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Shauna Hernandez
March 15, 2015

Raft Card 1:
ROLE (student)

Row 1

Teacher and

Power Point

How do you
become an

Objective: To be able to relay to the other students what steps a person would need to take
to become an astronaut.
Student Role: From the Astronauts Perspective

Teacher and Classmates


Power Point

Topic: How do you become an astronaut?

1.) Perform a Google search by typing in How do you become an astronaut?
2.) Take notes from an informative and approved site. You may even contact NASA to
obtain the information.
3.) Create a 5-10 slide presentation on what is required. Please start from high school.
What would be required in grades, classes, and what college you would need to get
into? Also, what tests will be required. Last slide will need to be the Reference slide
for where the information was obtained.

Websites on how to become an astronaut:

Website for how to complete a power point:

Prepare a 5-10 slide PowerPoint showing the steps on how to become an astronaut.
Be sure to include all steps needed. Each step will earn 15 points toward the final grade.

Raft Card 2:

ROLE (student)
First trip to space

Row 2

Teacher and

Drawings with a



What did you see?

Objective: To know what an astronaut will see in space

Student Role: They are taking their first trip as an astronaut

Teacher and Classmates


Drawings of what was seen and notes added to each picture.

Topic: What did you see in space and where the space ship landed?

1.) Google images that may be seen on a trip into space.
2.) Choose the landing planet and what will be seen there.
3.) Draw 5 images and research the history about the items. Write about 100 words per
drawing. Please include at least 1 planet, 1 star, and 1 galaxy.
How Earth looks from space:
Picture Reel of different stars and galaxies seen from space:

Need 5 drawings of what would be seen while in space. Please include 1 planet, 1 star and 1
With each picture write at least 100 words about what it is, its history, and if it has moved
or changed.
25 points will be given for each drawing and writing combination. Bonus points can be
earned on this project.

Raft Card 3:

Row 3

ROLE (student)
Engineer in Space

Teacher and

Video and Word

How does a space



Document of

shuttle land on



Objective: To understand what is required to land a space shuttle back on Earth. What
knowledge is required to complete this task?
Student Role: Engineer in the space shuttle

Teacher and Classmates


Video and Word Document of speech

Topic: How does a space shuttle land on Earth?

1.) Find a way to show through an object, how the space shuttle reacts to re-entering
the Earths atmosphere and capture it on video.
2.) In a word document explain what is taking place in each part of the Earths layers
as the ship comes in. Needs to be between 500-750 words.

Need to explain at least 6 steps, and must cover from space to Earth.
Video needs to be at least 1 minute long and needs to be slowed down so that it can be seen.
Speech for the video needs to be 500-750 words.
Each section is worth 25 points each.

Entry 2: Differentiating Instruction through Technology

Introduction (4-6 sentences)

Technology is changing at a rapid speed daily and requires a special teacher to integrate it into
the classroom in an effective manner. The teacher must be willing to go with the flow of change
and quick to implement the technology into the lesson plans. Differentiated learning through
technology allows the teacher to reach out to different learning styles within the classroom while
teaching the same lesson. Implementing technology tools such as YouTube, Prezi, and iPad gives
the teacher the ability to reach across different learning styles and break down barriers in
Technology to Differentiate Instruction (300-400 words)
(YouTube): YouTube is a website that allows people to view or upload a video of their choice
within the rules of the site. This site would allow a teacher the ability to find a video that has
been made for the particular plan being introduced to the class. This video can consist of
reaching different types of learning through audio, pictures (visuals), and demonstrating. When
showing a video on YouTube to the class it allows the student to relate what the teacher has said
and place it with images that may explain more in depth. This lets the student glean a better
understanding and the ability to ask more questions regarding the topic being discussed. The
ISTE standard that this technology connects to is communication and collaboration.

(Prezi): Prezi is a type of technology that allows for a teacher and/or student to create a
presentation that will teach the students about the topic of the lesson. This tool would permit the
teacher to appeal to the audio, visual, and/or kinesthetic learner in different ways. Throughout the
presentation the teacher can place video clips, audio, pictures, and other types of activities that
get the students involved with the lesson being taught. This type of tool would allow students to

better grasp the concept being taught and then let them play a part in the active learning playing
out in the classroom. The ISTE standard that this technology connects to is Critical Thinking,
problem solving, and decision making.
(iPad): The iPad opens up many doors in the classroom and allows for differentiation within a
lesson plan by allowing students to use many different apps to learn the same thing. Where one
student may play a game about a certain topic, the next student is able to view a video about the
same topic, or a song written about the topic and within these different ways, learn about the
same thing. This will then let the students talk with each other about how they learned the lesson
being taught. This will also get students to see that there is more than one way to learn about
something and by listening to other students viewpoints there is a connection made. The ISTE
standard that this technology connects to is Technology operations and concepts and to Critical
thinking, problem solving, and decision making.
Pros and Cons (150-250 words)
As with all possessions in this world there are pros and cons to technology. In
differentiate instruction through technology the pros can be quite amazing! For a teacher to be
able to create a lesson plan with technology that helps to show the topic in more than one way is
a blessing that not only helps the teacher but also the student. The student is then learning there is
more than one way to complete a task. It will help them to go out into the world and look for
ways to learn things differently. The con with technology in this area is that the child may
become dependent on there always being different ways of learning something through
technology, and even though that may be the case, the teacher may need it to be only one way.
Dependency on any one way of doing any activity in life can be detrimental.
Concluding Paragraph (4-6 sentences)

Technology changes and so does the classroom. The teacher and students must be willing to
adapt and allow for the integration of any new technology that can enhance the classroom
positively. At the helm should be the teacher to make sure that the technology is permitting for
all to learn the intended lesson but in a different way. Without the teacher to suggest what needs
to be done, the technology will run the classroom. Always remember that anything new
implemented in the classroom should not control but enhance everyone in the class. This will
then direct the class in the right direction of differentiated learning in a positive and beneficial

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