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Certification lectronique

Rglementation boucle locale et Dgroupage

Rglementation de la QoS
Marche de linternet
SIP Service Internet provider
Rglementation et WiFi
Rayonnement lectromagntique et dosimtrie
Basics of IT-Law:
- What is IT-Law?
- The complexity of IT and its impact on Law and Legal Practice
- The relation between IT Law and innovation
- An example of legal frictions: Big Data or Data Minimization?
- IT-professionals: how will their work be influenced by IT-Law?
- IT-professionals; how will their professional standards and practices influence ITLaw?
- Threats to society: cybercrime, failing IT-projects
- How do you create your own IT-rules? IT-contracting!

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

- What are Copyrights, Patent Rights and Database Rights?
- What does IPR mean for the development, sale and use of IT?
- Global IPR-developments (World Intellectual Property Organization; World Trade
- Proprietary IT versus Open IT (Open Source Software, Open Data and Open
- example: the explanation of an Open Source License (GPL3).
- IT-professionals: what do you consider in designing and developing software?

Legal aspects of the Cloud

- What is the Cloud? What is SaaS (Software as a Service)?

- The main issues of a Cloud Agreement
- Vendor Lockin: how do you prevent to be dependent on your Cloud Provider?
- Availability of the Cloud;
- What is Service Level Agreement (SLA) in the Cloud and what is the role of an ITprofessional in drafting a SLA?
- Who owns data in the Cloud?
- Data protection (privacy) and IT-security in the Cloud

IT Contracting

- Global IT-contracting practices (main IT-contracts; licensing; online contracts)

- General Terms and Conditions
- Quality of software: what do you arrange about quality in your contracts?
- The legal status of specifications; fitness for use.
- IT-contracting and risk management
- How to deal with IT-disputes (IT Mediation, Arbitration, Court)?

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