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AERD Aspirin triad Samters triad AERD

-rhinitis, subsequently followed by development of asthma

-Aspirin sensitivity, NP
-Predominasi wanita
-Colds never go away
-ASPIRIN / NSAID PROFUSE rhinorhea, swollen watery eyes, abd
pain, minor urticaria, bronchial constriction

Defek regulasi Cys-LT CRS,

Peningkatan exresi Cys LT1 pada leukosit inflamasi (makrofage, sel T,
eosinofil, neutrofil,sel mast)

Pada kasus advance : NPs memenuhi cavum nasi dan dapat keluar
sampai ke vestibulum nasi / nasofaring.

Keterlibatan dasar hidung, inferior meatus, nasal septum

extreemly rare

Obs nasal : dilatasi vena sinusoid karena inflamasi dan edema, nasal
fibrosis, nasal polip (nis reversibel dengan pemberian dekongestan
Gangguan penciuman Olfactory disturbance is common, due to
physical prevention of odorants reaching the olfactory cleft, and
oedema in this area

Nasal endoscopy affords significantly better illumination and

visualization compared to anterior rhinoscopy for examination
of the middle and superior meati as well as the nasopharynx
and mucociliary drainage pathway

CRP value is useful in the diagnosis of bacterial

infections (1148). However, among patients suspected of an
infectious disease, CRP levels up to 100 mg/l are compatible
with all types of infections (bacterial, viral, fungal, and protozoal)
CRP is most reliably used for exclusion of bacterial infection: two
values less than 10 mg/l

Fluctuations in the sense of smell are associated with

rhinosinusitis. This may be due to mucosal obstruction of
the olfactory niche (conductive loss) and/or degenerative
alterations in the olfactory mucosa due to the disease or
treatment eg repeated nasal surgery.

Some have attributed epistaxis

to the vasoconstrictor activity (1827) of the corticosteroid
molecules, and postulated this as a mechanism for the very
rare occurrence of nasal septal perforation (
atrophy does not occur as
the mucosa is a single layer of epithelium compared to keratin
producing multi-layered skin where atrophy is reported

IL5 aktivasi eosinofil. IL-5 tinggi di polip, antiIL5 hipereosinofilic


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