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6930: Internship

Project Proposal Form

Please complete this form and return it to your internship instructor. You may submit this form
prior to registering for the internship. Upon approval of the proposal, you may begin logging
hours on the work.

Your Name

Mark Flancbaum

Project Title

Raising the Level of Effective Technology Use in an

Elementary School

IT 6930


Brief Description (500 words

Briefly outline the problem/need/
opportunity; goals and intended
audiences; planned activity;
methods for assessing success;
and anticipated outcomes and
value of the work.

The elementary school where I teach fifth grade is average in its use
of technology. We are beginning to bolster the amount of technology
in our school, however, there is room for growth in using that
technology effectively. One challenge at our school is we only have
one, half-time technology staff member. He is responsible for
teaching technology specials courses and for all of the STR
responsibilities. This includes all technology-related issues in the
school. In an effort to support technology growth in our school, I led
a change project to begin a Technology Committee at our school.
This committee has been meeting since 2013-14 school year.
To continue my efforts in supporting technology growth at our school,
I plan to work with other teachers' classes to support their increased
use of technology. The goal of this project will be to A) expose
students to new technology that increases their learning, and B) to
expose teachers to new technology they may use in the future. The
intended audience will start as our third grade teachers and students. I
will pilot this project with this group of three teachers. If successful, I
will expand to other grade levels.
Our school is an Interntational Baccalaureate school. Because of this,
each grade level has six units of study that encompass all subject
areas. Our third graders are finishing up a unit on Life Cycles. I will
work with these students to use technology to enhance what they have
learned in their unit. To gather ideas for a project, I will meet with the
third grade team. I will find out what was learned in class, what time
frame they have available for me to work with their students, and if
they have any requests for the time I spend with their students. From
there I will design a lesson, or lessons accordingly.
To assess success, I will analyze the final products created by
students. I will use exit slips with students to learn how the
technology project enhanced their learning. I will also survey
teachers to learn what was valuable to them, and what could be
I will also be available to support teachers in implemting technology
into their classrooms in the future. Teachers will be able to sign up
for technology support from me when needed.
Through this project I anticipate students will learn new technology
skills. I also forsee teachers using technology more often and more
effectively in their classrooms. I hope to build a culture where
teachers try technological methods and share them with their
colleagues. I also hope to increase teachers' confidence in using
technology by supporting them in their efforts. If successful, it is
possible teachers will be more likely to seek out effective
technological practices on their own. Over time, as teachers use
technology more effectively, student learning will be improved
through these practices.

IT 6930


Identify product planned for
submission. You must at least
have a project report for use
also in your portfolio but you
may also have other products,
such as training materials,
curricula, websites, etc. that you
will produce as well.
ILT competencies
Identify one or more competency
that you plan to demonstrate in
the project. The best projects
combine multiple competencies.

Website including the following:

o Project Report
o Notes from intitial conferences with teachers
o Surveys/Exit Slips
o Lesson Plans
o Teacher Support Logs

1. Reflective practice. Adopt a critical stance toward your

work, promoting effective practice and responsible use of
3. Learning and instruction. Drawing on learning and
instructional theory, create instruction with well-aligned
outcomes, activities, and assessments.
5. Inquiry and Change. Engage in systematic processes of
inquiry and change.
6. Professional learning and leadership. Demonstrate a
commitment to lifelong learning and leadership within the

Timeframe and scope

At least 30 work hours/credit or
90 hours for 3 credits)
Identity start and stop dates and
an estimate of the total hours for
the project.

Start: January 5
Stop: April 10

Site supervisor
Provide name, title, and contact
info for the field person
supervising the work.

Lynn Heintzman
Principal Brown International Academy

IT 6930

At least 90 Total Hours between meetings with my principal,

planning, lessons, follow up, and support.


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