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sa1zou0rn2yp, (8 !9uU9x9] sem osinoostp (= economic plan called G) the dollar, opened tuecest at any ind apa‘ essivencssas di + of nconoanie growth ry of je apporturity to grow. The 13 workers, bonk clerks, shop assistants, sionals, ete.) fostered the development of a large Artentioa’s p lemterprives were Kis constructed on the 1 upward mobility to be achicved and to be manifested through cons status, a manner of selt-image, andan expression of is tndep process, seeped this proce at sled a new socal configuration: (he new poor ‘ery mach echoed social Darwinism und the survival of the fittest ja the labor market (Minujin, 2008) Poverty in Argentina and in Buenos Aires Poverty aad food made a late ways may yield ditlerent results, to tedieatars, Every temyears there is a survey of member for every four unemplo ‘measures ‘structural poverty Cant | Petecrtage ofthe popeten Under Poverty Line ak i Bank trated Mente I9Ta see second method of measurement ix the Poverty Line, whicl tage of hom: measurement i high ‘nsitistid asic Needs. lependent on income -d quarterly. The po tes what we eall The to record the ineetase In al! manners of 30-2006 (hn %) Decion 1980 1008 169: 1 a8 2 48 38a 4 oz 6 on ear 7 108 8 as 9 Ba 10 69 ble t= Evolutlon of the tardy per capita a3 a a1 83 68 a 108 122 86 28 8 2001 32027 2a 44 aa a7 6 45 49 5369 64 6 12 5a 6 7a 79 86 96 101 ta 7 is 16 163 209 303 918 Income datributlon, Gator Buenos Alres 2008 23 Ba 6 66 aa 98 as 180 306 Source Aur on he bass ot EEN. NEEG 180-2001 Seb years Public Social Expenditure Eevee Rowen art PE secs Ou own comokines FOE 198 2003 are NEE Distributional Impact of Social Public Expenditure Foe PSE eras 10 oa oa Crowe Race Penis 104 85 8 72 oar eoureeuoecy IT 7 74 68a y Prevailing actions and notions in PSE implementation was acknowledged ag such In Argeating, ALL actions were ™ lthourh market was ! Constance funding, but privatized its vole by subsidizing NOQs, whieh in turn rented doring the decade were governed by three muiding principles etfirwuey, fcalization, ond participation. adopted two forms: one fesided in focalization, concentrating fn so doing, meeting the demand for jagement aspects co that every Peso invested “To this purpose, program stalf ere asked 19 ries were expected to tale an active port we the stor ofall programs, hand in glove mma} uading, which conditioned its mn objectiees. While It cannot be nicians end reducing ought, the puble services Thebes: structural se as based on 1 ot sae since eomention : their capacity” te operate 17 ta ed we, the vulnerable, the ryehded Teta ute tne come then 2 theme he see fet sivas to aac he oni ove Jah coeestions among prorasand, ost impact otcent wea vetratina of poverty and the State has sufi caret etna ht chea poets overshelmingor scattered throughout Shorts and the State's capacity to act ie weak, universal schemes are by bar more sed pont the plang stage a the pra, ab ae given oopomumiy hough committee, scabies, atin, ete.) Tat might ‘right ety. Rate the fm that wos development” concer, The goveroment eis In et adapted was quite similar to the old “communi rduced by the British Colosial Admuistrat ines aed the com potential partieépants trary, the State's food political, partissn, and authoritarian organizations, This is a long vay trom the clemneat involved in participation; namely, the possiblity of cisions about the participants’ priorities anv by urging the population to youn the programs that had already been desgned end planned: programs whose materials had bbeen hought and whose budgets had been approved, Under sueh eireu the only possible participation wa: these eases, participa How the poor and the new poor experience food assistance stance, th distant "they" that “helps or ar. depending nn their iy of infu am some “high place’ the Nation) that belongs to “them” 11 is a fast ‘vey that decides wha! needs to bedone and whose arn ii tn rece wersiaad ng Quen SORE men 295401 ws00 LAND awe peOLUa-| tees * amoaM 94 ps0 WH 944 3 40 HP 03 para ne tom. sesrans ee tus (sn, aur IEP 8194 pUE'wOK Lae wea Tepe, TMemoe Towa pue ooyeussput aareaaqaudeans prtorroy, sey horn {wo ant wow Watton “(pauinous mas> 9G) Fe unop pouosicu quote roy POP) aeMa oHenj>m Uo HY wfDja nop OMNnANN mE WerBenl Yors ee yoy fempaoy Syuetjorsse pes, $1 uasseioy Suunncuce aa Suou 1s We 09 4390118 dopdusnmue. 34) Jo fed aDaq ety 1 404 serurcen Wraoneiousd 0 j9 uorronmsas w «a1 pans “yung aqhapycina poturoers va ‘los 4 Aasonbou soy pus a Smarr yout stat oy mine coaynsrs ‘os Qo si 14m - inom sf desoy cou» yo "q ae Cw “eaMUEESE a4) OF ssIrD suH vw MUEKUTEA OM Uh, soaod 49 sano3sip 9 da Supping ‘spioM aoqIO UF sgoREAGUA ony SUE SuTaRND ‘sooqpouad asqasqo> Jo Ayzede> yeanpeiod aq) 1 Sovapljues ianaiuross 0 ons aM 9e jam se ELE OMY KOK) LEYRPFoIpUN AFM eALNOS aime sioq & POL SOHO OME 4OON al HE 2AM 247 atondos “anus ype “on patertenr osyr ang soueysss2 oy ¥83990 ai 30 sean ws pap man eno 2364 "spros 42049 01 eiogieU ursUEBIO 64 ‘9Ko% a2u. Ap (eTUDUID OU Lypia) sosatonteg Aq powoneanb >oqoxey suoridaoioM AUNURIO ssouL salle jou ue spysuojey ouosiad Ay eye 430 owe 7 epmpsead Kaqy 9006 “Uo Hsp p.mOO| 919 Sus a4 He TUHEDENS Hw ent YPN eaoyTerTBEHGO “auK saa; HOLY “sou; pocaqi om pawns ou age po unisaop 19} qyeyana9e a He AY “sdosaidsa 94 weM HX Gm}. aBYNEI HWY ME! os} stoeRL AYRE rey seHE Ya} aaaym) 8} 11 epoap sy 61 Buyps0.9" pasa og ype 2q “ay FOF MeN OF KALI om ‘+h 24 20uig“dyysuese sed pean sty J saneaay 20 9xmonatsanes> Mees ok 1) s0494 94 woqysod sysgers4ne99q Jaq 8 “Ponaadsm Owe st 2>pHHINO, m4 IR 09 198 gre BaNGTO MYRIAM, ‘uy eziueae Uspao and pure aud pimnds aysivo way {pense anode tusenpy pn yo a0} © <3 us wLa9| YuryPods vo jou 940.94 9H far og Sexe) aopreino ue. esoan paasone [as eNO fox mE puR vtupyEOpUN 999] EVENT GOHEMAE om esoadwt ox syeandno ony 3994 8198 Hp bop IBeKHNOD oq) poMoRIEMan 2.04 UaYEBS Ww sxdinoiin jo sandonsalne sno;ro14 s0op YxOW 9ydood 948 fo aenat Pue soups Sq parte IONYD ‘spooqpoRyson ayy ay mL Kup (> amsoadS Sq 20) poms 40 Mona Som, [ePASON ONE “4AM 4 vaysyon He THESE Pus "suvou"eaaqoaiqo anoge voyimuseso seh ome “ssansa49 og k@ Doan LA Aipyoso oan yeyjuinoRe 4] aopentesaadaasyn 4q poyesaue’ yarn voniertzmod (e966 omy do9p Bumms “voysjrx9 eaeand>; pur saaMenrp [e1208 ‘evar GpueesoaoU 9M, 0 pus Go4), € Huyafonte womoougssrys Ny SL "Wonea 43404 s1Uo4c.993 ayy AOL ize thems The ace poor, wba de not recone U 2 adie class m dare eireumstances.’ do not © on the other band, their perception. as subjects who have Ived ia a world cehere work & appreciated lmsertion, makes them re uumal maprovement. even ft means less money than the help because they are ansions to ahandon their of The new poot do not wish to depesd om subsidies they would Efficiency, focalization, and participation as seen by the poor and the new poor As the scope and distribution of poverty increased. the design ot programs encountered difficulties in determining the Larest po tons to atteact them. since the task of focalization req Res be made by imehading the wrong people or exctoding the right addressee Theretiee those whi popalatinn) attempted aniveral expansion. sor reasons that were buth and practical “Among the structural poor. beneficiaries of UN {Unsatisfied sic Need assume thal the aesistance they reevive should he extended te yw clearly the criteria have been 1918 a source of problems, When It comes to food, It ix) atorm somwone that atechnician, miles away. to ceeeive food, the agent stick | ‘excluding actors that may be induential ia the communhy, but if fs them, he is breaking the rules. Agent to break norms of tucen appl Wve proved disastrous to the power, became members o' another and owe favors to third partics in ordet to help others © preserved, the selected target is het Mentity ts constructed in tribution to it measured os structural poverty, acute malnstrition, are assisted, Hower became either mode! hoveficiaties ar ul the role played by the institutional agent or they supplement it. Wi poor the agcat of le to be dodged, the new poor, in complex rel re ones who Kao Dot they donot like others to dee Lo Chve meta Seducte y Abundomae, nase, Busnes Altos MINISTERND DE ECONOMTA, Gaso Mibiew Seta Crassliaue 4995-2004, Bee Secretaris de clade la Hee, eka Buna etl Argening Moderna, List cJ illustrations Source Aouine, 2605 Hae actewwes arpccanresatmage 2832/91 og

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