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This is an attempt to compile all my standard practices and tips into one docume

nt to
be followed for all c++ code.
- follow these conventions:
- and these:
- and these:
- inline member functions
- copy constructor
- const member functions
- virtual destructor for base classes
- assignment operator
- always const reference to member data from public member functions
- private member data should be prefixed with "_" and the public
data access should be a const & function with the same name but
without the "_" (e.g. _xdata and xdata())
- follow the "Rule of Three"
- use unique_ptr if taking ownership of the pointer
- add a ::print_detailed() function to classes for detailed debugging
- idea: store it all in vectors
- query the size to determine if
- access the user-defined data (const reference) by a
g field) call
- make constructors that work with raw data const pointers
- Change functions to accept const pointers and then copy the data
- Change functions to output const references instead of pointers
From "Essential C++":
- prefer const, enum, and inline to #define
- use const whenever possible
- initialize objects before they're used
* use member initialization lists in constructors
- know what functions c++ silently writes and calls
- declare polymorphic base class destructors virtual
- prevent exceptions from leaving destructors
- never call virtual functions during construction/destruction
- have assignment operators return *this
- handle assignment to self in operator=
- copy all parts of a class (including base classes)
- use tr1::shared_ptr for resource management
- prefer a pass-by-ref-to-const over a pass-by-value, except for
built-in types
- don't return a reference (or pointer), when you must return an
- always declare data members private
- prefer non-member non-friend functions to member functions. ca
n use a namespace for this

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