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2014 Teacher Summative Performance Report




Directions: Evaluators use this form at the end of the school year to provide probationary teachers and continuing contract teachers in
their summative year with an assessment of performance. This form should be acknowledged by the teacher and submitted to the site
administrator within 10 calendar days of the summative evaluation meeting.

Documentation Reviewed:

Documentation Log
Goal Setting Form(s)
Observaton Form(s)
Other* (specify below)
*Other documentation reviewed:

informal observations

Performance Standard 1: Professional Knowledge

The teacher demonstrates an understanding of the curriculum, subject content, and the developmental needs of students by
providing relevant learning experiences.

Ms. McEwan demonstrates an accurate knowledge of the subject matter. She provides appropriate opportunities for students to process information
and critically think. She uses instructional practices that reflect research by incorporating cooperative group work, lab demonstrations, modeling and
projects. Ms. McEwan has established high expectations for students' learning and holds them accountable for redoing/revising work to meet her
expectations. Evidence to support standard included integrating BYOT into classroom, CAMP program, new teacher institute, and OSHA training.

Performance Standard 2: Instructional Planning

Level of
In addition to
meeting the standard


In addition to meetingthe
standard, the teacher
actively seeks and uses
alternative data and
resources and consistently
differentiates plans to meet
the needs of all students.


The expected level of



The teacher plans

The teacherinconsistently uses
usingthe Virginia
the schools curriculum,
Standards of Learning,
effective strategies, resources,
the schools curriculum,
and data in planning to meet
effective strategies,
the needs of all students.
resources, and data to
meet the needs of all

The teacher does notplan,

or plans withoutadequately
using the schools
curriculum, effective
strategies, resources, and

Ms. McEwan effectively plans instructional lessons that engage students in learning. She plans differentiated instruction based on student
learning data and performance. She posts and states mastery objective and agenda for each lesson. Ms. McEwan plans a daily warm-up
for students to review past lessons and/or to tap into prior knowledge. Evidence to support standard included sample planbook, course
syllabus and substitute plans.

Performance Standard 3: Instructional Delivery

Level of


In addition to
meeting the standard


In addition to meeting
the standard, the
teacher optimizes

students opportunity to
learn by engaging them
in higher order thinking
and/or enhanced
performance skills.

Effective is the expected

level of performance

The teacher effectively

engages students in
learning by using a
variety of instructional
strategies in order to

meet individual

The teacher
inconsistently uses
instructional strategies
that meet individual
learning needs.

The teachers
instruction inadequately
addresses students
learning needs.

Ms. McEwan uses a variety of instructional strategies to engage students in learning. Throughout the year she has differentiated instruction
to meet the needs of individual learner. She has used cooperative grouping, modeling, lab activities, higher order questioning,
manipulatives, lecture, note taking and projects. She also used pre-assessment to collect information as to the level of understanding for
individual students. Evidence to support standard included dimensional analysis practice game, electron configuration foldable, samples of
student work, ipad activity photos and temperature/density notes.

Performance Standard 4: Assessment of and for Student Learning

Level of
In addition to
meeting the standard

Effective is the expected level of



In addition to meeting
the standard, the
teacher uses a variety
of informal and formal
assessments based on
intended learning
outcomes to assess
student learning and
teaches students how
to monitor their own
academic progress.

The teacher
systematically gathers,
analyzes, and uses all
relevant data to
measure student
academic progress,
guide instructional
content and delivery
methods, and provide
timely feedback to both
students and parents
throughout the school

The teacher uses a

limited selection of
assessment strategies,
inconsistently links
assessment to intended
learning outcomes,
and/or does not use
assessment to plan/
modify instruction.


The teacher uses an
inadequate variety of
assessment sources,
assesses infrequently,
does not use baseline
or feedback data to
make instructional
decisions and/or does
not report on student
academic progress in
a timely manner.

Ms. McEwan is effective in checking for understanding. She consistently checks students understanding of her intended mastery objective.
She also uses formative assessments to gauge student understanding of the objective and uses it to modify instruction. Ms. McEwan
provides immediate feedback to students about their performance. Evidence to support standard included samples of student work, class
category summary, class grade chart/distribution/summary, and progress report for parent.

Performance Standard 5: Learning Environment

Level of
In addition to
meeting the standard




The teacher is
inconsistent in using
resources, routines, and
procedures and in
providing a respectful,
positive, safe, studentcentered environment.

The teacher
inadequately addresses
student behavior,
displays a harmful
attitude with students,
and/or ignores safety

Effective is the expected

level of performance

In addition to meeting
The teacher uses
the standard, the
resources, routines,
creates a dynamic
procedures to provide
learning environment
that maximizes learning
respectful, positive,
opportunities and
safe, student-centered

minimizes disruptions
environment that is
within an environment in conducive to learning.

which students

Ms. McEwan has established classroom rules and procedures for learning. She is respectful and positive with students. She has
established a positive relationship with her students and it is the strength as she makes it a point to listen and consistently help students to
be successful. Evidence to support standard included grading policy, request to retest, daily classroom routines and rules and test
corrections directions.
Student survey indicated that Ms. McEwan is strong in the following areas
1) I communicate clearly as a teacher
2) I am knowledgeable about my subject
3) I allow students to demonstrate learning in a variety of ways
4) I value them as a person
5) I use technology to promote learning
Her area(s) of weakness according to students:
1) I am too lenient in addressing classroom disruptions
2) The work load in my class is not manageable
She plans to address information received by:
Next year I plan to have more clear expectations of my students in terms of in class behavior. I plan to have more specific classroom rules
for student to follow so I am better equip to handle classroom disruption or behavior management problems. I also plan to make work more
accessible at home by improving my teacher website. I feel by making students more independent and holding them accountable for their
own work they may feel that the workload is more manageable. I plan to have resources such as notes, classwork, homework, warm-ups,
fun activities, and a class calendar more readily available for student online in order for them to have more control of their learning

Performance Standard 6: Professionalism

Level of


In addition to
meeting the standard

Effective is the expected

level of performance

In addition to meeting
the standard, the
teacher continually
engages in high level
growth and application
of skills, and
contributes to the
development of others
and the well-being of
the school.

The teacher maintains a

commitment to
professional ethics,
effectively, and takes
responsibility for and
participates in
professional growth that
results in enhanced
student learning.



The teacher
inconsistently practices
or attends professional
growth opportunities
with occasional
application in the

The teacher
inflexibility, a
reluctance and/or
disregard toward school
policy, and rarely takes
advantage of
professional growth

Ms. McEwan actively participates and attends all CAMP meetings. She performs all duties assigned by school administration. She
participates and actively takes part in professional development by completing SCPS PD requirement. Evidence to support standard
included PLC minutes, parent communication log, emails to parents, sol remediation letter, PD training.

Performance Standard 7: Student Academic Progress

Level of

In addition to meeting the standard

The expected level of

Developing/Needs Improvement



In addition to meeting the

standard, the work of the
teacher results in a high level
of student achievement with
all populations of learners.

The work of the teacher

results in acceptable,
measurable, and
appropriate student
academic progress.

The work of the teacher results in

student academic progress that
does not meet the established
standard and/or is not achieved
with all populations taught by the

The work of the

teacher does not
achieve acceptable
student academic

Ms. McEwan administered pre, mid and post assessment to students to gauge year student performance progress. Her baseline data
indicated that students in the following tiers demonstrated knowledge of the subject matter at the beginning of the school year.
Group A - 33/95 (34.7%) students scored 41 - 60% correct on the pretest
Group B- 56/95 (58.9%) students scored 21 - 40% correct on the pretest
Group C- 6/95 (6.3%) students scored a 0 - 20% correct on the pretest
She set goals for students in each group as follows:
80% of students who are in class at least 90% of the time will show growth in the following way, but all students will show measurable growth
between pre-test and post-test.
Group A- Students who have a baseline data of 41% - 60% correct or more will show a 5% increase in achievement.
Group B- Students who have a baseline data of 21% - 40% correct will show a 10% increase in achievement.
Group C- Students who have a baseline data 0% - 20% correct will meet/exceed minimum standard for Chemistry by scoring at or above
50% on the Posttest and the Chemistry SOL.
Post assessment of students indicated the following:
90.6% of my students passed their end of the year Chemistry SOL and made the growth goal I set at the beginning of the year. 9.4% of my
students did not pass their end of the year Chemistry SOL and did not make the growth goal I set at the beginning of the year. This data is
still somewhat preliminary because 6 more of my students are taking the expedited retakes this week. As of right now I counted these
students as a "fail" or "did not make goal" even though there is still a chance for them to pass the SOL and make their growth

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