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Chapter 10

Section 1
Manorial system
Trade / Money Based

Analyze the ways in which farming

changed and how it allowed more

people to survive.
Analyze the causes for trade revival
How would this affect society and the
feudal system?

New Agriculture
Peace help to stabilize much of
Europe and allow for growth.

Less taxation
Growth of the population
Technology / innovations

Technological / Innovations
Carruca: Heavy iron plow allowed better

and faster tilling of the land.

Harnessing the power of wind and water
greater increased productivity and made
work easier.
Horses: could work more effectively than
oxen and with the inventions of the
harness and horseshoes production
increased greatly.

New Methods
Tri-field rotations: allowed for keeping a

field fallow while planting the other two;

increasing the nutrients in the ground for
better growth.
Seasonal production: planting different
types of crops during growing seasons
increased productivity.
Serfs: free slaves that belonged to the land
and took ownership in the productivity.

Trade Revival
Venice, Italy and Flanders, France:

these were the early trading centers.

Venice had a trade fleet and
marketed weapons, sugar, spices,
and silks of the east.
Flanders had honey, furs, tin, and
cloth / linens from the north.

Trade Fairs
Six trade fairs a year would take place to

encourage heavy trade of goods between

the two cities.
Due to the heavy trade a system of gold
and silver coins became the means of
buying goods rather than bartering.
This led to a money based economy and
the start of commercial capitalism.
Because of the new monetary system
more cities began to spring up.

Champagne Trade Fairs

Describe the economics of the trade

fairs (how the money flowed); who do

you think benefited the most from
the fairs, the merchants or the town?

New Cities
Bourgeoisie: walled cities usually under the
protection of the Lord who owned the land.
Paying for freedom: many townspeople
paid for the right to govern themselves.
Basic liberties
Buy and sell property
Written law guaranteeing freedom
Own court of law

Industry and Guilds

Guilds: craftsman organizations

Set the standard for products

Method of production
Set pricing
Number of individuals per guild
Even the process to become part of the

Becoming a Craftsman
Apprentice: usually around 10 they began

training until 17; they made no money, but

were given room and board.
After 5 7 yrs they became a journeyman,
working for a master craftsmen the aspired
to build a masterpiece.
Masterpiece: allowed a journeyman to
display his skill and when judge by the
master craftsmen they may become a
master themselves.

Section 10-2 Objectives

Explain the role and political impact
of the Roman Catholic church in
European medieval society.

Papal Monarchy
Due to corruption in the church and
church officials being appointed by
land owners rather than the church
the church was more secular than

Papal Reform
Pope Gregory VII
Believed he was called to reform the
church and the power of the church was
over all church subjects including the
Any ruler who did not accept this was
removed from the church

Investiture Controversy
Gregory the VII vs. Henry IV
Result was the Concordat of worms; an
agreement between the next pope and
king that all church officials would be
appointed by the church, but have
allegiance to the king.

Church Power at its Peak

Pope Innocent III
Furthering the power of the church
through the use of interdictions.
This allowed no Christian rites
(sacraments) for those under
Without the security of their religion
many would not cross the church.

New Religious orders

Cistercians: strict monks who unadorned
the religion and took seriously the need
to take a spiritual battle to the people.
Women: mostly educated aristocratic
women who could not, would not marry
or widowed. (most famous Hildegard of
Bingen composed Gregorian chant).

Franciscans and Dominicans

Saint Francis Assisi: founder of the

Franciscan order, made a vow of

poverty and preached church reform
to a time before the money of the
Dominic de Guzman: Dominicans,
attacking acts of heresy against the
basic teachings of the church

The Church and Heresy

Court called Inquisition
Acts of repentance and torture to save a
heretic were common. As an act against
God and humanity it was better to
torture than allow damnation.

Saints became a huge part of the church
in the middle ages and were often
prayed to and worshiped for their holy

Relics: bones of saints or objects belonging

to them that had great spiritual value
Healing powers and capable of performing
Pilgrimage to the holy shrine (Jerusalem)

Section 10-4 Objectives

Explain the role of the Hundred Years
War, and the Bubonic Plague in the
early development of centralized
nation states.

Black Death
The Bubonic plague brought from the
black sea by infested rats it spread
quickly from Italy and France to the
rest of Europe killing nearly half of
the entire population and killing
trade and agricultural life.

Rise of Anti-Semitism; worst in Germany.

The Great Schism and the Fall

of the Church
French pope and a Rome pope both

believed to have the right to rule

Christendom split the church world in
After two hundred years of battling
the church was finally reunified, but
their authority as a power outside the
church would forever be lost.

Hundred Years war

War between France and England

(Edward III & Philip VI) over the duchy

of Gascony; a prime piece of land.
Major battles
Crecy (won by the English long bow)
Agincourt (won by the English because
the Frenchs heavy armor was too much
in the mud)

Joan of Arc
Her faith revitalizes the French army.

Win Orleans, Normandy, and Aquitaine

The invention of the cannon helped too.
This led to France winning the Hundred
Year war.

New Monarchs
France: Louis XI the spider consolidated

the monarchy and industry

England: 1st Tudor King, Henry VII won over
the nobles
Spain: Isabella and Ferdinand (Aragn's &
Castile's) marriage unified the country
under the couple, but not their kingdoms.
Catholic Monarchy (to be Spanish is to be
Rest of Europe (Roman Empire) fell apart.

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