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1. Go to the following web sites to answer the following questions:
What does HIV and AIDS stand for?
What happens when you get these diseases?
Makes your immune system more easily available to get diseases. Life
expectancy 3 years
How is HIV transmitted?
Through needle sharing, sex, breast feeding
Why is HIV so difficult to treat or develop preventions for?
Because it attacks your immune system making you weak
Which groups of people are most at risk today?
Mostly males, females, and people that participate in needle sharing.
Go to one of the reports on AIDS. Describe two things in the
report that you did not know before about AIDS.
This originates from chimpanzees, and there is no treatment.
4. Go to the STIs web site and describe the symptoms of each of the
i) Chlamydia
rectal pain, discharge
ii) Gonorrhea
through all sex, or if a pregnant woman has it and has a baby.
iii) Herpes (Genital)
Sores around body.
iv) Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
little to none, small bumps around genitals
v) Syphilis
Bumps all around the genitals, but they spread.
5. How are each of the above treated or cured?
i) Chlamydia
can be treated with prescription drugs.
ii) Gonorrhea
can be treated with prescription drugs.
iii) Herpes (Genital)
There is no cure for herpes, just the sores.
iv) Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
No treatment for the virus itself, just the bumps, and pimpes ect.

v) Syphilis
a single dose of penicillin is usually enough to destroy the infection.
6. What are the consequences of each of these diseases?
i) Chlamydia
makes it difficult for women to get pregnant.
ii) Gonorrhea


Anal itching;



Painful bowel movements.

iii) Herpes (Genital)
sores, pimples, ingrown hairs around genital areas. Can grow to other parts
of the body without treatment.
iv) Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
makes you more easily affected to genital cancer.
v) Syphilis
If syphilis is left untreated, it can cause serious and permanent problems
such as dementia, blindness, or death. Also causes more often stillbirths.
7. Find a RELIABLE source to describe the different types of hepatitis:
i) Hep A
ii) Hep B
iii) Hep C
Viral hepatitis refers to infections caused by viruses that directly attack the
liver. Chronic cases of viral hepatitis can lead to life-threatening liver
cirrhosis (or scarring), liver failure and liver cancer. The most common
forms of viral
8. What are the symptoms of hepatitis?
i) Hep A little fever
ii) Hep B can go unnoticed for about six months, or fever.
iii) Hep C Become very ill and prone to disease.
Loss of appetite

Mild fever
Muscle or joint aches
Nausea and vomiting
Abdominal pain

9. Describe the treatments or cures?

i) Hep A No treatments
ii) Hep B People with acute hepatitis B do not require treatment. Getting bed
rest, drinking lots of fluids and taking over-the-counter pain relievers
(products containing ibuprofen, such as Motrin and Advil, are considered to
be safer than products containing acetaminophen, such as Tylenol, in people
with acute hepatitis) are usually all that is needed for someone who is
experiencing acute hepatitis B symptoms.
iii) Hep C Yes but its very expensive.
l0. What are the consequences of each of the three types of hepatitis?
i) Hep A Little liver damage
ii) Hep B Liver damage
iii) Hep C Lots of liver damage

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