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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

Grade Level/Subject:
Central Focus:
Third Grade- Vocabulary
Learning new set of vocabulary words
Essential Standard/Common Core Objective:
Date submitted: 3/14/15
Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multipleDate taught: 3/16/15
meaning word and phrases based on grade 3 reading and
content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies
Daily Lesson Objective:
Performance: The students will independently be able to apply their understanding of the
vocabulary words by completing a vocabulary term handout to show their understanding.
Conditions: Students will independently pick one of the new vocabulary words to complete a
vocabulary worksheet on.
Criteria: The students will have to correctly state the meaning of the word in their own words,
draw a picture that shows understanding of the word and write a sentence using the word
correctly to completely master this objective.
21st Century Skills:
Critical thinking and problem
solving communication and
collaboration, creativity and

Academic Language Demand (Language Function and

Language function:
Apply: Students are able to apply the meanings of the new
vocabulary words to complete their work.
Additional language demands:
Vocabulary: chasm, continent, credit, enable, foul, gust,
ordeal, plateau, rig and schedule.
Prior Knowledge: Students understand the concept of vocabulary, that each word has a meaning
or multiple meanings to go along with it. Students also are able to apply previously learned
vocabulary to help them figure out unknown word meanings.

1. Focus and Review

2. Statement of
for Student

Description of Activities and Setting

Today you are going to learn ten new vocabulary words but
before we get started learning them, lets see if you know the
meaning of some of them already.
Teacher asks students if they know any of the ten new
vocabulary words (chasm, continent, credit, enable, foul, gust,
ordeal, plateau, rig and schedule) by randomly picking on of
the words and asking students to raise hands to reply with
what they think the meaning is.
Today we are going to learn ten new vocabulary words to
help us better learn these words we will first learn them using
the quizlet flash cards, then we will practice them using the
scatter. After that you will return back to your seats and work
on a vocabulary sheet to show me what you learned.




3. Teacher Input

4. Guided Practice

5. Independent

6. Assessment
Methods of

Now as a class lets learn the meaning of these ten words. I

am going to use the flash cards from the site quizlet that you
are familiar with to start our lesson.
Teacher will do the following for each word:
Chasm- Does anyone know what this word means or think it
means? (Students reply- yes, no, maybe.) Okay well lets
see what it means. Chasm is a noun. It means a deep crack or minutes
opening in the earth. An example sentence of this word is
When we came to the chasm, we saw that the only way
across was an old rope bridge. Oh look at the picture.
During this time the teacher will be asking lots of questions
and answering questions if needed.
Now that we know the meaning of the words lets practice
them using the scatter part of the quizlet site on the smart
board. I am randomly pick a popsicle stick that has your class
numbers on it when I call your number come up to the smart
5 to 10
board and try and match one of the words to its meaning. If
you get stuck you can pull a popsicle stick to get someone to
try and help you. We will practice this scatter until the whole
class gets a turn
Now that we have learned all the meaning of all ten
vocabulary words for this week I want you to work
independently on completing this lesson 6 vocabulary
worksheet. I am going to explain what you are to do. First I
want you to pick one word from the list of 10. You are to then
write the definition of that work in your own words. After you
completed the definition I want to you to draw a picture that
10- 15
shows the words meaning. Then, you are to write a sentence
using the word. If your word has multiple meanings you are to
just pick one of the meanings to complete the worksheet on.
Does anyone have any questions?
Teacher will walk around the classroom while students are
working independently and ask them questions like, what is
the picture of.
The students will have to correctly state the meaning of the word in their
own words, draw a picture that shows understanding of the word and
write a sentence using the word correctly to completely master this
objective. Partial mastery would be correctly stating the meaning of the
word in their own words and either drawing a picture that shows
understating of the word or writing a sentence using the word. With
anything less the teacher will need to pull this student aside to reteach
the meanings of the new vocabulary words or have them presented to
them in a new way.

Once everyone has completed their worksheet from the

7. Closure
independent practice portion. Students will randomly be
asked to share their worksheet with the class.
Almost all of the 22 students in the class received complete mastery by
picking a vocabulary word, defining it in their own words, drawing a
picture to show their understanding and then using it in a sentence
8. Assessment
correctly. Two students showed partial mastery by showing they
Results of
understood the word by drawing it and using in correctly in a sentence,
but did not define the word correctly. Only one student would need to be
retaught the lesson in some other way. He did not show he understood
meaning of the word at all, I think the focused more on a picture he saw
in the quizlet flashcards.
Targeted Students
Student/Small Group
There were no modifications or
I had a list of the ten vocabulary words without
accommodations used or need to be used in their definitions planned to give out to the
this lesson plan based on the classes needs. struggling students if needed.

Wordly Wise 3000 Book 3 Lesson 6 pages 49-59

Quizlet Wordly Wise3000 Book 3 Lesson 6 flash cards and scatter race practice (Wordly
Wise quizlet was created by company or you could make your own)
Smart board
Lesson 6 Vocabulary Worksheet- One for each student
Pencil or Pen to complete worksheets

References: The ideas used in this lesson plan were all created by with help from my cooperating teacher and Wordly
Wise 3000 company.
Reflection on lesson: I really think this lesson went better than I could have planned for it. This
was by fair my favorite lesson I taught throughout my whole clinical experience because I felt
like I really planned it out well. The students were really involved and I could tell they were
enjoying it. My cooperating teacher typically does not use this strategy to teach the class
vocabulary, she usually just reads a passage and then has them talk about the new words found
in the passage as a class. They then would have a vocabulary packet that they fill out each night
and never talk about the words again in the classroom. So I was a little nervous that this lesson
could go all wrong. I was sure that I would forget to stop and have the students discuss what
they think the meaning is before the word and just rush through them all, but I didnt. After the
flash cards and scatter card, I felt like it was now time to see if what I taught stuck. I walked
around looking to see what words they picked, I was nervous that they would all pick easy words
that they had showed me they knew the meaning of at the beginning of the lesson or forget all
the words, but they didnt. A lot of the students surprised me by choosing words that had
multiple means like foul or rig and chose the harder definition. Once my lesson was complete, I
was eager to see what the students got from my lesson. When it came planning time, I sat down
and reviewed them and was so happy. I had so many students show complete mastery on the

words they chose and only a few not. I was so proud of myself and at that moment I couldnt
wait to teach them some more.

Lesson 6 Vocabulary
Directions: Pick one vocabulary word from Lesson 6 and fill out the spaces below.
Vocabulary Term:

Definition in your own words:

Draw a picture in the space below to describe the word meaning

Use it in a sentence:

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