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How do the two systems of Democracy differ as far as branches of government are
The biggest difference is that the presidential system, the president is the

executive leader in which is voted upon by the citizens of the United States. However, in the
parliamentary system, the executive leader is elected straight from elected straight from the
legislative branch (aka Prime Minister). Parliamentary government passes and enforces
laws much faster than the presidential system. In the presidential system, it is hard for the
legislative body to do anything because the president only responds to the needs and
concerns of the people. To sum things up, Parliamentary system is basically rules and
regulations the government wants passed (executed by the prime minister and legislative
branch) and the Presidential system is the power of the people (Laws and regulations that
the citizens want passed and enforced).
B. Regarding elections, how do the systems compare? In Presidential, voters elect
the chief executive separately from the legislative representatives. In the
Parliamentary system,
voters elect members of a parliament, who then choose and elect a Prime
Minister. In a Presidential System, a President can be elected every four years
(only for two terms), and in a Parliament system, a Prime Minister can be elected
every five years (Can be removed at any time by the legislative body)
C. Do their leaders share similar terms in office? Explain in complete sentence format.
Yes, they do share similar qualities. However, it is much easier for a Prime
Minister to be removed from office than a President to be removed from office. In
a Parliamentary government, if the Parliament does not like the Prime Minister or
agree with his antics, the Parliament can cast a vote of no confidence and he
gets replaced. In the Presidential system, a long drawn out process has to go
underway, the House Judiciary Committee decides whether to pursue the case of
impeachment or not. However, In American History, no President was ever forced
out of office due to impeachment.
D. What are the "advantages" of each system of government? [At least two each]
Presidential System:

THE PEOPLE democratically elect leaders.

An elected president is more democratic than a hereditary monarch.
Parliamentary System:
A government can be removed from power through a no-confidence vote.
Parliamentary Systems have proven theyre able to function without a formal constitution.

E. Identify a disadvantage" of each system.

Presidential System:

The Judicial Branch isnt independent (new Judges picked by the President and
Voters are constantly dissatisfied with congress.
Parliamentary System:
Can cause unstable government due to lack of difficulty of removing leader.
In most cases, Minority party complains or concerns get ignored in this form of

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