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Riding Freedom Study Guide

Comprehension Skill: Compare and Contrast

comparing is finding similarities between two or more things
contrasting is finding differences between two or more things
characters, themes, and plots of stories can be compared and contrasted in order to
deepen understanding





Vocabulary Skill: Context

good readers use context (words and sentences around a word that give readers clues to
its meaning) to determine definitions of unfamiliar words
3 types of context:
1. definition/example (ex. He overcame the feat, or challenge.)
2. synonym/antonym (something that means the same or the opposite)
3. general (using prior knowledge ex. The quarterback took a deep breath and
prepared for the next drive. The word quarterback gives you the clue to call
upon your background knowledge to figure out that drive means an attempt to get
a first down or score in football.)
Grammar: Adjectives
an adjective is a word that describes a noun (person, place, or thing)
types of adjectives:
those that tell what kind : Lauren used her good eye to paint the scene.
those that tell how many : She made two sculptures.
adjectives of purpose (tells what a noun is used for): Joey cooked eggs in the
frying pan. (a pan for frying)
adjectives after be: The river was deep. I am awesome. That movie is excellent.
articles (the, a, an) **the is most specific**: The Grand Canyon is a sight to see
in the US. An alien visited my cousin, Alyssa.

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