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Tierany Dickey

Mr. Leary
World History Honors Essay
America is an empire of the 21st century. America has conquered land, as well as a person
in charge the helps create laws that the citizens have to abide by, and the fact that America
constantly strives for stability. Even though America is stable it takes a lot of work to control
over three million square miles of land and keep the land under control so that the states do not
try to split up like previous attempts.
America does own a lot of land although, it took an abundance of work and many
sacrifices. For America to be as big as it is now and to still have independence it took about 81
wars and three of them are still ongoing. America now is able to defend itself from wars a lot
better now because the government has helped create protocols in need of invasive actions or just
as simple defense, as well that America has; the navy, fight on the seas, the air force, to fight in
the air, and the marines, who do fighting in other countries on land. Land owned by the U.S. in
other countries are maintained by trade and strong relationships, like providing medical support
in other countries, giving the country money, or providing military support and as a thank you or
if the country is unable to return the favor America is given land in place of that debt. Even with
all this land America is still a pretty stable country.

Stability is the ability to stay stable controlled This is known to be beneficial due to the
fact that with stability comes ease of control and it reduces the chance of common riots over
simple things and because America is stable, it is easier to control the citizens. It also embraces
how America reacts to daily things or simple things therefore leaving a good impact on America
but because America is stable certain catalysts can easily throw off the balance, unfortunately
for the U.S.A. when there is a catalysts it is hard for the entire nation to balance itself again.
Including that to help keep America stable there has to be a person(s) in charge.
Rulers in America are picked by the people, all 50 states, the House of Representatives,
and the Congress. As the votes are selected the president is picked by the majority vote. Such a
thing a kings and queens in America would not be acknowledged but, it as an empire the
president would be considered the king. The president helps create the rules for the entire nation
to follow along with the assistance of the congress or executive branch which would be the
generals in this case as they help the president recommend or edit rules. How the process starts
is that the congress or branch creates a bill then, then only a representative can show it to the
house after that, a committee will decide on if the bill is relevant or efficient or if it needs to be
adjusted following this process, the bill is soon debated and, then it is sent to the President if the
president approves then the bill will be signed and be passed.
America is an Empire because it participates in trade and benefits itself from other
countries like and empire would including how the U.S.A. has their own military and
government systems. Along with the incredible advancements in technology and engineering.
This along with many other characteristics and traits America has helps to support why America
could be considered as an modern day empire.

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