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In 1967, suits from Time Magazine

published their own bullshit hippie
code, not ours. They got it wrong.
This is the real hippie code.

All beings are one. Treat every being with

kindness, understanding, and compassion. Be
good. Do good.
Ahimsa: nonviolence. Do no harm. Never use
violence, no matter what. It just doesnt work.
Love is all. Live love. Love everyone. Serve
Listen, with an open mind. Its not you who are
important. Show respect for all. And shut up.
You are a being of light. Educate and enlighten
yourself, then share the light with others.
We have only one truth to depend on. Universal
truth. Honour that truth without fear. No one can
take it away from you.

There are no dogmas and no karmas. Live your

life today.
Fix it in your mind: What would Gandhi do?
Free yourself from all expectation. Its all in your
head. Surrender.
Time got the last part right: Turnonto beauty,
love, honesty, fun.
Turn on. Tune in. Drop out. was the right
message. Let go of the brainwashing.
Be here now

Soyou need 3G with that? (But will

we get 4D in time?) Just breathe the
universe, in and out. It only needs
you. And, dont shave your headit
makes you look like a criminal!
If you need more reminders, read Be
Here Now again, and again, and again,
and again, until you get it!

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