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Intern Observation Checklist

Date: 3-12-15 Subject: Math

Activity: Math Vocabulary

Setting: Resource # of Students: 4

Intern: Kelley

Wier MT: Jennifer Gould

Field Instructor: Joan Van Dam

E/Exceeds Expectation

N/Needs Strengthening

NA/ Not applicable

*Please indicate which letter corresponds correctly to each statement below

Lesson Planning:

Lesson plan completed and reviewed prior to instruction


Evidence of advance preparation and lesson organized

(materials ready)

Lesson appropriate for age, grade, ability


Having students glue and paste definitions and vocab to match great accommodation.

Lesson Opening:

Signals and gains attention of students


States goals, sets purpose


Activates background knowledge (personal connection to student)

Reviews and makes connections to prior learning


Kelley used other vocabulary to connect to the new vocabulary being taught.

Lesson Components: Presentation/Guided Practice/Individual Practice/Closing:

Gives clear directions and explanations


Sets warm and positive tone


Uses think aloud to make visible language, practices, processes


Models learning strategies


Checks for understanding


Kelley did this continually through out the lesson.

Kelley's pacing of a lesson has improved!!!!!

Uses appropriate pacing and flow for less

Connects concepts and ideas


Kelley connected digit all the math vocab words to each other.

Provides variety of student learning structure:

Individual Partners Groups Projects

Kelley provided group and individual learning structures.

Provides opportunity for transfer of control/apprenticeship/ active

sdasdsastudent involvement

Kelley used white boards and had student write on them to actively involve students.

Uses appropriate audio, visual, technology equipment


Uses guided practice to actively monitor student understanding of lesson


Uses independent practice to monitor student understanding of lesson


Use of math recording sheets where students cut vocab words and match it to a cut out definition and then
paste them next to each other

Kelley used ongoing assessment to monitor her lesson by having students record what they know on white
boards and then she could check if they have the correct answer.

Uses assessment to monitor and adjust lesson

Provides adequate time for closing:

student closure teacher summarization connect lesson to future
erweeelearning assessment

Creating and Managing Classroom Learning Community:

Maintains classroom routine (e.g. greets students, attendance, seating

sdsdsdchart, daily reports)

Uses firm, confident voice and posture


Uses specific praise appropriately to motivate and provide feedback


Kelley used specific praise (Good job Jeff you wrote the first word place just like i asked).

Kelley always dresses professionally.

Professional appearance

Uses preventive measures/controls

Nonverbal signals/cues
Teacher look/hand signals/proximity/mobility/visibility
Verbal cues/signals
Specific praise statements/ broken record/restatement of rules
Kelley uses specific phrases for praise. You wrote ------- correctly

Moves and positions self to effectively support lesson/activity


Implements appropriate & effective consequences/rewards

Kelley waits to make sure students are attentive.

Excellent job planning ahead to accommodate for individual student need.
Excellent job developing graphic organizers to structure student thinking ( math definitions recording sheets,
math vocab. recording sheets) There was a column provided for gluing in the definition and then a column for
an example. This took away the act of writing which is so difficult for students at times and led them towards
learning the vocabulary. Awesome!!!

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