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Project Team:

Proposed idea: Well organized driving school

What is it called?
a driving school
What does it do?
Training new drivers how to be good drivers is a multimillion-dollar industry in the pakistan
How will it benefit my customers? (i.e. What problem does it solve?)
The most important aspect of driver education is SAFETY. It is the goal of our Driving
School to provide satisfaction and peace of mind to the clients.

Target Market: Describe your target market.

our target market is upper middle class and upper class and their childrens
To whom are you trying to sell?
Why those customers?
What do you know about your potential customers?
Explain how the customer benefits from your product or service?
What exists in the market space now?
Why/how is your product different? (i.e. What makes your product unique?)
What compelling reasons exist for why customers need your product or service?
The fit
Who are you?
What characteristics make you entrepreneuri al?
Why do you fit with this idea?
What inspired you to come up with this idea?

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