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Draft of Social Studies Year Plan for Grade One

GLO 1.1: My World: Home, School, and Community

Knowledge and Understanding Outcomes:
1.1.3 Examine how they belong and are connected to their world.
1.1.4 Determine what makes their communities thrive.
1.1.5 Distinguish geographic features in their own community from other communities.
Values and Attitudes:

Value self and others as unique individuals in relation to their world.

Value the groups and communities to which they belong.

Introduction: What is a community?

The cross-curricular activities at the beginning of the year will help remind (or introduce)
students to key concepts from kindergarten. These critical personal development and community
building activities will set the foundation for this year in social studies.
I What makes my community unique? (1.1.2, 1.1.3, & 1.1.5)
3 weeks (beginning of Oct a few days before Halloween.).
What geographic features make my community unique?
o Where is my community?
o What do rural and urban mean?
o How is life different and the same in rural and urban
landmarks and symbols help us to recognize different groups or communities?
o What is a landmark?
o What landmarks represent our community?
o How are landmarks and symbols important to the community they represent?
II How much does belonging to my community shape who I am? (1.1.1 & 1.1.3)
3 weeks (after Remembrance day- mid December, budgeting extra time due to Thanksgiving and
ending a week or so before winter holidays to account for holiday festivities)
What is belonging?
What communities do I belong to? (Remember we all belong to many communities at the
same time)
How do we benefit from belonging to communities?
III How should I contribute to my community? (1.1.2, 1.1.3, & 1.1.4) 6 weeks (second week
in Jan.- late February, budgeting a little extra time for Valentines Day activities)
What are our responsibilities in groups and communities?

How do community members help one another?

What is cooperation?
How do people cooperate to live together peacefully in communities?
How do communities make decisions?
How does caring for the environment contribute to the wellbeing of the community?

GLO 1.2: Moving Forward with the Past: My Family, My History, and My Community
Knowledge and Understanding Outcomes:
1.2.2. Analyze how their families and communities in the present are influenced by events or
people of the past.
Values and Attitudes:
1.2.1 Appreciate how stories and events of the past connect their families and communities to the
IV How does the past impact my community today? (1.2.1 & 1.2.2)
6 weeks (beginning of March- late April, budgeting extra time for Easter)
How were families and communities different in the past than they are today?
What is my familys past in this community?
o How have changes (births, deaths, moves) affected my family?
o Who are my ancestors and how do they contribute to my identity?
What customs, traditions, languages, stories, and celebrations started in the past and
continue in my community today?
o How do these shape my identity?
o How do these shape my community?
What are some symbols of heritage and traditions in my family and community?
V How can we appreciate diversity in our community? (1.2.2)
6 weeks (late April early June)
Who contributed to my community?
How has my community changed over time (original inhabitants, ways of life,
What connections does our community have to other communities?
How did (and do) Aboriginal, Francophone, and other perspectives shape my

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