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iMovie Product Rubric: Tectonic Plates

Teacher Name: Sikwani Dana

Student Name: ________________________________________

Content 25%

Shows a full understanding of
the tectonic plates. Explains all
the processes shown in the
movie. Gives evidence for the

Shows a good understanding of
the tectonic plates. Explains
the processes shown for 3:00 to
4:00 minutes during the movie.
Gives two examples of evidence
for the theory

Citation/References 15%

There are five references found

outside the classroom given.
The citations are done correctly
in APA format.

There are four or three

There are/is two or one
references found outside the
reference found outside of the
classroom. The citations are
classroom. The citations are
done in APA format and there is done in APA format and there
only one mistake.
are two or three mistakes.

There is only one reference, OR

a format other than APA has
been used

Diagrams/Drawings 20%

Clear, accurate diagrams are

included and make the
experiment easier to
understand. Diagrams are
labeled neatly and accurately.

Diagrams are included and are

labeled neatly and accurately.

Diagrams are included and are


Needed diagrams are missing

OR are missing important

Speaks Clearly 10%

Speaks clearly and distinctly the Speaks clearly and distinctly

entire movie, and
the entire movie, but
mispronounces no words.
mispronounces one word.

Speaks clearly and distinctly for

more than two minutes during
the movie. Mispronounces two
or three words.

Mumbles or can not be

understood so that it is difficult
to know if they understand the
content OR mispronounces
more than three words.

Vocabulary 15%

Uses vocabulary appropriate for Uses vocabulary appropriate for

the audience. Includes one to
the audience. All the vocabulary
two (or more) words that were used was correctly defined.
not learned in class but apply to
tectonic plates and were used

Uses vocabulary appropriate for None of the words used were

the audience. The definition of defined and/or there were no
one or two words was left out
words learned in class used.
and/or only one or two words
leaned in class related to
tectonic plates were used.

Time-Limit 15%

Presentation is between 5:01

and 8:00 minutes long.

Presentation is between 3:01

and 4:00 OR is between 9:01
and 10:00 minutes long.

Created By: Sikwani Dana using Rubistar

Presentation is between 4:01

and 5:00 OR in between 8:01
and 9:00 minutes long.

Shows a good understanding of
parts of the tectonic plates.
Explains the processes shown
for 1:00 to 2:59 minutes.
Mentions but does not explain
one example of evidence for the
theory .

Has a basic understanding
about the tectonic plates.
Explains the processes shown
for less than a minute. Evidence
for the theory is not mentioned.

Presentation is 3:00minutes or
shorter OR is 10:01 or longer.

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