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Most drummers have a desire to become faster

around the drum set but lack the strict regime
and structure to achieve their speed goals.
This poster will help you to focus on specific
speed building exercises for both your hands
and your feet.

Notation Key

The main purpose of this poster is to give you

a chart so that you can keep track of your
progress. Go through this chart once a week
and circle your speed for each exercise. You will
be surprised how quickly your speed increases
once you put yourself on a strict speed building

workout such as this. Even though your speed

will be increasing at a rapid pace be aware that
you will hit plateaus on all of these exercises.
Dont be alarmed, keep practicing and over
time you will be able to push through those
speed plateaus.

Tip Of The Day

Directions: Set your metronome at 60 b.p.m.

Play each exercise 4 Xs through before moving
on to the next tempo.

By Mike Johnston

Practice doesnt make perfect, practice makes PERMANENT.

So practice playing these exercises perfectly and youll be permanently perfect!

Educator and Author Mike Johnston has spent the

past 10 years teaching and performing drum clinics
all over the world. His educational website (www. hosts LIVE online drum lessons
as well as offering download-able lessons for your
iPod. He hosts 7 day International Drum Camps twice
a month at the facility in Folsom
CA. Mike also became an author in 2009 when he
published his first book Linear Drumming.

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