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The 5 Most Important

Things in How to
Identify Your Intent
By: Esmeralda Moreno
Triza Nganga
Jonathan Quach

1. Consider Your General Purpose

2. Write Your Presentation Objective

3. Make Objective Results-Oriented and Audience
4. Specify and Measure Presentation Objective
5. Use Your Objective

1. Consider Your General

Presenting in tell situations

Content to inform the audience

Focus on what, how, or who
General purpose examples:

What: Explain the new dividend policy

How: Review the steps of the new security procedures

Who: Analyze the organization's stakeholders

Consider Your General Purpose

Presenting in sell situations

Content to change the audiences behavior or view

Focus on why and link to change
General purpose Ex:

Support wind power: Why would the community benefit from wind
Avoid budget cuts in research: Why should senior executives
fund current research?

Communicating in interactive situations

Seeking questions, comments, and new ideas from the audience

Focus on what you want the audience to do

2. Write Your Presentation Objective

Saves time on research
Guides in opening and closing a
Helps adjustments if time is cut
Must be:


3. Results-Oriented and AudienceFocused Objective

Seek results
Link presentation to the results desired
Begin with phrase As a result of my presentation..

Focus on audience
Presentation should affect or influence the audience
Continue objective with words the audience will

Make changes when needed

You may modify the phrase to the nature of your talk

4. A Specific and Measurable

Specify what you want from the audience
Complete the phrase As a result of this presentation,
my audience will with a list of targets

Types of targets: Think, feel, or do

Is the target measurable?
Cannot measure feelings
Action based targets are easier to evaluate

5. How To Use Your Objective

As you prepare

Opening and closing of the talk

Decide what to highlight and virtual

As you rehearse and present

Decide what to cut and emphasize

As you evaluate your success

Did you meet your objective?

To identify your intent, it is important to consider the

Your general purpose

Your presentation objective
The use of your objective

Chapter 2 Quiz

If seeking information from the audience, you are in

___________________ mode or ____________________ mode, which means
you will be more of a facilitator than a presenter.
In presenting to tell situations, you have content to
___________________ the audience.

To focus on the audience, your presentation should affect
or __________________ the audience.

What are the benefits of writing your presentation


What are some of the ways to use your objective?

Chapter 2 Answers
1. Consult or join mode
2. Inform
3. Influence
4. Saves time on research
Guides in opening and closing a talk
Helps adjustments if time is cut
5. Use your objectives as you prepare, as you
rehearse and present, and to evaluate your success

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