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Transfer of Thermal Energy

My thoughts on Transfer of Thermal Energy is that it is the

movement of heat. Or like that body temperature we give off and
machines like the night lense where it shows the heat off of
objects. I as of right now dont know really any real info about it
but I am excited to learn about Thermal Energy.. First I should
probably find out what thermal energy is and how many ways if
more than one can it be transferred. Next after typing about the
subject I should write about visual examples in a different way.
Thermal energy can be transferred in a conduction manner
where one substance particles are heated up. The particles that
are exposed to the heat will begin to vibrate and bump into each
other. When a particle that is vibrating hits a particle that is not
the non-vibrating particle will begin to vibrate and bump into
other particles. Think about a pond with its water still and the
reflection clear as day, then imagine you dropped a stone in the
middle of the pound, the water will ripple away from the area the
rock hit and bounce of the walls going all over the place. The Pond
is the substance, the stone is the heat, and the ripples is the
particle vibrating.

Thermal energy can also be transferred by convection when

liquid or gas has a lot of thermal energy in their particles and
began to move. The particles replace the cold particles thus
transferring thermal energy in a convection manner. This can be
seen has a phone insurance company. Lets say you have a phone

and you drop it breaking it. The phone is than replaced by your
insurance company and you return your old phone. The phone is
the particle when its warm but when it breaks it turns into a cold
particle. You get a new phone or particles with lots of thermal
energy and you return the broken phone seen as the cold
particles. Thus this cycle is repeated over and over swapping cold
particles for warm particles and vis-versa.

Finally thermal energy can be transferred by Infrared Ration.

All objects have Infrared Ration and the object gets hotter the
more infrared Ration it gives off. No particles are required for this
transformation and thus meaning that this transformation can and
will work in space. Look out the window at than sun and try to
remember or feel that warm feeling on your skin when your body
is open to the sun. Thats the sun's Infrared Ration hitting you all
the way from space itself.

Q = m cp dt

Q = quantity of energy transferred (kJ, Btu)

m = mass of substance (kg, lb)
cp = specific heat of the substance (kJ/kgoC, kJ/kgoK, Btu/lb oF)
dt = temperature difference (rise or fall) in the substance ( oC, K, oF)

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