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es iia oan andr ennerer ‘ Pe a ene Se sia) il { Poel J Velocity versus Speed : Peay eects CCompating the lastamanaoos Velocity « Pee ee eae eens eee ee ee Se een tate ae eee Cee ees Pee ee eee Pee ay eet een ere tae De eee eee eee te eens Pero ec oo eee Cees Pea ee ee ees Pee oy et eet ee en ey es metry Peco i en eee Co ce eer 105, Seance) . ac ne eer neeeee TT Se ee eens M4 See ees Peery ir Prorat? aT tc rr aoe 76 —ChaplerTwo KEY CONCEPT: THE DERIVATIVE 2.1 HOW DO WE MEASURE SPEED? the statement: “At the instant it crossed the finish line, the horse was traveling at 42 mph.” How can Re alee ates aa asta tetas accurately as we wish. ‘A Thought Experiment: Average and Instantaneous Velocity We look at the speed of @ small object (say, a grapefruit) that is thrown straight upward into the air at t = 0 seconds. The grapefruit leaves the throwes’s hand at high speed, slows down until it reaches its maximum height, and then speeds up in the downward direction and finally, “Splat!” (See Figure 2.1.) ‘Suppose that we want to determine the speed, say, att = 1 second. Table 2.1 gives the height, 1y, of the grapefruit above the ground as a function of time, During the first second the grapefruit ttavels 90 — 6 = 84 feet, and during the second second it travels only 142 — 90 = 52 feet. Hence the grapefruit traveled faster over the first interval, 0 < ¢ < 1, than the second interval, 1 < t < 2, | Vetety oe vy | Toble 21 Heigh ofthe erapafait above the ground * t(sec) | 0 1 2 3 4 3 6 eau Spa" Figure 2:1 The grapeai straight up and down =a vite) | 6 90 142 162150105 30 path is Velocity versus Speed From now on, we will distinguish between velocity and speed. Suppose an object moves along a Tine. We pick one direction to be positive and say that the velocity is positive if ti inthe same direction, and negative iti isin the opposite direction. For the grapefruit, upward is positive and downward is negative. (See Figure 2.1.) Speed is the magnitude of the velocity and so is always: If a(t) is the postion ofan object at time ¢, then the average velocity of the object over the interval a 0. 33. A function giving the position of a particle that has the same speed at = ~1 and t = 1 but diferent velocities, ‘Are the statements in Problems 34-39 crue or false? Give an ‘explanation for your answer ‘34, If acer going SO miles per hour at 2 pm and 60 miles per hour at 3 pm then it travels between 50 and 60 miles during the hour between 2 pm and 3 pm 235. Ifa car travels 80 miles between 2 and 4 pm, then its velocity is close to 40 mph at 2 pm. 36. Ifthe time interval is short enough, then the average ve- locity of scar over the time interval and the instantaneous velocity at time in the interval can be expected to be close. 3, If an object moves with the same average velocity over every time interval, then its average velocity equals its instantangous velocity any time, ‘38 The formula Distance traveled = Average velocity x “Time is valid for every moving object for every time in terval 438. By definition, the instantaneous velocity of en abject ‘equal a diference quotient ee 2.2 THE DERIVATIVE AT A POINT 22 7HEDERWATIVE ATAPOINT. 63 Average Rate of Change In Section 2.1, we looked at the change in height divided by the change in time; this ratio is called the difference quotient. Now we define the ate of change of a function f that depends on a variable other than time. We say: ‘Average rate of change of f Fla h) = flo) over the interval rom a to a+ a ‘The numerator, f(a + h) — f(a), measures the change inthe value of J over the interval from a to + h, The difference quotient is the change in f divided by the change in the independent variable, which we eall <. Although the interval is no longer necessarily a time interval, we stil talk about the average rate of change of f over the interval. If we want 1o emphasize the independent variable, we talk about the average rate of change of f with respect 10 ». Instantaneous Rate of Change: The Derivative Example Solution We define the instantaneous rate of change of a function at a point inthe same way that we defined instantaneous velocity: we look at the average rate of change over smaller and smaller intervals. ‘This instantaneous rate of change is called the derivative of J at a, denoted by f(a). ‘The derivative of f at a, written f(a), is defined as Rave ofchange (gy = gn Leth) = fle) See pate fa mers “ea If the limit exists, then f is said to be differentiable at a. ‘To emphasize that /’(a) is the rate of change of f(x) as the variable a: changes, we call f‘{a) the derivative of f with respect 19 at x = a, When the function y = s(t) represens the position of an object, the derivative s(t) is the velocity. Eucalyptus trees, common in California and the Pacifie Northwest, grow better with more water. Scientists in North Aftica, analyzing wire to plant tees, found thatthe volume of wood tha grows ‘ona square kilometer, in meters, is approximated by? V(r} = 0.2"? — 20+ 600, Where ris rainfall in em per year, and 60 0. Visualizing the Derivative: Slope of Curve and Slope of Tangent [As with velocity, we can visualize the derivative /"(a) asthe slope ofthe graph of fat 2 In addition, there is another way to think of j"(a). Consider the difference quotient (f+ $a) /i. The numerator, F{a-+ h) ~ f(a), isthe vertical distance marked in Figure 2.12 and his the horizontal distance, so te of fata wo i (2) F(a) Hath) = fa) 4 L essere aac 2 Slope = Detaive = f'(a) @ ath « ~ ee esr ‘ The slope of the curve at A. ‘© The slope of the tangent line to the curve at A. 22 THEDERWATIVE ATAPOINT 85 “The slope interpretation is often useful in gaining rough information about the derivative, asthe following examples show. Example? Is the derivative of sin x at x ~ m postive or negative? Solujon Looking at a graph of sina: in Figure 2.14 (remember, 2 is in radians), we see that @ tangent line drawn at © = 7 has negative slope. So the derivative at this point is negative. Figure: fangent line 0 sin at = Recall that if we zoom in on the graph of a function y = f(x) atthe point 2 = a, we usually find thatthe graph looks like a straight line with slope /"(a). Example3 By zooming in on the point (0,0) on the graph of the sine funetion, estimate the value of the derivative of sin at = 0, with «in radians Solution _Figure 2.15 shows graphs of sin « with smaller and smaller scales. On the interval ~U.1 < « 0.1, the graph looks like a straight line of slope 1. Thus, the derivative of sin x at x = Ois about | ol L(x) = sine Figute 218: Zooming in onthe graph of win sr near x = O shows the devivalive is about J at x = 0 Later we will show that the derivative of sin at xv = 0 is exactly 1. (See page 152 in Sec- tion 3.5.) From now on we will assume that this is $0. This simple result is one of the reasons we ‘choose fo use radians when doing calculus with trigonometric functions. If we had done Exam: ple 3 in degrees, the derivative of sine would have cured out to be a much messier number. (See Problem 24, page 89.) Estimating the Derivative Example4 Estimate the value of the derivative of f(r) = 2° at « = 0 graphically and numerically, Solution Graphically: Figure 2.16 indicates that the graph is concave up. Assuming this, the slope at A is between the slope of BA and the slope of AC. Since (2-2) 1 : ra) 77 M4 Slopeetline Ac wwe know that at x = 0 the derivative of 2 is between 1/2 and 1 ‘Numerically: To estimate the derivative at = 0, we look at values of the difference quotient J+A) ~ FOO) get i 7 aoe Slope of line B. a-o) 85 ChapteTwo KEY CONCEPT: THE DERIVATIVE for small h. Table 2,3 shows some values of 2" together with values ofthe difference quotients. (See Problem 33 on page 89 for what happens for very small values af hi.) f@)=9 Toble23. Numerical values for diference quotient of 2 atz=0 LL. rasan tog - Yee 2 Difference quotient 0.0008 o93075 —c.a002 | 0.996130 a.059 0.0001 | 0.999930688 0.93123, ° 1 7 ri a.co01 | 100006082 0693171 Figure 216: Graph ofy = 2" showing the O00? | LODOISSE oe eee 0.0003 | 100020707 0693219 ‘The concavity of the curve tells us that difference quotients calculated with negative h's are smaller than the derivative, and those calculated with positive h's are larger. From Table 2.3 we see that the derivative is between 0.693123 and 0.693171. To three decimal places, f"(0) = 0.693, ExempleS Find an approximate equation for the tangent line to f(a) = 2* atx = 0. Soluion From the previous example, we know the slope of the tangent line is about 0.698. Since the tangent line has y-intereept 1, its equation is 6932 +1. Computing the Derivative Algebraically The graph of f(x) = 1/svin Figure 2.17 leads us to expect that /'(2) is negetive, To compute #2) exacly, we se algebra. Figure 217: Tangent linet f(2) = 1/ee ats =2 Example6 Find the derivative of f(2) = 1/s atthe point x = 2. Soluion The derivative is the limit ofthe fiance s0 we look at P= Jim S248 feen- 2) Using the formula for / and simplifying gives "| fim t (1-1) = tim fe) gn (stn-3) Bs = 24h) tim Dita +h) ) ~ TD) 22 7HEDERWATIVE ATAPONT 87 Sincé the Hint only examines values off cose fo, but ot equal 0, zero, we ean cancel We get L £0) = fe oe aw ‘Thus, /"(2) = —1/4. The slope of the tangent line in Figure 2.17 is —1/4 Exercises and Problems for Section 2.2 Exercises 2(0 1. The table shows values of f(x) = 2° near 2 ‘te decimal places). Use ito estimate f"(2). = [199819552000 Zoo 2.002 & [797679885000 8012 _ 8024 2, By choosing small values for h, estimate the instant neous rete of change of the function f(z) = * with respoct to at = 1 ‘3. The income that «company receives fiom selling is called the revenue, Production decisions are based, in part, on how revenue changes if the quantity sold changes; that ison the rate of change of revenue with respect co quantity sold. Suppose a company’s revenue, in dollars is givan by R(q) = 100q ~ 104%, where q is the quantity sold im kilograms, (@) Calculate the average rte of change of P with r= spect to q over the intervals 1 0.) @ Je) & fer) © fen) fe) @ h (©) Using your answers to pars (0)-(0), show how the auantty LEFM =I coy pe represented a the slope ofa ine a fhe graph 21, Consider he fonction shown in Figure 2.26, (2) Write an expression involving for the slope ofthe line joining A and B. (b) Draw the tangent line at C. Compare its slope tothe slope of the line in part (a). (© Arc there any other point on the curve at whieh the slope of the tangent Tine isthe same as the slope of the tangent line at C? 17s, mark them on the graph nx, why noe? Figure 2.26 22. (a) If fis even and f'(10) = 6, what is J"(—10)? (b) IEF is any even function and (0) exists, what is Lor 23, If gis an odd fonction and g(4) ~ 5, what is y'(—4)? 24. (@) Estimate f"(0) if f(2) = sinc, with x in degrees. (b) In Example 3 on page 85, we found thatthe detiva- tive of sing at x = O-was 1. Why do we get a dif- ferent result here? (This problem shows why radians are almost always used in calculus ) 25. Find the equation of the tangent line to f(a) ate = 3, Sketch the function and this tangent line +e ‘221HEDEAVATVEATAPONT 89 26, Estimate the instantaneous rate of change ofthe function Sle) = elne atx = 1 ond at x = 2, What do these ‘alues sugges about the concevity ofthe graph between Vand 2? 27, Estima the derivative of f(2) = 27 atx 28, For y = f(z) = 32°! ~ 2, use your calculator to con seuct a graph of y = f(x), for 0 < x < 2, From your graph, estimate f"(0) and /"(0) 29, Let f(2) = In(cos:e). Use your calculator to approni= rate the instantaneous rate of change of fat the point {2 = 1. Do the same thing for © = 9/4, (Note: Be sure ‘that your calculator is se in radians.) 30, On October 17, 2006, in an article called "US Popula- tion Reaches 300 Million." the BBC reported that the US gins | person every IT seconds. If f(t) is the US pop- ‘lation in millions ¢ years after October 17, 2006, find (0) and f*(0) 31. The population, P(@), of Chin.’ in billions, cam be ap prowimated by PU) = 1.207(1.007)', wher 2s the numberof years since the start of 2000. Ac- cording to this mode, Hw fast was the population grow ing at the start of 2000 and at the start of 2007? Give your answers in millions of people per year. 32, (@) Graph fle) = 4° and gle) = f(@) +8 on the same set of axes, What can you say about the slopes ‘of the tangent lines to the two graphs at the point 02 = 2 Any point «= x0? (b) Explain why adding s constant vale, C, to any fune- tion does not change the value of the slope of its ‘graph ac any point. (Hint: Let gf2) = f(x) + C, and calculate the difference quotients for f and 9.) 38, Suppose Table 23 on page 86 is continued with smaller values of h. A particular ealulator gives the results in ‘Table 2.4, Your calculator may give slighty diferent results) Comment on the values of the difference quotient in Table 2.4 In particular, why is the last value of (2 ~ 1)/la nero? What do you expect the ealevlated value of (2 — 1)/Ito be when f= 10°22 Table24 Questionable values of difference quotients of near 2 je o.seste7 0.5931 069 a owamescap orgstaldatalpitfindes.sp, accessed May 1, 2007 90 CharlrTwo KEY CONCEPT: THE DERIVATIVE 3A, (@) Let f(x) = x°, Explain what Table 2.5 tells us about £0). (b) Find /’(2) exactly, (6) Hzchanges by 0.1 near 1, what does "(1 el ws about how f(2) changes? Mlustate your answer witha sketch, Table 25 Dieses z | a? | socosive 22 valves ‘0.998 | o99sans 00197 0.990 | 0.998001 00199 1.000 | 1.099000 0.002001 1.001 | 002001 ‘ovozco3 1.002 | 004008 Use algebra to eveluato the limits in Problems 35-40. 36 fg PEMA 4g yy, == aac got was Be ck In Problems 51-52, explain what is wrong with the statement SL. For the function f(2) = logs we have {'(0.8) <0. ‘52 The derivative ofa funetion f(x} at 2 = a isthe tangent Fine tothe graph of f(2) atx In Problems S3-S4, give an example of: ‘53. A continvous funetion which is always increasing and positive ‘54, A linear function with derivative 2 at x ‘Are the statements in Problems $5-S7 tue or false? Give an ‘explanation for your answer 155. You cannot be sure ofthe exact value ofa derivative of 2 Furetion at a point using only the information in a table 2.3 THE DERIVATIVE FUNCTION ViFh 39, fing EEA? tint: Multiply by VEER + 2 in aw meraor a denominator 40 jy AE Find the derivatives in Problems 41-46 algebraically Sa at = 10 41. f(2) 2. f(a) =o ax= 2 144 f(a) = 27+ 5a 2) = Te at = ale) = 27 find 92) For Problems 47-50, find the equation ofthe line tangent to the function atthe given pot. setae = 10 48 fle) 50, f(2) = 1/2? at (1.1) of values ofthe function, The best you ean dois find zm approximation 136. If you zoom in (with your ealeulator) on the graph of uy = f(z) ina small interval around ¢ = 10 and see a Straight Tine, then the slope ofthat lin equals the deriva tive 7"(10) 57. If J(2) is concave up, chen Fe) < (M0) = Fla)){(o~ a) fora 8.8) and where jis m is decreasing. Notice that tthe points where { has large postive slope, such as 2 = ~2, the graph of the derivative is far above the z-axis, as it Should be, since the value ofthe derivative is large there. At points where the slope is gentler, such 28.2 = —1, the graph off’ is closer to the «-axi, since the derivative is smaller. What Does the Derivative Tell Us Graphically? Where fis positive, the tangent line to fis sloping up; where J" is negative, the tangent Tine to f is sloping down. If f’ = 0 everywhere, then the tangent line to fis horizontal everywhere, and f is, ‘constant, We see that the sign of "tells us whether J is increasing or decreasing. If 7! > 0 onan interval, then J is inereasing over that interval. If 7’ < O onan interval, then J is decreasing over that interval, Moreover, the magnitude ofthe derivative gives us the magnitude ofthe rate of change; so if is large (positive or negative), then the graph of f is steep (up ot down), whereas if f” is small the graph of f slopes gently. With this in mind, we can learn about the behavior of a function from the behavior of its derivative The Derivative Function: Numerically If we are given values of a function instead of its graph, we can estimate values of the derivative Example3 Table 2.7 gives values of c(t), the concentration (g/cm) of a drug in the bloodstream at time t (min). Consirusta table of estimated values for (2), the rate of change of o@) with respec to time. Table27 Concentration asa function of time cain) a Jo: [oz [os [oa Jos [oo [o7 | os [os | 10 ele) gem) | 084 | 089 | 098 | 098 | 1.00 | 90 | 097 | os0 | 079 | 063 | ost Solution 2STHEDERWVATVEFUNCTION — 98, “We estimate values of c! using the values in the table. To do this, we have to assume that the data points are close enough together thatthe concentration does not change wildly between ther, From the table, we see that the concentration is increasing between f = and t = 0.4, so we expect a positive derivative there, However, the increase is quite slow, so we expect the derivative tobe smal ‘The concentration docs not change between 0.4 and 0.5, so we expect the derivative to be roughly O there. From ¢ = 0.5 to £ = 1.0, the concentration starts to decrease, and the rate of decrease gets larger and larger, 0 we expect the derivative to be negative and of greater and greater magnitude ‘Using the data in the table, we estimate the derivative using the difference quotient: Oe Since the data points are 0.1 apart, we use / = 0.1, giving, for example, 0) =e). OS O84 5 yembmin (oa) = LODO) _ SOAK 05 nglemtmin. ‘See Table 2.8, Notice that the derivative has small positive values until t = 0.4, where it is roughly 10, and then it gets mote and more negative, as we expected, The slopes are graphed in Figure 2.29. Table28 Estimated derivative of concentration 2 | ew 0 05 or | 05 o2 | 04 as | 02 o4 | 00 os | -03 06 | -o7 or | -14 i ; os | -16 02 046 1 og | -22 Figure 2.29: Graph of concentration asa function of time Improving Numerical Estimates for the Derivative In the previous example, the estimate forthe derivative at 0.2 used the interval (othe right; we found the average rate of change between { = 0.2 and ¢ = 0.3, However, we could equatly well have gone to the left and used the rate of change between t = 0.1 and ¢ = 0.2 to approximate the derivative at 0.2. For a more accurate result, we could average these slopes and say’ (02) 1 (Sopot lett, Slope right) _ 0 COD=T\ of02 of 0.2 In general, averaging the slopes leads to a more accurate answer. oa = 0.45, Derivative Function: From a Formula If We are given a formula for J, can we come up with 2 formula for /"? We often can, as shown in the next example. Indeed, much of the power of calculus depends on our ability o find formulas for the derivatives of all the functions we described earlier. This is done systematically in Chapter 3. 94 ChapterTwo KEY CONCEPT: THE DERIVATIVE Derivative of a Constant Function ‘The graph of a constant function f(r) = & is a horizontal line, with a slope of O everywhere. ‘Therefore, its derivative is O everywhere, (See Figure 2.30.) cunana If fle) = hy then f'(2) fi@)=% ope Figure 2.30: A constant function Derivative of a Linear Function We already know that the slope of a straight line is constant. This tells us that the derivative of a Tinear funetion is constant If (2) = b+ ma, then #"(2) = Slope Derivative of a Power Function Example Find 2 formulla for the derivative of f() ‘Solution Before computing the formula for f“(w) algebraically, let's try to guess the formula by looking for a pattern in the values of /"(2), Table 2.9 contains values of f(r) = 2 (rounded to three decimals), ‘which we can use to estimate the values of /"(1), J"(2), and J"(3). Toble29 Values of f(a) = 2 near-x = 1, x = 2, x= 3 {rounded 10 three decimals) 0.999 | 0.998 1999 | 3.996 2.999 | 8.994 1.900 | 1.000 2.000 | 4.000 3.000 | 9.000 1.001 | 1.002 2.001 | 4.004 3.001 | 9.006 1.902 | 1.008 2.002_| 4.008 3.002_| 9.012 Near x = 1, the value of x? increases by about 0.002 each time «increases by 0.001, so sys ee =e ‘Similarly, near & = 2 and « = 3, the value of 2? increases by about 0.004 and 0.006, respectively, when 2 increases by 0,001. $0 19) mp 0004 iH a SQ to =4 md FO) Knowing the value of f" at specfie points can never tll us the formula for j', but it eereinly can be suggestive: Knowing f'(1) ® 2, {"(2) * 4, #'(3) = 6 suggests that f"(z) = 22. “The derivative is caleulated by forming the difference quotient and taking the limit as h goes to zero. The difference quotient is e+ h)— fle) _ (w+h 24 Qh th? =a? _ deh h? Pereeeeefeereteeees h h h {ATH DERIVATIVE FUNCTION 95 Since h never actually reaches zero, we can cancel it in the last expression to get 20+ ht. The limit ‘of this as h goes to zero is 22, 50 fi (2) = fim (22 +h) = 2x Example5 Calculate J"(r) it f(e) Solution We look at the difference quotient fe +h) i Multiplying out gives (x + h)® = a8 + da%h+ 32h? + 1°,s0 2+ 30%H + 3ah? + At a%h = a Since in taking the limit as h 0, we consider values of h near but mot equal to, zero, We can cancel, giving Fo) = Jing SEP SOME EME (9a? Bh +1) ‘As h-¥ Oy the value of (32h +h?) +0, so fe) (B22 + xh + A?) = Be”, i ‘The previous two examples show how to compute the derivatives of power functions of the form fle) = 2", when nis 2 or 3, We can use the Binomial Theorem to show the power rule for 2 positive integer: Wt f(x) = 2" then f"(e) =n" ‘This result isin fact valid for any real value of n. Exercises and Problems for Section 2.3 Exercises 1. (@) Estimate f"(2) using the valoes off in the able. For Exorcisos 3-12, graph the derivative of the given fune- (b) For what values of 2: does J" (2) appear to be posi- tins. tive? Negative? = [o]2]*[«]*]o[@ ‘£@) [0 [os [24 [1 [20 [is [as 2. Find approximate values for f(x) at each ofthe x-values given in the following table 2 [0 [5 ]wfis[ao (2) [100 [70 [65 [a6 [a0 Chapter Two EY CONCEPT: THE DERVATIVE 2 Problems Problems a Tm cach ease, graph a smooth curve whose slope meets the condition. (a) Everywhere postive and increasing gradually. (h) Everywhere positive and decreasing gradually. {) Everywhere negative and increasing gradually (be coming less negative). a) Everywhere negative and decreasing gradually (be- coming more negative) Draw a possible graph of y = J(2) given the Folfowing information about its derivative, © @)>0le2-1 © F@) = 0a For f(a) = Ine, construct tables, rounded to four deci~ mals, near 2 = 1,2 = 2,2 = 5,and a = 10. Use the tables to estimate f'(1), (2). £"(8)- and f"(10). Then ‘guess a general formula for f(a). Given the numevical values shown, find approximate val- tes for the derivative of f(x) at each of the z-values given, Where is the rate of change of (x) positive? ‘Where is it negative? Where does the rate of change of ‘Fe seem 10 be greatest? For Exercises 13-18, sketch the graph of f(x), and use this raph to sketch the graph of J"(3), 13, fle) = 5e M4, fle) = 18, fe) = 22-1) 16. (2) = 17, fa) = cosa 18. fla) =Ine In Exercises 19-20, find 2 formala for the derivative using the power rule. Confirm i using difference quotients 19. K(2) We 20, Me) = 1/7 Find a formula for dhe derivatives of the funetions in Exer- elses 21-22 using difference quotiens 24, gl2) = 223 22, mz) We+1) e fo 2 345 j@le 3 99 e738 2 30 27, Values of and g() are given in the lable. For what value of x does g/(2) appear to be closes to 3? 2 TA 57 90) 62 ho. 32. a a 50. a2, 5a a 60. = [27 ate) [sa 28, Inthe eragh of fin Figure 2.31, st which ofthe labeled srvalues is (a) F(a) greatest? (se) greatest? ) fe) teas? (a) f(z) leas? Se) 29 THEDERWATIVEFUNCTION 97 am | bee Figure 2.32 Ce 3 41. A child inflates balloon, admires it fora while and then Jets the air out ata constant rate, 1FV(f) gives the volume ‘of the ballooa at time f, then Figure 2.33 shows ¥"(0) as a function of ¢, At whet time does the cil (a) Begin to inflate the balloon? (b) Finish inflating the balloon? (6) Begin to et the air oat? (@) What woul the graph of V(t) look like ifthe child it) Jie) ‘had alternated between pinching and releasing the ‘open end of the balloon, instead of letng the air out - ® ala constant rate? ‘ 1 ve 31 2 36. ie) ete igure 42, Figure 2.34 shows a graph of voltage across an elect cal capacitor as @ function of time, The current is pr portional to the derivative ofthe voltage: the constant of proportionality is positive. Sketch a graph ofthe curent asa function of time, 37 38, Fe) isla votaye Figure 2.94 43, Figure 2.35 the graph off’ the derivative of function {J On what intervals) isthe function f (@) Increasing? (b) Decreasing? 39 Roughly sketch the shape of the graph of @ quadratic polynomial, fifi s known tha: “0 = 70) 3) ison the graph off. FQ) = 1, F) 40. vehicle moving along a straight road as distance f(4) aie from its stating point at ime £. Which of the graphs in # et Figure 232 could be f(t) forthe following scenarios? (Assume the scales on the vertical axes av all the same.) 6 Atoms ovo ) Acar vith ofc al gen ps Fig 225 Graph of fof (©) A car in heavy traffic conditions: bs ececea 86 Chapter Two KEY CONCEPT: THE DERVATIVE 44, The desivative of fis the spike antion in Figure 2.36. What can you say about the graph of f? ri) Figure 236 45. The population of a herd of deer is modeled by P(t) = 4000+ 500sin (271 ~ 2) ‘where tis measured in years ftom January 1. {a) How does this population vary with time? Sketch a ‘graph of P(t) for one year () Use te grap co decide wen in the year the popula: tion isa maxizwm, What is that maxiourn? Is there ‘a minimum? I7s0, when? (¢) Use the graph to decide when the population is ‘rowing fastest, When is it decressingCasiest? (a) Estimate roughly how fast te population is chang {ng on the fest of July 46, “The graph in Figure 2.37 shows the accumulated federal debt since 1970. Sketeh the derivative of this funeton ‘What docs it present? ‘Strengthen Your Understanding eel ate 1 10 5 6 4 2 19751985 1995 2008 Figure 2.37 47, Draw the graph of a continuous function y = f() that satisfies the following thre condition © J0) > 0 for <2, © PG) <0lr-2<2<2, © P@)=Olors >2 48. Draw the graph of a continuous function y = (2) chat satisfies the following three conditions © £@)> Ofori 8 © 7@)=0m2= Lande 49, IF lim, f(e) = 90 and j"(x) is postive fo alk x, what 4s “im f'(2)t Assume this init exists) Explain your saniwer with apicure a Using a graph, explain why if f(z) isan even funesion, then f(x) is dd SL. Using a groph, explain why if g(x) is an odd funetion, then (2) is even Strengthen Your Understanding Jin Problems 52-54, explain whats wrong with the statement. ‘52. The graph of the derivative of the function f(x) = eas: isalways above the z-axis, 153. A function, J, whose graph is above the a-axis forall has a postive derivative forall x 54, If /'(2) = g'(2) then (2) = (0) In Problems 55-56, give an example o 55, A function representing the position of a particle which has postive voloity for 0 < ¢ < 0.5 and negative veloc- lords ical canbe expressed as C= f(g). Using unis, explain i C = f(a) ln each ofthe following statements, what the meaning ofthe folowing satements in tems of the are the urits ofthe two numbers? In word, what does chemical: ‘och tlement telus? () f(200) = 1300 (b)__F*(200) (a) f(200) = 600 (&) s"(200) = 2 2. The time for a chemical reaction, T (in minutes) i, 6. An economist imterested in how the price of a certain item affects its sles. Ata price of Sp, a quantity, 9, ofthe item is sold, fq = [(p)- explain the meaning of each of. the following statements: f function of the amount of catalyst present, a (in milliliters), oT = se). (a) If £(5) = 18, what are the units of §? What ae the units of 18? What does this statement tll us about the teeton? 1080) = (150) = (b) Ef #"(5) = —3, what are the units of 5? What are the Oe eae see eee nits of 3? What dosti statement ll ut? : ie See a 7. Suppose C(r) is the total cost of paying off a car loan borrowed et an annual interest rate of r%. What are the units of C'(r)? What isthe practical meaning of C*(r)? What ists sign? 3. The temperature, 7 in degrees Fabreabeit, of cold yam place in a hat oven is given by T= f(0). where ¢is the time in minutes since the yam was pat in the oven (a) Whats the sign of (2 Why? 8, Lot f() be the elevation in feet ofthe Mississippi River (©) What are te units 0 (20)? What sh prasteal "rs rom ts nurs, Wht ae te unis of (2)? ‘meaning ofthe statement f’(20) = 2? ‘What ean you say about the sian of (2)? 4. The temperature, Hin degrees Coss, of acupof cof- 9, S ms ; ; 3. Suppose P(A) is the monthly payment, in dollars, on & fe led on the chen coum ven by Hf = J(@. "morgage which wl tak eas pay of, Wha the wher isn minus snes the ees was pat one nto F(? What isthe prota meaning of)? ‘What is its sign? (a) Is J°(2) positive or negative? Give areason for your yp, (b) What are the units of /"(20)? What is its proetcal meaning in terms of the temperature ofthe coffee? ‘After investing $1000 at an annual interest rate of 796 ‘compounded continaously for ¢ years, your balance is SB, where B= f(t). What are the units of dB jdt? ‘Wha isthe financial interpretation of d/l? “huptwwa.cadoe govleedtenew nn, accessed January 12,2011 102 Chaptertwo KEY CONCEPT: THE DERIVATIVE 11, Investing $1000 at an annual interest rate of r%, com- pounded continsousy, for 10 years gives you a balance of $B, where B = g(r). Give a financial interpretation ofthe statements: (a) (6) ~ 1049. (by 9/(6) ~ 165, What are the units of (5)? Problems 12, Mateorologiss define the temperature lapse rate to be AT /dz where T is the ae temperature in Celsius at al- titude kilometers above the grourd, (a) What ae the units of the apse rate? (b) Whats the practial meaning ofa lapse rat of 6.6? 13, A laboratory study investigating the relationship beeen ict and weight in adult humans found tha the weight of a subject, I, in pounds, was a function, I” = fe), of the average number of Calories per day, e, conse by the subject. (a) In terms of ciet and weigh, interpret se statements (1800) = 155, #"(2000) = 0, and f-#(162) = 2200, (6) What ar the ants of fc) = av fe? 14, In 2011, he Greenland Ye Sheot was meng a a rae tesuveen 82 and 224 cubic km per year? (@) What derivative does this el us about? Define the function ad give unit or ech variable (©) What numerical statement can you make about the desivative? Give units, 15, A city grew in population throughout the 1980s and into ‘the early 1990s. The population was at its largestin 1995, nd then shrank nil 2010. Let P = f(¢) represent the population ofthe city # years since 1980, Sketch araphs of F(E) and f° (E), labeling the units on the axes. 16, IF isthe number of years since 2011, the population, P. ‘of China in billions, can be approximated by the fnetion P= He) = 1.34(1.004) Estimate f(9) and §"(9), giving units. What do these two numbers tell you about the populstion of China? 17, An economist is interested in how the price ofa certain ‘commodity affects its sales. Suppose tht ata price of Sp, ‘a quantity 9 ofthe commodity is sold Iq = J(p)s ex plain in economic terms the meaning of the siatements (20) = 240,000 and f'(10) = ~29,000. 18, On May 9, 2007, CBS Evening News hadl 2 4.3 point rating, (Ratings measure the number of viewers.) News ‘execatives estimated that a 0.1 drop in the ratings forthe CBS Evening News corresponds toa 85.5 million drop in revenue Express this information asa derivative. Spec ify the Faneion, the variables, the units, and the pot at which the deeivative is evaluated. 19, The population of Mexico in illionsis P = (0), where ‘is the numberof years since 1980, Explain the meaning ofthe statements: fa) sO) © (FYV(95.5) = 0.46 ) J74(95.8) = 10 20. Let f(t) be the numberof centimeters of ainfll hat has fallen since minighs, where Cs the time in hours. Inter pret the following in practical terms, giving units. (@) f(10)=3.1 @) f'@)=16 © sug =04 @ (Y@=2 ‘Waters flowing into a tank; the dep, infec, ofthe war fer at time in hous is h(t) Interpret, with units, the following statements. () A(5) ) WG) =07 © 1'G)=7 @ GYy@)=12 22, Let ph) be the pressure in dynes perem? on a diver ata depth of f meters below the surface of the ocean. What do exch of the following quantities mean to the diver? Give units forthe quantities. 21. (a) p(100) (bh such that p(t) = 1.2. 10° (©) p(h) +20 (@) p+ 20) (@) p00) (H_Fesuch that p'(h) = 100,000 23, Let g(t) be the height, in inches, of Amelia Earhart (one ofthe first woman airplane pilocs) ¢ years after her bith ‘What are the units of g'(0)? What can you say about the signs of g’(10) and (30)? (Assume that 0 < £ < 39, the age at which Amelia Earhar’s plane disappeared) 24, If g(u) is the fuel efficiency, in miles per gallon, of = ‘ear going at v miles per hour, what are the units of {9 (90)? What is the practical mesning of the statement (58) = ~0.54? 25, Let P be the total peroloum reservoir on Earth in the year t, Un other words, P represents the total quantity of petroleum, including what's aot yet discovered, on Earth At time £,) Assume that no new petroleum is being made and that P is measured i barrels. What are the units of ‘dP/dt What isthe meaning of LP /d? What sits sign’? How would you set about estimating this derivative in practice? What would you need to know to make such an estimate? 26. (a) IF you jump out ofan airplane without a parachute, yu Fall faster and faster until air resistance causes ‘you to approach a steady velocity, called the termi hal velocity. Sketch graph of your velocity against time, (b) Explain the concavity of your graph (©) Assuming alr resistance «0 be negligible at £ = (0, what natural phenomenon is represented by the slope ofthe greph at ¢ = 07 “ewwalimateorgtopieses Level, accessed June 5,201 GC Regine May 9.2007; The New York Tine, M 14,2007 27. Lev W be the amount of wate, in gallons, in a bathtub at time ¢, in minutes. (a) What are the meaning and units of dW /ce? (b) Suppose the bathud is full of water at time fo, 30 that W (lo) > 0. Subsequently, a time fp > fo, the plugs pulled, Is d¥//dt postive, negative, oF er (@) Forta ct< ty? Gi) After the plug is pulled, but before the tub is empty? i) When all the water has dined from the tub? 28. A company’s revenve from car sales, C (in thousands of doliars), 8 « function of advertising expenditure, a, in thousands of dollars, so C= f(a). (a) What does the company hope is true about the sign off ) What does the statement (100) = 2 mean in pracy ticl terms? How about f'(100) = 0.5? (© Suppose the company plans to spend about $100,000 on advertising. If f’(200) = 2, should the company spend more or fess than $109,000 on subverting? Whatif (100) = 0.57 29, In May 2007 inthe US, there was one birth every 8 sec- ‘nds, one death every 13 seconds, and one new inernae tional migrant overy 27 seconds.” (a) Let {(0 be the population ofthe US, where tis time fn seconds messured from the stat of May 2007 Find f'(0). Give units. (b) Te the nearest second, how long id it take for the US population to add one person in May 2007? During the 1970s and 1980s, the build up of chloroftuo- rocerbons (CFCs) created a hole inthe ozone layer over ‘Aaretiea, After the 1987 Montreal Protocol, an agree- ment to phase out CFC production, the azone hole has shrunk. Tae ODGI (ozone depleting gas index) shows the level of CFCs present LetO(t) be the ODGI for Antarc- tiea in year f; then (2000) = 95 and O'(2000) 1.25, Assuming thatthe ODGT decreases ata constant rate, eatimete when the ozone hole will hve recovered, Which occurs when ODGI = 0. 31. Let P(e) be the numberof people of height < x inches in the US. What is the meaning of (G6)? What are its units? Estimate P'(66) (wsing common sense). Is P’(z) ever negative? [Hint: You may want to approxi sate ”(66) by a dilferenee quotient, using h = 1. Also, you may assumte the US population is about 300 million, fad note that 66 inches = 5 fect 6 inches.) 32, When you breathe, a mascle (called the diaphragm) ro- duces the pressure around your lungs and they expand toil with ai, The tale shows the volume of lung as a function ofthe reduction in pressure from the diaphragm. "nw consis gov, accessed May 1, 2007 wee naa govlgmog ° sped frm Jn B, West, Respirzory Physiology AINTERPRETATIONS OF THE DERWATIVE 108, Palmonologsis (lung doctors) define the complianee of the lung asthe derivative ofthis function? (a) What are the units of compliance? (b) Estimate the maximum compliance of the hg. {) Explain why the compliance gets small when the Jung is eae fll (around ¥ lite). Pressure eduction cof wat) ‘Volume iver) ‘33. The compressibility index, 7, of cold matter (ina neutron star or black hole) is given by Sof) dp pa where p is the pressure (in dynesiem?), isthe density (in gfema), and ¢ = 3 10" is the speed of light (in ‘emisec). Figure 2.38 shows the relationship between 6, 17. and p Values ofl pave marked along the graph." (a) Estimate dp/dé for cold icon, which has a density of about 10 glem®. What does the magnitude of your answer tell you about cold ion? {(b) Estimate dp/é forthe matter inside a white dwarf slat, which has a density of about 20° glem?. What ‘does your answer tell you about malter inside a white dwar? 0 2 1416 18 Figure 2.38 lag tgnent thE. (Now York: Wiliams and Wilkins, 190) "om C. W- isnt, K-S, Thoms an J. A, Wheeler Gravion (San Francine: W. H. Freeman and Company, 1973).

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