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Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Sarah Ingerson

Date: 2/12/15

Title of Lesson: 7-6, Round Decimals

Cooperating Teacher: Jane Steyne

Core Components

Subject, Content Area, or Topic

Student Population
17 Students
Learning Objectives
Round Decimals
Use number lines to recognize, represent, and round decimals.
Virginia Essential Knowledge and Skills
SOL 4.3 The student will b) round decimals to the nearest whole number, tenth, and hundredth
VBO 4.1.8 The student will round decimals to the nearest whole number, tenth, and hundredth.
VDOE Technology Standards
English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS)
Students Math Connects Math Books
Students Math Notebooks
Study Jams video on Rounding Decimals
Math Connects Robot Rounding Game (whole group on the promethium board)
Number lines
Paper clips
Place Value Chart
Lap Tops

Process Components


*Anticipatory Set

Check Rams
Check Homework
o Put the answers on the board
o Answer any questions and model problem questions
o If students got more than 3 or more problems wrong, have them place on the back
table. (Go over with students during Independent Practice)
Review rounding with whole numbers on the board.
o 19, 32, 69 to the tens place and 195, 249, 679 to the nearest hundred.
o As students give their answers ask, Why they chose to round to that number?
Introduce: Today we are going to learn how to round decimal numbers
o Study Jams video on rounding decimals (link in materials)
*State the Objectives (grade-level terms)




We will review the basics of rounding whole numbers and will learn and practice how to
round decimal numbers.
*Instructional Input or Procedure

Two ways to round decimals

o Number Line
Pass out the number lines and paper clips to the students
Write 1.22 on the board and have students represent that decimal on their
number line with the paper clip
Round to the nearest whole number Is 1.22 closer to 1 or 2?
Practice with several more: .3, 3.5, 1.7
o Using Rounding Rules
1. Underline the number you want to round
2. Look at the digit to the right
Model with the same decimals as above

Model rounding decimals to the nearest whole number, tenths and hundredths on the board
o 2.61 (Whole number and tenths)
o 3.279 (Whole number, tenths, and hundredths)
o .425 (tenths and hundredths)
*Check for Understanding

Pair Share:
o You are in the grocery store and need to buy bread, lunchmeat, and chips to make
your lunch. You only have a ten-dollar bill, so you are worried you wont have enough
money. The bread is $1.82, the lunchmeat is $4.93, and the chips are $2.03. Can you
tell without writing anything down if you will have enough money?
Play Robo Rounding (Math Connects Game) whole group for 5 min


2 min

*Independent Practice
P. 354 11-31 Odd ONLY
o Pull back those who missed 3 or more on their homework for remediation
with the reteach worksheet and base 10 blocks
Once students have finished their independent practice: partner check and
laptops for
Assessment (After PE)
o Formative assessment for 4.1.7

What are the two methods of rounding decimals? (Pair Share)

Differentiation Strategies (enrichment, accommodations, remediation, or by learning style).

Remediation/Learning Style:
o Base 10 blocks for kinesthetic learners
o Number Lines for visual learners
Classroom Management Issues (optional)

Begin class with a behavior talk.

o The talking during class yesterday was unacceptable
o Learning cannot happen without respecting the teacher and your fellow students
o Keeping others from learning by chatting during class and causing disruptions is extremely
o Ask for a verbal agreement of understanding from all students.

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