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Under section 601(c), 627, or 4947(aX1) ofthe Internal Revenue Code (except black lung benefit tusttor private foundation) rem 990 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax 2010 — eticna ene” | _ De The organaation may have to use a copy of thes rotum to saisy state reporting requrements._| fmopscken 'A For the 2010 cslchdar year, or tax year beginning ‘and ending B grag, [eName oforganzaton Employer identiication number (sss |_aurrsm socrETy oF AMERICA GROUP CESS [Foon Busness As 58-2248889 TRIS, | Number and street (or .0 boxifmal snot deveredioseetaderess) | Roonuie [E Telephone number (ere |_ 4340 EAST WEST HIGHWAY, SUITE 350 301-657-0881 (tse! city or town, state or country, and ZIP + 4 G Groesrecapts 8 4,178,915 Cis |_peruespa, mp 20814-4411 Hia)isthsagup eum STMT 1 oro TE Name and address of pnnopal oficerSCOTT BADESCH for afates? (Ives Jno SAME AS C ABOVE H(p) Ave all atitates neuaes?(_Ives [XINo 1 Tacoxompt status: LX so1exs) (son (nsertno) [J a(ayorLJ827] No attach alt (see nstnsctons) ‘J Website: > WHW.. AUTISM-SOCIETY . ORG Hic) Group exemoton number ® 2497 ‘x Form of ocangaton: [X] Coporauon [Trust _{_] Assooaton [J OnerD> Tic ear ot toxmanon: 19 6 51a Sis tal domete: DC Part I| Summary ‘| 1. Bnefly descnbe the organization's mssion ormost sgnficant actwtes. TO PROMOTE EDUCATION & PUBLIC | AWARENESS ON AUTISM AND DISSEMINATE INFORMATION TO ACCOMPLISH THIS E| 2 Check hsbox Be L_Jitthe organzaton discontinued ts operations or disposed of more than 25% of ts net assats 2 | 2 Number ofvotng members ofthe goveming body (Part Vi, he 18) 3 8 | «number ot ndependent voting members ofthe governing body art VI, he 1b) 4 @| 5 Total numberof ndiaduals employed in calendar year 2010 (Par V,kne 2) 6 | 6 Total numberof vluntoors (estimate necessary) 6 3 | 72 Tetaunraated usness revere rom Par Vl, ot (he 12 7 bb Not unvelated business taxable ncome from Form 9807, bne 34 7% Prior Year ¢g| 8 Contnbutions and grants (Part Vil ine 1h) 2,628,965 £| © Program serveo rover (Par Vil, be 29) 1,228,578. 987,613. 8 | 10 investment income Part Vil, column (A), nes 3,4, and 79) =57, 361. 11,540. | 411. other revenue (Part Vil, column (A), lines 5, 64, 8, 9c, 10c, and 11) 324,131 224,223. 12 Total revenue - add tnes 8 through 11 (must equal Par Vil, column (A, ne 12) @,124,313.[ 4,058,477. 48. Grants and similar amounts ad (Pat X, column (A), hnes 13) 641,144. 583,190. “4 Banofts pas too for member (Par column (A), kne 4) . 0. 5,109. 4g 15. Salanes thor compensation, employee benef Pat IX column (nes 610) 694, 708. 646,851. 8 | 160 Professional fundraising fees (Pat IX, columa (A, ine 116) 0. 36,309. 3] Totattundrasng expenses Part K,column (0), ine 25) 420,946. 5 7 omer expenses Part, column (A), nes 118116, 111289) 2,741,966.| 2,716,697. 18 Total expenses Add ines 13:17 (must equal Part coun Je 4,077,818.| 3,988,156. 19. Revenue less expenses Subtract ine 18 from ine 12 46,495.| 70,321. ag 1® Nov ss 20" alee Se 2) 21 Total tabines (Part, tne 26) it 32\ 22_ Not assts or fund balances Subtact ine 21 tom ne 20 Parttl_| Signature Block & ‘Unger Baltes of pertuy, | Oelare tat Pave examined th eturn, molting accompanying Schedules and slalemens, and othe best of my knowledge and baba, ‘ue ef and compete, Decaraton of preparer (ter than offer based on a inferaton of wich ropa: as ay owed AD sqaure arate Ta veo ©))y SCORT_BADESCH, PRESIDENT/COO $ype or pr nare and ie Prin Type preparer’s name Preparers spnature tiie ree a NEIL E. BERGER IL_E. BERGER 1/18/11) fomsrame_j» METRO METRO AND ASSOCIATES frm’ EN (Fem'saidessp 3311 OLNEY SANDY SPRING ROAD OLNEY, MD 20832-1411 Phonene._(301)929-9700 May the IBS discuss ths reparer shown above? (soe mst coos onzz-i1 LHA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see the separate instructions. Form 990 2010) SEE SCHEDULE 0 FOR ORGANIZATION MISSION STATEMENT conmarenzoy oy _ Foms90 2019 AUTISM SOCIETY OF AMERICA GROUP 58-2248689 Page? [Part Il | Statement of Program Service Accomplishments Shock Schedule © contansa response any queso ths Pari oa 1” Bray dsenbe the rgancate’s msson. TO PROMOTE EDUCATION & PUBLIC AWARENESS ON AUTISM AND DISSEMINATE INFORMATION 10 ACCOMPLISH THIS GOAL. 2 Did the organization undertake any significant program services dung the year which were not sted on ‘the por Form 990 or 99027 Cves ExIno 1°Yes." descnbe these new services on Schedule O. '3_Did the organzation cease conducting, or make significant changes in how it conducts, any program services? ves CI no. °Yes," descnbe these changes on Schedule O 4 Descnbe the exempt purpose achievements for each of the organczation’s three largest program services by expenses ‘Section 501(c}3) and 501(c)4) organsrations and secton 4947(a)1) trusts ae requrred to report the amount of grants and _alocatvons to others, the total expenses, and revenue, any, for each program service reported ‘4a. (Code )(Exponses $_2, 396,962. inciuding grants of § )(Revenue$ 1,029,000.) CHAPTER SUPPORT/PARENT SERVICES - 150 LOCAL ASA CHAPTERS IN 40 STATE; PROVIDE SUPPORT GROUPS, GATHERINGS, PARENT EDUCATION TALKS TO CONNECT PARENTS OF INDIVIDUALS W/ AUTISM, THESE PROGRAMS REACHED APPROXIMATE. 15,000 PEOPLE. ‘4b (Code: ) (Expenses § 63,919. ncudng grants of § )(Revonue $ y PUBLICATIONS - CHAPTERS OFFER VARIOUS PUBLICATIONS SUCH AS CHAPTER NEWSLETTERS, BROCHURES ON AUTISM, DIRECTORIES OF PROGRAMS & SERVICES OVER 50,000 PIECES OF LITERATURE WERE DISTRIBUTED ‘4c (Code, VExpenses $639,190. mousing grants ot$ 583,190. j(Revenues y AWARDS /SCHOLARSHIPS/GRANTS - CHAPTERS OFFER HUNDREDS OF SMALL AWARDS SCHOLARSHIPS & GRANTS TO PEOPLE WITH AUTISM, AUTISM SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS WHICH OFFER SUPPORT. THESE AWARDS CAN RANGE FROM $25 TO SEVERAL THOUSAND. REGIONAL & LOCAL CONFERENCES, ONE-DAY WORKSHOPS & TRAINING SESSIONS FOR PARENTS & PROFESSIONALS. APPROXIMATE 19,000 INDIVIDUALS ATTENDED THESE. SESSIONS. “4d Othor program services. (Doscribe n Schedule ©} (Expenses $ 95,879. cluding grants of § (Revenue $ 1 =Total program service expenses 3.195, 950. Form 990 2070) 3 09581118 795695 5700-003 2010.04040 AUTISM SOCIETY OF AMERICA G 5700-021 Form 980 2010) AUTISM SOCIETY OF AMERICA GROUP 58-2248889 Page [Part IV | Checklist of Required Schedules Yes | No. 1s the organization desenbed in section 50%(c)(3) oF 4947(aK.) (ther than a pavate foundation)? 1 *¥es,* complete Schedule A 11x 2 Ie the organtzaton required to complate Schedule B, Schedule of Contributors? 21x '3._Did the organzation engage m direct or indirect pottical campaign actwes on behalf of orn opposition to candhdates for public office? if "Yes," complete Schedule C, Part! 3 x 4 Section 501(cK,9) organizations. Did the organcation engage m lobbying activites, or have a section 501(h) election m effect ‘dunng the tax year? I "Yes," complete Schedule C, Parti 4 x '5 Is the organizaton a sacton 501(¢}4), 501(¢\S), or 501(c)(6) organcation that recenas membership dues, assessments, or ‘svar amounts as defined n Revenue Procedure 98197 IF Yes," complete Schedule C, Part ll 5 (6 Did the oxganzaton mantan any donor advised funds or any srmlar funds or accounts where donors have the right to provide advice on the distnbutton or investment of amounts such funds or accounts? If*Yes,* complete Schedule O, Part! | 6. x 7. Ded the erganzaton recewe or hold a conservation easement, including easements to preserve open spat the environment, histone land areas, or histone structures? if "Yes," complete Schedule D, Pat I z iz ‘80d the erganzaton maintan collections of works of art, hstoncal treasures, or other similar assets? if “Yes," complete ‘Schedule D, Part Il 8 x 9 Dad the organizaton report an amount n Part X, ine 21; serve as a custodian for amounts not listed Part X: or provide credit counseling, debt management, redtrepar, or debt negotiation services? if “Yes," complete Schedule D, Part IV 9 x 10 Did the oxganzation, directly or through a related organization, Hold assets in term, permanent, or quasrendowments? "Yes," complete Schedule O, Part V 0 x 114. Ifthe exganzation's anewor to any of the folowing questions 1s “Yes,” then complete Schedule O, Parts VI ViVi IX, orX as appicable. 2. Did the organcation report an amount for land, buildings, and equipment in Pat X, be 107 I “Yes, complete Schedule D, Part V sal x bb Did the organzation report an amount for investments» other secures in Part X, le 12 that 8% or more of total ascats reported m Part x, lne 167 f “Yes,” completo Schedule , Part Vil a1 x {© Did the organzation report an amount for investments «program related in Part X, le 19 that 65% oF move of total ascatsroported m Part, ine 162 “Yes,” completo Schedule D, Part Vill ie x {Did the organzation report an amount fr other assets m Part X, no 15 that 8 96 or mor of ts total assets reported in Part X, ine 182 f "es," completo Schedule , Part 1x sig x fe Did the organzation report an amount for other kabities i Part X, kno 257 If “Yes,” complete Schedule D, Part x sel X 11 Did the organzation's soparate or consolidated financial statoments forth tax year clude a footnote that addressos the organczaton’s habit for uncertain tax postions under FIN 48 (ASC 740)? If “Yes,” complate Schedule D, Part X ait x ‘12a Did the organzation obtan separate, independent aucted financal statements forthe tax year? if "Yes," compete ‘Schedule D, Parts XI XI, and Xi! 128 x 'b Was the organzation included in consolidated, ndependent audited financial statements forthe tax year? 11 *¥es,* and fhe organzaton answered 'No" fone 12a, then completing Schedule D, Pars X, Xl, and XIl1s optional 1 x 49. Is the organzation a schoo! desenbed n section 170,0K1 AKG}? if "Yes," complete Schedule E 19 x. ‘V4a_Dad the organzation manta an offce, employees, o agents outside ofthe United States? 4a x 'b_Did the organzation have aggregate revenues or expenses of more than $10,000 from grantmaking, fundraising, business, and program seraice actwties cutsde the United States? If Yes,” complete Schedule F, Parts land IV ap x 418 Did the organzation report on Part IX, column (A, ne 3, more than $5,000 of grants or assistance to any organization Corentty located outside tho Unted States? f“Yes," complete Schedule F, Parts! and IV 16 x 416 Did the organzatio report on Part IX, column (A, ine 3, more than $5,000 of aggregate grants or assistance to individuals cated outside the United States? if "Ves," complete Schedule F, Parts ll and IV 16 x 17 Did the organzation report a total of more than $15,000 of expenses for professional fundrasing services on Part IX, column (A, ines 6 and 1167 IF *Yes,* complete Schedule G, Part 7 x 418 Did the organzation report more than $15,000 total of fundratsing event gross income and contnbutons on Part Vl, nes ‘cand 8a? IT "Yes," complete Schedule G, Part I se |X 19 Did the organzation report more than $15,000 of gross income from gaming actwties on Part Vl ine 937 I Yes,” complete Schedule G, Part 10 x ‘20a Did the ergancation operate one of more hosptale? if "Yee," compete Schedule H 20) | X bb If"¥e6" to line 20a, did the organtation attach ts audited fnancal statements to ths roturn? Nete, Some Form 950 fiers that ‘operate one oF more hosptals must attach audited fhancial statements (seo instructions) 20 Form 990 (2070) 4 09581118 795695 5700-003 2010.04040 AUTISM SOCIETY OF AMERICA G 5700-021 = Formsg90 201 AUTISM F_AMERICA GROUP 8-2248889 Pages Part IV | Checklist of Required Schedules (continued) Yes | No 21.__Dd the organcation report more than $5,000 of grants and other assistance to governments and organczations in the United States cn Part IX, column (A), ine 17 If "Yes," complete Schedule |, Parts land I! al x 22. Did the erganzation report more than $5,000 of grants and other assistance to individuals m the United States on Part IX, ‘column (A) ine 2? If *Yes,* complete Schedule |, Parts! and i! w |x Did the organzation answer "Yes" to Part Vil, Section A ine 3, 4, 5 about compensation of the organceabon's current ‘and former officers, rectors, trustees, key employees, and highest compensated employees? if "Yes," complete ‘Schedule J 23 x ‘24a Did the organczation have a tax-exempt bond issue wth an outstanding pnncipal amount of more than $100,000 as of the last day ofthe year, that was issued after December 31, 20027 “Yes, answer ines 24b through 24d and complete ‘Schedule K If "No", go to ine 25 24a x 'b Did the organization invest any proceeds of tax-exempt bonds beyond a temporary penod exception? 2A ¢ Did the organzation mamntain an escrow account other than a refunding escrow at any time dunng the year to defease any tax-exempt bonds? Phe Did the organization act as an “on behatf of” issuer for bonds outstanding at any tme dunng the year? 1 ee 25a Section 601(c)(3) and 601(c)(4) organizations. Did the organization engage in an excess benefit transaction wih a disqualiiod porson dunng the year’ if "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part | 25a x 'b Is the organzation aware that it engaged in an excess benef transaction with a ciequalified person m a pror year, and that the transaction has not been reported on any of the organization's por Forms 980 or 890-£2? If "Yes," complete ‘Schedule L, Part | 25> x 26 Was a loan to or by a current or former officer, director, trustee, key employee, highly compensated employee, or disqualtied person outstanding as of the end of the organtzation’s tax year? If "Yes, complete Schedule L, Part i! 26 x 27 Dd the organzation provide a grant or other assistance to an officer, director, trustee, key employee, substantal contributor, ora grant selection committee member, of to a person related to such an indwidual” If *Yes,* complete ‘Schedule t, Part It a x 28 Was the organzaton a party to a business transaction with one of the followng partes (see Schedule L, Part IV instructions for applicable fling thresholds, conditions, and exceptions): ‘a Acurrent or former officer, director, trustee, or key employee? if *Yes,* complete Schedule L, Part IV 28a x b A family member of a current or former officer, director, trustee, or key employee? If "Yes," complete Schedule L, PartV | 2Bb x ¢ Anentty of which a current or former officer, director, trustee, or key omployee (ora family member thereof) was an oficer, director, trustee, or direct or indirect owner? If "Yes," complete Schedule L, Part IV 280 x 29 Did the organization recewe more than $25,000 m non-cash contnbutions? If "Yes," complete Schedule M 29 x 20 Did the organzation recewe contnbutions of at, histoncal treasures, or other similar assets, or uafied conservation ‘contnbutions? if "Yes," complete Schedule M 0 x 31 Did the organation liquidate, terminate, or dissolve and cease operations? Yes," complete Schedule N, Part} 31 x 32D the organcation sell, exchange, dispose of, or transfer more than 25% of ts net assets? if "Yes, complete ‘Schedule N, Part it 32 x 33. Did the organzation own 10036 of an entity disregarded as separate from the organization under Regulatons sections 301.7012 and 801 7701.3? I "Yes," complete Schedule Ri, Part | 33 x 94 Was the organzation related to any tax-exempt or taxable entity? IF-Yes," complete Schedule R, Parts i, IJ, 1V, and V, ine 1 Ens x 35 Is any elated organization a controled entity within the meaning of section 512(0)13)? 35, x ‘9 Dad the organization recewve any payment from or engage in any transaction with a controled entity within the meaning of ‘section 512(b)(13)? if "Yes," complete Schedule R Part V, ine 2 Ces LX] No 36 Section 501(0}3) organizations. Did the organzzaton make any transfers to an exempt non-chartable related organizaton? I1*Yes," complete Schedule R, Part V, tne 2 36 x 87 Dd the organization conduct more than 5% of ts activites through an entity that is not a related organzation ‘and that is treated as a partnership for federal ncome tax purposes? If "Yes," complate Schedule R, Part VI 37 x ‘38D the organization complete Schedule © and provide explanations in Schedule O for Part Vi, ines 11 and 19? Note, All Form 990 fiers are required to complete Schedule O 38 Form $90 (2010) 5 09581118 795695 5700-003 2010.04040 AUTISM SOCIETY OF AMERICA G 5700-021 Check Schedule O contans a response to any question n this Part V Yes] No ta Enter the number reported n Box 3 of Form 1096, Enter-0- not apple ‘0 d b Enterthe numberof Foms W:26 nclided mina ta Enter-0-# not anpicabe tp d «Di the organcation comply wih Backup winding rls fr rportabo ayents to vendors and epotale aaron (gaming) wnnings to prea wrners? te 2a Enter the number ot employees reported on Form W, Transm of Wage and Tax Statements ‘ind foc tha calendar yoar ending wath or wihin the year covered by this tum za 32) b Ifatleast one is reported on line 2a, did the organization fie all required federal employment tax retums? | 2b x Noto. the sum fins ta and 2 greater han 260, you maybe requred 0 @-fo (s mstuctons) {ais the organation have uneated business gross ncome o $1,000 or more dung he year? a| |x "Yes. hast fad Form 990 forts yer? If °No," row an exploration m Schedule O ‘2 44a At any me dunng the calendar year, i tho organization have anmteret nora satue or other author over & ‘nancial account na foreg county (uch as a bank account, secures account, or other rancal accoUn)? al |x b "Yes enterhe name of th foreign county: See nsttctons fr fing requrements for Form TD F 00221, Report of Foren Bank and Fnancal Accounts. fa Was the organzation a pay toa proned tax het trencacton at anytime dunng the tax year? en eater Did any taxable party notfy he orgenzaton that twas ora apart toa probed tx shetertraneacton’? | 1x If "¥os- tone a o Sb, dd the organzaton fe Form 8906-7? se 2 Dove the organzaton have annual ross recaps that ae roaly greeter han $100,000, and dt the organization sole any contributions that were not tax deductible? 6a x b I1"¥es- ce the organcatonmetide wah every sokctaton an oxpoas statement that such cntroutons o oft wore not tax deta? & 7 Organizations that may receive deductible contributions under section 174). Dit rpanaton cee paymentnexcass of $5 mas party a contbuton apart fr goodsand sevees ronsedtobepay0?| 7a | |X. b if-¥os- ad the organzaton notify the donor ofthe value ofthe goods or serces proved? Es «Did the ogancaton eo exchange, oratherwise depo of tangble personal property for whch was reared tole Form 22827 zl] lx 4 1-¥es- inca the numberof Forms 8282 fled dunng the year 7a Dd the oganzatonrecewe any funds, decty erect, to pay premiums ona personal benef contract? nl ix {Did the oganzaton, dung te yar, pay premume, cect or mdrect. on a personal benef contract? asl eaeX, 8 Ifthe organcationrcaned a contrbuton cf qaled ntelectal property, di the erganzaton fis Ferm 899 a8 requres? [7a f ttheorgancation rceveda conrbuton of cas, boats, planes, or oer vehicles, dd the oganzaton fea Form 1098-0? | 7h 8 Sponsoring oratzaons matting door ave uns and section S094) sppertng organizations te spparng rganaaton, ora donaradvsd fund manned by &ponsoang opanaate, have ees Duss hangs tary te dungheyea?|_B 9 Sponsoring organizations maintaining donor advised funds. 2 Da the organzaton make any taxable datrbutons under section 4967 se Del the organization make aditnbuton oa donr, done advisor, o related person? as 10 Section 501(0(7) organizations. Enter: 2: ntaton fees and captalcontnbutonsncided on Pat Vil, ne 12 tos © Gross recopts, cided on Form 98, Par Vil ne 12, or publ us of cub facies 100 11. Section 601612) organizations. Enter: 2 Gross ncome fom members 0” shareholders 10 © Grossimcome tem other sources (o nt net amounts due or pad to other sources against mounts i orecened trom them) + ‘20 Section 4947(a\.1) non-exempt charitable ust. Is the ocganzaton fing Form 860 be of Form 10417 ‘a © "Yes, enter the amount of axoxerpt terest recewed or accwed dung the Year vw 48 Section 601(ck29) qualified nonprofit heath insurance issuers. 2 tsthe oranation lensed to asve quae heath plans mere than one state? 7 Note. Seo the nstuustons for adetonal formation he organzaton must report on Schedule O b Enterthe amount of reserves the organation i requred to maa bythe states m whch the organzaton cenaed to e2ue qualtiog heat plane sp Emer amount ofreores on hand 126 “a_i te orancatonrecowe ay payments forindoor tanning sovices dung the tax year? waa] 1x "Yen" has fla a Form 720 to anor these payments? if 'No,*provde gn explanation Schedule O “0 Form 90,2070) 6 5700-021 09581118 795695 5700-003 2010.04040 AUTISM SOCIETY OF AMERICA G

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