (latent heat of Pee (thet of | Use in intemal Combustion Engines ‘Bruit hpahwwa turbolastcm.aufaceluel 5m fethanol permits the use of very high ‘ompression ratios when unsupercharged or 48

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