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Project 6: Topography Part 1

Contextual space: An architectural exploration of atmosphere and organising the wider context
Stern House - Sketches by Louis Kahn

DESN 10054 Design Studio

BA (Hons) Architecture Level 4 2014-15

project 6

Project 6: Topography
Contextual space: An architectural exploration of atmosphere and organising the wider context
For the first part of this project you will undertake a number of exercises to explore the clients you have been
given to work with for Project 6.
The clients will have been assigned to you by the module leader and you are to work and respond to the
requirements of the client brief over the Easter period.
On returning from the Easter holiday, you will have readily prepared research and the completed set of tasks
which will then form the basis for your design proposals for Project 6.
Project 6 introduces you to issues of context, through site analysis, research and observation; how people use
spaces, and how different interventions can change use and the perception of a given space; and provides
opportunities to develop the skills introduced to you in previous projects and teaching sessions. The final project
synthesises all you have learned through Projects 1 to 4 and builds upon the principles and practices employed
and learning in Project 5 in particular.

D402 Design Studio 2014-2015

Project 6

DESN 10054 Design Studio

BA (Hons) Architecture Level 4 2014-15

project 6

Part 1 Client Investigations
Client 1: Entomologist;
An entomologist is a scientist who studies insects. Entomologists have many important jobs, such as
the study of the classification, life cycle, distribution, physiology, behaviour, ecology and population of
insects. Entomologists are researchers, teachers and consultants and can work in private companies,
universities, government agencies and a range of other institutions.
Client 2: Archeologist:
An archaeologist is a scientist who studies human history by digging up human remains and artifacts. The
practice of archaeology is the study of human activity in the past through the recovery and analysis of the material
culture and environmental data.
Client 3: Ornithologist:
An ornithologist is a type of zoologist who focuses on birds. An ornithologist is someone who
studies ornithology the branch of science, which is devoted to birds.

Over the Easter period you will need to complete all steps of the following list in order to fulfill the requirements of
part 1 and be able to move forwards into Part 2 of the project:
Step 1:
Construct a blog for Project 6 and conduct research into your client. You will need to develop a client profile
containing information about your client, how they live, their work in particular and the studies and investigations
that they undertake as part of their role.

You will need to develop as part of your blog:

A client profile page containing information about your client needs, how they live, their work in
particular and the studies and investigations that they undertake as part of their role.
A page containing information about their places of work, physical requirements, on site
requirements and office requirements, visits, tools and equipment used etc
A page presenting a list of accommodation that the group might need when working on site

You will also need to now connect ALL your blogs together in one link.
You can do this by creating a new blog for your front page and then hyperlinking all previous blogs through this
main page link.
If you need guidance on this please ask your tutor.
Step 2:
From your research, you will ascertain that each client uses a variety of different equipment and tools within their
roles and workplace.
You will need to select one tool/piece of equipment and do the following orthographic drawings by hand:

plan of the object

section of the object
x2 elevations of the object

Your drawings must be in black and white and each drawing be presented on an A2 or A3 page (you will need to
determine the scale of the object in relation to the A2/A3 page before you select which scale to present your
drawings. For example: If the object is fairly large, you will need to downscale the object to an appropriate scale to
fit on an A3 sheet ie. 1:5, 1:10 etc). You must employ the correct use of lineweights and architectural drawing
D402 Design Studio 2014-2015
Project 6

DESN 10054 Design Studio

BA (Hons) Architecture Level 4 2014-15

project 6

conventions and present your drawings on the sheets neatly. You may have a number of drawings on each page,
however you must consider the detail you can communicate before committing to a scale.
Drawings must be drawn on tracing paper/layout paper in the first instance and then printed onto paper for
Step 3:
From your research, you will now need to find something that your client would find in their role. For example the
archeologist may find a bone or an artefact, a piece of jewellry etc The entemologist may find insects or
You will need to select one thing found by your client and do the following orthographic drawings at 1:1 scale
(bigger objects may be drawn at 1:2 or smaller objects may need to be enlarged and drawn at scale 2:1 or 5:1
etc..) by hand:

x2 elevations

Your drawings must be drawn by hand and must be rendered using one of the skills learned in Term 2 (as part of
the lecture series on Tuesdays cross hatching, rendering, stippling etc..)
You must employ the correct use of lineweights and architectural drawing conventions and present your drawings
on the sheets neatly.
Drawings must be drawn on tracing paper/layout paper in the first instance and then printed onto paper for
presentation. Each drawing be presented on an A2 or A3 page. You may have a number of drawings on each
page, however you must consider the detail you can communicate before committing to a scale.
The information produced from Steps 1 3 will be used in the first studio session back following the Easter break
where you will present your work and talk about your clients. You will present your client research, the objects
drawn and your understanding of your clients work and working requirements.
Following this session, the Project 6 Part 2 brief will be issued to you so you can begin working on the design of
your buildings. A site visit will be organised for you to visit the site for Project 6 together as a year group. Site
analysis tasks will follow.
All parts of Step 1 3 will be submitted following the Easter Break.

D402 Design Studio 2014-2015

Project 6

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