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) Agora, vamos praticar.

Leia o texto a seguir e sublinhe as oraes que esto na voz

passiva. Para uma melhor compreenso do texto, no se esqueam de localizar as palavras
cognatas (parecidas com o portugus) .
We are guilty of many errors and many faults but our worst crime is abandoning the children,
neglecting the fountain of life. Many of the things we need can wait. The child cannot. Right now
is the time his bones are being formed, his blood is being made, and his senses are being
developed. To him we cannot answer Tomorrow. His name is Today.
(Gabriela Mistral)
Vocabulary: guilty=culpados; many=muitos; worst=pior; need=precisamos; can wait=pode
esperar; bones=ossos; blood=sangue; developed=desenvolvidos; tomorrow=amanh;
2)Escolha a melhor resposta.
The poets message is that:
a. children are the fountain of life.
b. children are guilty of many errors and many faults.
c. children can wait.
The childs name is Today,
a. and he cannot answer tomorrow.
b. because he needs our attention right now.
c. but his time is tomorrow.
3) Passe as frases abaixo da voz ativa para a passiva, mencionando o agente que
(by). Observe os tempos dos verbos (presente passado particpio). Lembre-se
de utilizar o verbo to be (is, are, was, were) + tempo do verbo no particpio, ou
seja, sempre a 3 coluna da lista de verbos.
Verifique no quadro abaixo o tempo dos verbos.
Design (projetar)



Write ( escrever)






Link (unir, ligar)



Destroy (destruir)




a Chico Buarque wrote Leite Derramado.

b Lcio Costa and Oscar Niemeyer designed Braslia.
c The Panam Canal links the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
d Man-made chemicals are destroying the ozone layer.
e Antibiotics do not do the work.

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